Haha hello, again! I seem to be publishing a lot, lately, don't I? a couple hours ago I had what was essentially a writing epiphany, I guess, and I had to start writing out this awesome story. I've got so many things going on right now! But that's okay. I've got so much free time! XD

Disclaimer : Still don't own any part of this beautiful franchise... Enjoy!

It was unfortunately dark that night with a heavy rain falling from the endless, starless sky. Every time she would look back, every single glance she tossed back at the beautiful crystal tower, she could only sigh sadly at the dark clouds that seemed to swallow her previous home. Lightning wasn't sure when exactly it was. She didn't know how many years had passed since the Fall of Cocoon. She didn't feel any older; she didn't look and older, either, but she was positive that at least some years had passed. She was anxious to find what was the city of New Bodhum. She at least knew which direction it was in. She had no idea who would have put a great map of Gran Pulse here, but it was a magnificent idea, even though a lot of areas were marked with question marks. Clearly they hadn't discovered all of Pulse yet. She could help with that.

Lightning drew a couple writing implements from her bag, and began to sketch out the undiscovered areas of Pulse. She didn't know how long ago this was updated, but she could at least help. She wasn't very artistic, but it would suffice. Now other people would know about the rest of the land, the creatures, and the few leftover towns that she had come across upon her travels. Yes, she would at least be helping with something.

If she still couldn't help Cocoon, then surely she would help in some other way. She hadn't been there to help rebuild their new world… No, she had fled like a coward, searching for something that wasn't possible. Back then-however long ago it was- she felt something. Almost like someone was calling out to her. But she was wrong. She was so far off from the truth of things that it almost made her sick. She had failed. Lightning hadn't just failed those close to her; she had failed herself. She allowed herself to give into a moment of weakness, rather than experiencing important occurrences like her own sister's wedding. Lightning knew that Serah and Snow wouldn't wait for her to come back; he would have convinced her eventually. And by now, they would have a big, happy family.

Serah might even have…grandchildren.

Lightning didn't want to see it. She didn't even want to think about it. She knew Serah would be unhappy raising her children without their…aunt. Yes, that's what she would be, now, isn't it? Lightning took one final look at the map that she had near completed. She had stalled long enough. She stood from her place on the cold, wet ground, and headed toward the lovely city of New Bodhum.

She had to wonder, though. Where was everyone now? Had Dajh grown up into a fine, young man like his father? If not, was he in school? Did Sazh get remarried? What about Snow's stupid NORA gang? Had they dispersed into more respectable careers? If they'd kept up their mindset of no obligations, rules, or authority, than surely not. Would Lebreau have opened up another café like the one she had on Cocoon? Though Lightning didn't quite agree with the concept, that beachside café held quite the promising reputation. And what became of Hope?

Hope…how old was he now? Is his father with him? What was he doing? What sort of job did Hope have? Was he a man now? Did he look any different? Surely he would… Where was he? Did he even stay in New Bodhum? Or did he travel to accommodate with his job? She felt a sort of lonely hurt tug at her heart when she thought of the boy. She knew it wasn't anything that her sister could fix… This wasn't a loneliness that Serah could shoo away with her presence. No, it was a hurt that only the strong hold of a lover could treat. She had been so lonely on her thoughtless journey. She thought about everyone more than often, but…she thought about Hope the most. Lightning was constantly asking herself. "What's he doing now? What is that smart kid thinking up now?"

She often had dreams about reuniting with everyone. It was always different with every place she settled down for the night. While she rested in Oerba for a time, she dreamt of meeting up with a man who was tall, had silver hair, and the most beautiful green eyes she had ever seen. In her dream, she saw this man tinkering around with small mechanical devices like manadrives, and things that looked suspiciously a lot like Bhakti. The man would turn toward her with a smile that reminded her so much of Hope, and hand her the same knife that she had given to Hope. Though his mouth would move, she never heard a word. About the fourth night she'd had the dream, she heard a familiar boy's voice filling the soft silence. The voice would say, "You left this behind. It's important, right?" Lightning would quickly reach out to the man, ignoring the knife, and desperately try to ask, "Who are you?" Though, every time, without fail, she would wake up before the words could leave her dream-self's mouth.

Lightning hadn't even noticed that through her deep reminiscing, she had crossed the border into New Bodhum. Where would she start? It was late at night; no one would be up to tell her where her sister resided. So, she walked. She trudged through the great city through the heavy rain, going from district to district until she spotted a sign that had a map of all of the near-by living residential areas and its occupants. Her cerulean eyes widened at the name Villiers in the corner of the eastern neighborhood.

She broke out into a full-on run, only being weighed down by the rain that had soaked her to the bone. She couldn't stop now; it had been too long. Lightning had put so much effort into seeing-and saving- her sister beforehand, then she tossed it all aside for a search that was doomed to fail from the start. She wouldn't ever admit it, but she almost felt like she had wasted precious time spent with her sister. When they still lived on Cocoon, Lightning had grown to almost flat-out ignore her sister, thinking that the only thing she could do to help was to be the provider, and nothing more. To this day, she deeply regretted how she carried out the task of caring for her beloved baby sister. She swore to herself that as soon as she saved Serah, that she would rebuild that bond that had been long forgotten. And then? When the time came, she fled.

Her legs slowed to a slow walk as she approached the beautiful pale yellow house. Her legs couldn't carry her much farther than the door as she slowed to a stop in front of the door. She raised a pale hand and hesitantly, very hesitantly knocked on the door; once, twice, three times. She felt a little bad; everyone was probably asleep. After a few nerve-wracking minutes, she saw light begin to stream from one of the windows, and was nearly blinded by the porch light above her coming to life.

Lightning froze as she heard the locks being turned; the sound was almost deafening over the sound of the heavy rain. She could run—now wasn't the best time, right? No, she decided. She wouldn't run anymore. No matter how much she opposed it, she needed to stay put. She couldn't leave her sister behind again.

She sharply inhaled when the door was slowly cracked open, and almost winced at the widened eyes of her brother-in-law. He could only stare at the top of her head, as she refused to look directly at him. He saw her crack open her mouth one, two times, but no words would come from her. Snow placed a hand on her shoulder and drew her into a hug, patting the top of her soaked head.

"..come on in, sis..You've gotta be freezing." With a heavy sigh, he pulled her into the house and flicked her on the head. Tonight would be a long night.