Six weeks after the death of the Archdemon
The Great Hall was a place transformed from the last time Kali had been there. She almost didn't recognize it as the place where Tamlen had killed Ferelden's greatest general, where Anora had betrayed the Grey Wardens and the nobles had gathered in their fear of the Blight.
Today, it was a place of celebration; Kali saw that the fears of the past seemed to have been easily dismissed. Golden tapestries, glittering with depictions of Ferelden's greatest moments of history, hung from the stone walls, enveloping them all with a sense of warmth and safety. Sparkling chandeliers, dangling from the ceiling, sent rays of light dancing across the large room as if twinkling with joy at their victory over the Blight. And the nobles! They were out in full force, dressed in their very best as if they had never huddled together in fear and desperation. They twirled and fluttered around the hall dressed in colorful silks, cloths of gold, and decorated with so many dazzling jewels it made Kali's head spin.
The newly crowned King of Ferelden, Alistair Theirin, stood before the assembly, in front of the two thrones, confident in his pride and shining in his joy. He was just finishing up a long speech about the Blight, those he chose to honor, and all the other formal stuff that Kali had quickly grown bored with. Standing next to him, her smile so radiant she could have lit up the room on her own, stood Kira, formally acknowledged as his future wife, the future Queen of Ferelden.
"Now," Alistair said to the gathered nobles, having finished everything he needed to say, "let the celebration begin!"
A joyous cheer sounded from the hall; everyone began to move about, some coming together in small groups to gossip and enjoy the celebration, but Kali noticed that some of the smiles around her seemed strained. She had listened to their gossip over the past few weeks, and knew enough to know that an Orlesian on the throne could never be a popular choice. In fact, there were many who were already whispering that perhaps Loghain had been right to fear Orlais, for here was one of their people, soon to take the Crown! What could one expect but that she would try to hand Ferelden over to the Empress?
Ashara had told her to ignore the rumors; Alistair and Kira already knew of them, there was no point in even acknowledging them. Besides, it did seem that there were many people, especially those who weren't nobility, that were happy for their new King. To see Alistair exuding such joy next to his future bride put genuine smiles on many faces. There were many others who claimed that perhaps now the country could settle into some sort of stability. With such a young, energetic couple on the throne, who could doubt that Ferelden would become a prosperous, peaceful place?
Kali stood near the tables of food–where she had quickly retreated after being forced to stand up there with Ashara while Alistair granted them boons for what they did–and smiled as she watched the new King and Queen step down from the dais to talk with some of the nobles. She knew that they would do a lot of good for Ferelden. Kira would be a strong, steady leader for the people, and would surely teach Alistair everything she knew, and Alistair would, no doubt, grow into a King that would be admired.
"There you are!" Kali was shaken from her thoughts as something big crashed into her, almost knocking her back into the table of food. She felt arms wrap tightly around her stomach in a giant hug and looked down to see the top of Shianni's head.
"Ugh, Shianni!" Kali gasped. "Let me go; I can't breath! Is this how you thank me for making you Bann of the Alienage; by killing me?"
Her cousin released her and straightened up with a giant smile. By the red splotches on her cheeks and the bottle of wine in her hand, Kali could tell that she was well on her way towards getting drunk. As if to prove Kali's thoughts, Shianni let out a very undignified snort. "Yes, I guess I should thank you, huh? Especially since the nobles are going to hate you after they hear what I have to say at the Landsmeet!"
Behind her, Kali saw Nelaros wiping tears of laughter from his eyes. Apparently, seeing Shianni snorting like a frolicking horse was a source of great amusement to him. "Sadly, I'm afraid Shianni has a point," he said. "You should hear some of the things she's planning to tell the nobles."
"And they can learn to shut up and listen!" the redhead said cheerfully. "It's about time us elves have a voice."
Kali grinned at her cousin's enthusiasm. Alistair had offered the suggestion that Kali should take the position of Bann of the Alienage, to give the elves a voice at the Landsmeet, but she had decided that the position go to Shianni. Kali would be spending most of her time with the Wardens in Amaranthine, but she knew that Shianni would fight with everything she had to ensure that the elves had a better life. She couldn't think of anyone better suited to the task.
