The sun shone in through the windows, waking the Trickster God from his peaceful sleep. Opening his eyes, blinking away the sleep, he took in the form next to him. He smiled when he took note of the hand resting on his chest, the ring upon it shining brightly in the light. His hand taking hold of the one on his chest he smiled and said, "Dear, wake up. I have something to tell you."

Stirring slightly and then stretching the sleep from her bones, Michelle opened her eyes. She smiled when she saw Loki next to her, hair slightly dis-shevled. He for the first time noted her attire, or lack-there-of. "What is it Loki?"

Moving her to rest on top of him he said, "This is our first morning waking as God and wife."

He watched her face as the realization sunk in. He laughed light-heartedly. She smiled at him and kissed him with a passion he had never felt from her. It took him by surprise, his eyes going wide before composing himself once more and reacting to the kiss. His hands cupped her face holding her in place. He felt her chest rise and press against his, her hands running through his hair.

Breaking apart for air they both looked at each other and said, "I love you," Before merging their lips together once more.

They spent the morning in each other's arms, holding one another. Their room full of love, passion, and the reminder of their eternal vows. Loki knew that she was his forever, the same went for Michelle. They knew that this peaceful day would end, but they also knew that they would relish in it as long as they could.

Michelle finally rose from their bed, "Loki, I want a shower, I'll be back I promise!" She kissed him before heading for the bathroom.

Walking into the massive bathroom, she couldn't believe that Loki had actually bought an island for their honeymoon. Not rented, bought! He apparently had some friends in high places on earth. She didn't care who they were, she didn't need to know. All she knew was that the island was theirs, and it was Loki's gift to her. It was to be her escape when she felt overwhelmed.

Brushing through her hair she turned the water on. Making sure it was hot before stepping in she hung her head right under the streaming water. Sighing in content and relaxation she let her mind wander through the events of the previous night. Blushing slightly, due to her thoughts and the steam from the shower she lifted her head and wiped the water from her eyes. She made to turn to reach for the shampoo when she came face to chest with her husband, scaring the living daylights out of her, and subsequently slipping and landing right on her rump.

She heard her husband laugh heartily at her as he picked her up from the floor of the large walk-in shower. Rubbing her rump tenderly she said, "Loki, for Heaven's sake don't do that!" Yet despite herself, she laughed with him, her husband.

Loki smiled genuinely at his wife, "Michelle, I have been alive for thousands of years. I have seen many women attempt at stealing my heart. Then one day I come across this earth woman, this mortal, that assumed I enjoyed the company of other men and she changed my whole life. You never had to try to steal my heart, you simply did. And I do not think you could have found a more reluctant or stubborn God to have done so to. Yet here we are, and I will never let you go." He wrapped his arms around her frame a little tighter and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead before he felt her lips on his collar bone. He inhaled at the contact; she did this whenever she had something to say but had no idea how to phrase it. Secretly, Loki wished that she would be at a loss for words more often.

She finally found them it seemed as she leaned her head back to look at him. Her eyes twinkling and her wet locks sticking to her face, a sight that should have been funny, but all Loki could do was stare in awe, "Loki, for a mortal I have been alive for a while, and I've gone through some pretty tough things. I know that you would gladly go and kill those who put me through all that crap, and that's one of the reasons why I love you. You showed me how to live, how to have fun again. Most of all you showed me how to love again. You opened up my heart to the world again. Loki, I'm never letting you go."

The thoughts running through their heads were the same. They were of love, of passion, and of devotion. They were married, and they would never have to part. They had all eternity to be together, and they were most definitely going to make good use of that time together. Nothing would take them from each other, and nothing would pit them against each other. Loki held his wife in his arms as he carried her back to their bed. Hearing her giggle as he plopped her down on it he smiled. Her giggle, that angelic sound, was something he lived for. He always wanted to hear her giggle, it always made him smile.

They were husband and wife, the most trying part of their journey was over. Loki felt as if he could relax once more. He couldn't have known then how wrong he was. No, he had no idea then but he would soon found out.

Author's Note: I can't believe that Shocking Turn is over! Now I want to know what you all think of it! Please, tell me the honest truth! I enjoyed writing this story so much! At times I felt like I was Michelle, other's I felt like I was Annalina. I hope that this break didn't scare anyone off, because there is more to come!

Sure enough, the Trickster God and his new wife had to return to Asgard. Loki begrudgingly left his wife every morning since their return and joyfully returned to her each evening. They were so in love and the entire nine realms knew it. They knew that the Prince of Lies had met his match, that there was finally someone he could never tell a lie to.

The entire day Loki could only think of returning to his wife. He knew that she was walking in the garden, just as she always did at this time of day. She loved the roses and bloomed year round. It was a matter of minutes until he could race off to the gardens and hold his wife close to him once more. His impatience must have shone on his face fore his father cleared his throat.

Loki jolted to attention and smiled when he saw the warm expression on his father's face. He dipped his head and said, "Please forgive me father. I was elsewhere in my thoughts."

"As I have seen, you have been reading that parchment for the past thirty minutes. Please, clean up here and go to your wife. I do believe something troubles her for she had been pruning the same rose bush for the past thirty minutes as well." Odin informed his son as he left the library.
Loki flicked his wrist, causing his parchments to place themselves back on their respective shelves, and ran to the gardens. His beautiful wife was there, absentmindedly pruning the rose bush. He chuckled softly and caught her attention by saying, "If you continue your actions there will be no bush left."

She spun around and Loki noticed she seemed to glow. As if there was something to cause her to radiate joy. He cocked his head to the side and asked, "Michelle, what is it?"

She smiled yet did not utter a single syllable. She merely placed her hands on her lower stomach as if cradling it. She smiled even wider as Loki's eyes seemed to pop out of his head. His color drain momentarily but soon his face lit up as well when he heard his wife say, "Loki, you're going to be a daddy!"

Me: I truly hope that you all have enjoyed this little tid-bit! I hope it holds you over until I get the next story up!

Loki: I'm a daddy?

Me: I can't wait to post the newest story!

Loki: I'm a daddy?

Me: Tell me what you all thought!
Loki: *grabs me and shakes me gently* I'M A DADDY?

Me: Yes.

Loki: *lets me go* Oh… that shall be an adventure.