The night cast itself upon the village Noraton. A young woman ran; trying to escape the claws of her ever gaining predators. She ran, not knowing or caring where she was heading; only knowing that she had to out run the darkness that pursued her.

Morgana awoke with a fright, the bracelet her dear sister gave to her was suppose to keep the horrid nightmares at bay, but sometimes her nightmares were so powerful that not even the strongest of magics could stop them; the dream that Morgana had tonight was particularly vivid; a young woman- no more than the age of eighteen with blonde her that looked as if a drop of sunlight was cast upon her hair and trailed down her back an faded at her waist, with skin as pale as the moon itself, she somehow didn't look human with the beauty she possessed.

She fled, blinded by the nights sky into the cusp of a forest near the small village of Noraton, a pack of vicious men bounded towards her at a terrifying rate with swords and lit touches that lightened the dark.

It was too late for the woman to gain freedom; the leader of the pack who must have been three times the size of the pixieish lady charged up towards her and wrapped his massive arms around her body like a python sinking his teeth into the innocent prey.

The brutish man threw the woman onto the uneven ground and started to rip off her tunic as the other men gathered around the pair and watched with excitement. The girl begged the men to stop in their pursuit of unrequited pleasure, she screamed and tried to fight them off, but it was pointless...Or so it seemed; the winds stared to howl slowly while rain seemed to pour heavily from the skies, yet the men still seemed focused on the lady with the sun light hair; the man who had her pinned to the ground connected his huge hands to her jawline in a vice-like grip as he forced her into a crushing kiss.

The girl suddenly went silent and started to shake underneath the muscle bond man and then, with a animalistic scream and a golden glow of her eyes the men started to erupt into flames of fire, she screamed again, and the fire grew and dragged more men into her grasp. The man who directed the attack on the woman froze in as he watched the men he called his friends die by the woman's fire. He leaped off the woman who now lay motionless but was still awake on the ground, the man looked at her, fear masked his face

" I knew you had magic you awful woman and everyone should know."

He snatched his pocket knife from his pocket and ran back towards the lady with a bold determination pulled her right arm into his sight and lowered the knife menacingly, pausing as he smirked at the deed he was about to commit; he tightened his grip around her wrist and began to carve the letter 'M' into her skin while he clasped a meaty hand over the woman's mouth so that her screams of pain were muffed.

The pain seemed to reawaken the woman into a sense of realisation, the man noticed this to and with his work somewhat completed he took off in a sprint to try and escape the fate that happened to his friends earlier, but it was all too late; the lady took one last breath and screamed, the flames slowly rose once again and the woman turned her eyes to watch her demon of a man turn into flames.

Morgana knew the woman would still be somewhere in the forests; from what she remembered from her nightmare the mysterious woman had used a vast amount of raw magic that must have originated from the very crust of the old religion, it must have taken the remainder of what little energy the woman had left.

As Morgana trotted into the area she remembered from her nightmare there sat the woman at the base of one of the trees with her head rested on her knees which where raised to her chest, when she saw Morgana she jumped up like a frighted little cat. Morgana took her hands of the reins and held them in peace to try and calm the woman, she began to speak in a slow and calming voice to appease the woman's fear,

" It's alright, I'm not going to harm you, I only wish to help you."

The girl eyed Morgana as she spoke, as if she was looking into her soul, it set Morgana on edge; not even Merlin could make her feel the same uneasiness that this young woman was now.

"How do I know you're telling me the truth?" the woman questioned as Morgana began to cross the distance between them.

"You don't... But I can show you... Here, take my hand." by this time Morgana stood in front of the woman, but the woman shook her head in fear. Morgana sighed and tried again,

"My name's Morgana, what's yours?" this time the girl woman replied with a more confident answer.

"Ivy, my name's Ivy." her voice was hoarse and gruff from her screaming from the previous night.

"Will you take my hand? I want to show you that you can trust me." Morgana offered her hand again and this time Ivy took it with hope laced with curiosity.

A whirl of power surged as their hands touched, the two both gasped in shock; Ivy had never felt anything like it before while Morgana had only felt it with her sister.

Morgana showed Ivy her past, who to trust and who not to trust, whom included the King, the Prince, the Knights and of course the pesky servants, Gwen and Merlin!

After a while the two opened their eyes and looked at each other with pure wonder and excitement.

"Will you teach me about magic, all I've ever been taught about magic is that it's wrong and you'll go to hell if you practice." Ivy looked up towards Morgana with hesitantly.

"Yes I'll teach you as my sister taught me, I will show you right and wrong and how to handle your power. Come let's go back to my home and begin."

With that Morgana linked Ivy and lead them back to the hoarse. Neither of them could've known that their meeting was only just the beginning.