"So, you're getting drunk to celebrate your new position?" Kali asked.
Her cousin took another drink of wine. "I'm getting drunk because there's free wine," she clarified.
"You might actually be able to give Oghren a run for his money." Kali turned to see Ashara walking towards them, with Anyu giggling and bouncing on her hip. She pointed towards the opposite side of the room, where the dwarf was swinging his ale around with Zevran and Tamlen; all three were singing a very raunchy song that had half the nobles around them laughing, and the other half scandalized.
Kali shook her head and Ashara grinned. "Oghren challenged them to a drinking contest, but I think they've forgotten that by now. I left when they got to the part about 'petals unfolding'."
Shianni almost spit her wine out when she heard that. "Oho! I need them to teach me that song! Come on, Nelaros." She grabbed his wrist and dragged him off towards the singing men.
Kali watched them go, unable to take the smile from her face. Ashara glanced at her. "Do you think Shianni will be a good Bann for the Alienage?"
"I do." Kali's smile widened. "She loves our people and she's not afraid of humans. She'll be able to make sure the nobles listen to her, and she'll have Nelaros there to help." Kali was unable to keep the happiness from her voice.
Just last week, Shianni had come to her to tell her that Nelaros had asked for her hand. They had grown close over the past year, and had soon developed feelings for one another. Shianni was afraid that Kali would be upset, since technically Nelaros was supposed to be her husband. But of course, Shianni hadn't known about Zevran, since Kali had been afraid to mention it the last time she had come to the Alienage. Once Kali had told her that she already found the man she loved, the two women had shared a good laugh at how scandalized the Alienage would be. Kali's betrothed marrying her cousin!
But, it turned out that Father had been fine with the match, though he was mildly irritated that he hadn't been consulted or asked for permission. He didn't exactly approve of Kali's relationship with Zevran, but Kali suspected that that had to do with the fact that Zevran had cheerfully explained his occupation as an assassin and how he and Kali had met, leaving out no detail. By the time he was finished talking about how he had tried to kill Kali, Father looked like he was going to pass out. In the end, all he said was that Adaia would have loved Zevran, and that as Kali was now recognized as Second to the Warden-Commander, she was free to choose her own path.
Besides, it seemed Father was growing exhausted with the three children he had raised. Between Shianni planning to marry Nelaros, Kali in a relationship with an assassin, and Soris' shocking announcement that he had fallen in love with a human, Father apparently just decided to give up trying to control them. He claimed that they all had inherited Adaia's independence and that he might as well accept their choices, though he was pleased that Shianni and Nelaros intended to stay at home and help take care of him in his old age.
All this thinking of love and relationships made Kali turn a smile to Ashara. "So, how does it feel to finally be a married woman?" Two weeks ago, the three Dalish Clans that had gathered to help end the Blight had thrown Ashara and Tamlen a beautiful mating celebration. It was the first big Dalish ritual Kali had ever attended, and she found it was even more beautiful than human weddings.
Ashara bounced Anyu on her hip, smiling down at the three month old. "Not that different, actually." She chuckled, then noticed Kira up near the dais, trying to catch their attention. "I think she wants to talk to us. Come on."
The two women walked through the crowd, and Kali saw many of the nobles celebrating their victory over the Archdemon–though Kali didn't remember any of them standing beside her or Ashara when they fought the Blight. To hear them talk, they had stood shoulder to shoulder with the Wardens. But, she shrugged it away; instead, turning her thoughts to what Kira might want. What else did they need to discuss?
Alistair had already gone over everything in his speech. He had formally recognized Ashara as the Warden-Commander and Kali as Second, he had given the Wardens the land of Amaranthine, and had decreed that a statue was to be erected for those who died against the Blight: King Cailan, Duncan, Aric, Sten, Riordan, and all the other soldiers. After naming Shianni as the new Bann of the Alienage, Alistair had even gone so far as formally granting land to the Dalish. He gave them a large part of the Brecilian Forest, a place he knew they already resided, a place Ashara told him they would feel more comfortable with. None of the Dalish had wanted to come to the celebration–being around so many humans would make them nervous–but Ashara was going to inform Keeper Marethari once things settled down.
Well, it was probably some other thing about Kira's coronation that would take place in another week. Ashara, Kali, Zevran, and Tamlen were all heading back to Amaranthine in the morning; they might not have a chance to speak with Kira before they left, so she probably wanted to remind them of something they needed to do. Kali had noticed that she and Ashara seemed to have much more responsibility now that they had a title.
As they made their way to Kira, Kali saw Wynne laughing with Leliana, Irving, and Greagoir, with Drake standing attentively by them. Kali smiled. She was glad to know that they had survived the Blight. Only Morrigan was missing, but they hadn't seen her since they had woken on top of Fort Drakon after the Archdemon was killed.
It seemed that as soon as the Archdemon had died, Morrigan decided to leave. Ashara had said that they shouldn't expect to see her again; as part of their arrangement, they weren't supposed to chase after her. Kali agreed–they had promised, after all–but part of her wished that they could at least see her again. To thank her for everything she had done, at least. And, Kali had to admit to herself that she wanted to see this baby Morrigan was going to have.
What kind of child would it be? With Morrigan as its mother, Kali seriously doubted that he or she would turn out to be a warm, enthusiastic child like Anyu. Rather, Kali had a mental image of a thoughtful, studious child with a heavily sarcastic mind. But Alistair was its father, maybe some of his traits would temper those of Morrigan.
They reached the front of the dais, where Alistair and Kira were speaking with a woman that Kali vaguely recognized. At the sight of them, Alistair smiled and nodded apologetically to the woman. "Forgive me, Bann Alfstanna, but we must speak with the Grey Wardens."
Bann Alfstanna nodded and smiled brightly to Ashara and Kali. "Ah, Wardens. I am sure you both have heard this in spades, but the Maker truly smiled upon us when he sent you to us in our time of need." The smile slipped a bit from her face. "And I wish both of you to know that Waking Sea shall not forget what you have done for my brother. Irminric has been taken care of by his fellow templars; they believe he shall make a full recovery."
Kali winced at the reminder of Howe's dungeon but Ashara smiled easily, no trace of hesitation on her face. She shifted Anyu, who was snuggling up against her chest as if ready for a nap. "I am glad to hear that he will recover."
"Thanks to what you did. You will always find a warm welcome at my estate, Wardens." With a polite nod of her head, Bann Alfstanna left to join some of the other nobles.
When she was gone, Alistair glanced around the hall and looked at Kira. "Do you think the others will miss us for a few moments?"
"It would not be seemly to disappear for too long," Kira said. "But if we are swift it should be no trouble."
Alistair nodded and gestured for Ashara and Kali to follow him and Kira to a corner of the room where they wouldn't be overheard.
"What's wrong, Alistair?" Ashara asked. "You look bothered."
He rubbed the back of his neck, looking hesitant. "You and Kali are going to Amaranthine tomorrow morning, aren't you?"
Ashara nodded. "Yes. We'll be back for your wedding and Kira's coronation, but we really need to help the new Wardens settle in."
Kali bit her bottom lip. In the short time she had been Second, she had already discovered that she hated putting people through the Joining ritual. It was horrible to watch someone die, but those recruits had been tainted by the darkspawn that had attacked Denerim. There had been no other option, and she had been told that out of the ten recruits, having only one person die was good. But it still bothered her.
"So," Alistair continued, "I won't have a chance to speak with you this evening. Better to speak now." He and Kira exchanged a glance. "This morning we received a letter from the First Warden of Weisshaupt."
Ashara raised an eyebrow. "And?"
"Well, he's already started asking questions about the Blight. A few of the soldiers have said that Kali here was the one who killed the Archdemon, and apparently the First Warden's gotten wind of it. He wants to know why she's still alive."
Ashara didn't seem too concerned. She leaned her cheek against the top of Anyu's head. "Well, we knew he was going to ask, didn't we?"
"Yes, but we had never decided on what to tell him," Kira said. "I suppose we could always claim that we do not know what happened, but I doubt he would truly believe that. I do know that we cannot simply tell him that we allowed an apostate to perform some unknown protection spell."
"Why not?" Kali asked. No one had ever explained why they had to keep it secret. "Why would the First Warden be angry about it? If it kept us alive, and the Blight was still ended?"
Kira shook her head. "They will want to track Morrigan down if such a thing were known. The Wardens are not a group to leave unfinished business." A wry smile crossed her lips. "One could almost say they are as secretive as the Seekers of the Chantry. They will want to seek Morrigan out, discover how much she knows of Warden secrets, find how she kept us alive and, if need be, get rid of her."
Kali was aghast at the thought of it. "They'd kill her? Just because she saved our lives?"
The future Queen looked almost apologetic. "I have never been to Weisshaupt, but Riordan once told me that they seem to enjoy holding power, and do not relinquish it lightly. They demand that their secrets remain secrets, and the First Warden cannot stand the thought that a fellow Warden may have knowledge he is not privy to."
"Well, he's just going to have to get used to it," Ashara said carelessly, with a hint of annoyance in her voice. "Duncan sent a message to him asking for aid against the Blight. Every other Warden in Thedas, including the First Warden, knew that Ferelden was under attack and all of them did nothing." Her eyes narrowed. "The First Warden can't just abandon us during a Blight, then suddenly decide that we should obey him. He doesn't command us."
Kira hesitated. "Ashara, you are the Warden-Commander of Ferelden. If you decide to cut ties with the First Warden, it could lead to a lot of problems."
"I don't care," Ashara retorted. "He abandoned us, Kira. He can rot in the abyss for all I care." She saw that Alistair was about to say something, and shifted Anyu so that she could hold up a hand. "Look, I'm not cutting ties with every Warden on Thedas. All I'm saying is that I have no intention of answering to the First Warden. He, and Warden-Commander Mikhail, who ruled that his Wardens should stay in Orlais, have no welcome here. Should any other Warden decide to come, they will be welcomed as our brothers and sisters."
Kira acknowledged her words, knowing that the final say rested with Ashara. "Very well. But, as Warden-Commander, you must be the one to write to the First Warden."
"All right." Ashara grinned, as if she was already planning what she was going to say. "Now, Kali and I should go find Tamlen and Zevran. We need to get them to sleep, or else they won't be able to help us get ready to leave in the morning."
"Then we'll say our good-byes now," Alistair said. "Travel safely; we'll see you in another week."
Eight weeks after the death of the Archdemon
Letter to Mikhail, Warden-Commander of Orlais
Dearest Mikhail,
This letter is to officially inform you that I can no longer be a member of the Grey Wardens, having taken up a duty that leaves me unable to serve my brothers and sisters. As you are no doubt aware, I have recently wed Alistair Theirin, King of Ferelden. I trust that this news comes as no surprise to you, as I have received well wishes from my cousin, Empress Celene, as well as from my mother, who suddenly wishes to renew her friendship with me. I have no doubt that you have been informed of the situation, yet I wished there to be no mistake between us. I can no longer serve the Wardens. My duty to Ferelden, a country that I have come to love, must come first.
Regretfully, I must also inform you that our brother Warden, Aric, was killed in battle while fighting the Archdemon. He died courageously, and will be missed by all of us here in Ferelden. His body was taken to Orzammar, where he was returned to the Stone and honored by the King of Orzammar personally, an honor I believe Aric would have wished. The ceremony was performed as is proper for a dwarf of his standing, and I have been assured that his name will be remembered in the Shaperate. King Bhelen has informed me that Aric's cousins in Orzammar shall take his father's family name, and shall be restored to the Warrior Caste. I believe this is what Aric would have wanted.
It also grieves me to inform you that our brother Riordan was tragically slain in Arl Howe's dungeons. His death was avenged, but the loss of such fine Wardens is a blow. We recovered Riordan's body, and he was burned in pyre as is proper with his Ferelden brothers and sisters in attendance. Both he and Aric are to be honored here in Ferelden; the Wardens here are building a memorial in Amaranthine to all that died during the Blight. Both men were good friends to me, and as their Warden-Commander I hope you will agree that everything was done that could be done to honor them.
I regret that you did not fight along side us, Brother. The Ferelden Wardens are a courageous group, and have ended the Blight in such a short time, a thing none of us could have believed. I myself would not have believed it, had I not been here to witness it first-hand. Our Warden-Commander and her Second have united a country, and I am sorry that my fellow Orlesian Wardens were not there to be part of it, for surely it would have done us all good.
Trusting that this letter finds you in good health as it leaves me,
Kira Theirin, Queen of Ferelden
Letter to the First Warden of Weisshaupt
First Warden,
I've been told that you have many questions regarding what happened during the Blight, and that you have informed my king that you expect those questions to be answered. Leaving aside the fact that you turned to my king, when you know that I am the Warden-Commander of Ferelden, I'm writing to tell you that you're going to have to remain disappointed.
Since you seemed quite content to abandon Ferelden during the Blight, I'm sure you'll understand when I say I'm content to return the favor and tell you that I have no intentions of answering to one such as you. Kira has told me that I'm expected to send you regular reports of who passes the Joining so that you can keep track of our Wardens, and that I'm supposed to send you regular updates of what we're doing. Well, that's not going to happen. You can do what you like in Weisshaupt, and I'll do what I like in Ferelden.
A lady known as Mistress Woosley, who claims that you sent her to keep an eye on our financial situation, is carrying this letter. She said that you want to measure our success so that other Wardens can attempt to hold titles and land for their own. Well, I told her that you have no right to keep track of us, and I dismissed her from Vigil's Keep. She put up quite a fight, but I'm sure you've heard of my amazing persuasion skills, and of the loyalty of the Wardens who live with us. Soon enough, she saw things from our point of view and agreed to leave.
But I warn you: if you send any more people to keep an eye on Amaranthine, I can't promise to return them to you in such good condition as Mistress Woosley, who now has the most peculiar fear of crickets.
Hoping to never hear from you,
Ashara Mahariel, Warden-Commander of Ferelden
Vigil's Keep
Nine weeks after the death of the Archdemon
Ashara and Kali stood on the battlements of Vigil's Keep, looking down into the courtyard where the new Wardens were training. Kali grinned to herself to see Zevran there with the others, showing some of the rogues how to blend into the shadows. It reminded her of all those times at camp, when he had spent hours patiently teaching her how to use her natural skills. Zevran had decided that although he didn't want to go through the Joining–claiming there were some fluids even he wouldn't touch–he would still help train new Wardens and stay with her at Vigil's Keep.
He felt her eyes on him and glanced up. When he saw her watching he threw her a naughty wink before turning back to the new Wardens.
Kali flushed slightly and glanced at Ashara, who would probably tease her about it, but Ashara was busy watching Tamlen, who was walking around some of the new Wardens at the archery range, showing them how to hold their bows properly.
"Can you believe we're actually alive?" Kali asked quietly, still amazed to be out here, feeling the cool breeze on her skin. It was amazing to think that she was standing at Vigil's Keep, recognized as Second to the Warden-Commander, known as the one who killed the Archdemon. Heck, she couldn't even believe she had killed the Archdemon!
Ashara let out a laugh, a true girl's laugh that was lighter than Kali had ever heard. "No, I really can't. I'm not going to lie, ashalan, I almost didn't expect us to survive it. But, we came out of it intact." She glanced at her arm, where the skin of her left arm was puckered and pale from where the shriek's claws had caught her. She and Wynne had been able to heal most of the damage, but Ashara had to train with it daily to keep her mobility. "Well, almost intact."
Kali couldn't help but laugh with her; it was hard to be concerned about injuries against the greater joy of their survival. She lifted her shirt up a bit to show Ashara the deep scars on her stomach from where she had been attacked by the Archdemon's claws. The skin was white, bumpy, and very obvious, but she couldn't even bring herself to care. They were alive! "Zevran said that scars like these are attractive. He says they make us look dangerous."
Ashara's laugh echoed against the stone walls of the Keep; they were still drunk on their happiness. "He would say that, wouldn't he?" She leaned forward and smiled up at the bright blue sky. "You know, Keeper Marethari is bringing the Clan near Amaranthine soon. She wants us to visit her."
"Really? Isn't she going to stay in the Brecilian Forest with the others? I thought the Dalish would start trying to build homes soon."
"Apparently she's planning to take the Clan north, towards Kirkwall. She says that with the Blight ended in Ferelden it's time to move on; she wants to pass the word to the northern Clans and invite them to join the others in the Brecilian Forest."
Kali was intrigued at the thought of Dalish clans from other countries. "Do you think they'll come?"
Ashara shrugged. "I'm not sure. If Marethari meets with their Keepers and explains the situation, they might decide that having land is worth a little risk, but it'll be hard for them to trust a promise that a human makes." She shook her head and then smiled. "But just think what this means! The Clans will know that we have land of our own! They'll know that two of the Elvhen ended the Blight, that one of them actually killed the Archdemon! Between Shianni being a respected member of the Landsmeet and the Dalish having land of their own, our cousins will know that we really can change our lives!"
Kali was grinning, catching her enthusiasm. "Then we've already started, haven't we? Our promise to help our people."
"We have! We'll start our work here in Ferelden. With Alistair and Kira helping us to bridge the gap, I think we can make everyone equal."
Kali leaned forward on the battlements, smiling happily. "So when is Marethari coming? I'd like to visit your Clan again."
"By next week. She says that she has a special task she needs to do before they move north."
It was Ashara's sly grin that alerted Kali. "What is it?"
"She wants to formally induct you as a member of our Clan."
Kali gaped at the Dalish woman. "Really?"
"Of course! After everything you've done, why would you be surprised? You'll be welcomed among any of the Elvhenan, formally known as our sister!"
Kali flushed at the thought of it. "I... I think I'd like that."
Ashara was beaming. "Good! There's going to be a huge celebration! Dancing and singing! And Hahren Paivel will make that fruit juice you said you love!"
As Ashara continued on with how the celebration would go, and plans for all that they were going to do for their people, Kali looked up at the clear blue sky. Are you watching me, Mama? You always told me that I was meant to do more than live as a poor elf in the Alienage. I hope you're proud of me. She didn't receive a reply to her thoughts, but it almost felt like her mother was smiling down on her.
Kali couldn't seem to stop smiling. She felt like she had finally found her place in life. Sure, she had the taint still flowing in her veins; her life expectancy wasn't all that great, but at least she could have a life. A life as something more than an unwilling bride or a poor elf.
For the first time, Kali could look towards the future with hope.
A/N: Omg this story is finished! This was my first attempt at a full, novel-type fanfic, and I can't believe it's completed! :D I've learned so much about writing this past year, mostly due to the wonderful people over at CMDA, who are always around to offer suggestions or advice. I owe you guys a lot for all of your help.
Thank you to everyone who stuck with this, or who started reading and continued on. Your thoughts, suggestions, and comments were so appreciated; I adored each and every review I got. I really can't thank you guys enough! Thank you also to those of you reading; it makes me so happy to know that there are people who enjoyed this! :D
A very special thank you goes to Kira Tamarion, my beta goddess, for all of your help. You've been my beta for roughly forty chapters; I really don't know what I would have done without your encouragement and help. And, because of you, I found the addition of Kira's character, who became so much bigger than I originally thought. Your writing has been such a huge inspiration to me since I first started reading way back at the first rough draft of EoaS, when Ashara was the only Warden and Kali didn't exist.
For those of you interested, Ashara and Kali's journey isn't quite finished yet. Their story continues in the next part: Eye of the Storm. The first chapter will be posted tomorrow morning.
Thank you again to everyone for your support and encouragement. I can't tell you how much its meant to me.