So, here begins my first fanfiction attempt! Feel free to leave a review and tell me what you think of it! Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS:LA! *By the way, this story is set sometime between Deeks coming to NCIS and Hetty leaving*
Chapter One
Monday, September 20
Not for the first time, NCIS Special Agent Kensi Blye's morning was interrupted by a piercing whistle. The sound startled her, and she jumped like a cat, nearly spilling a steamy cup of coffee across her paperwork.
"Everyone up to Ops!" The techie called brightly from his place on the building's balcony, obviously unaware that he had woken Kensi from a near-doze.
"You're looking refreshed, Kensi." Deeks quipped as he breezed past her.
"My neighbor's damn dog was yapping all night," She swiped a hand across her face. "And this morning my car wouldn't start, so I hopped the downtown bus and ended up almost missing my stop." Kensi contemplated smuggling her coffee into Ops but decided against it. Being alert this morning wasn't worth Hetty's wrath about the breach of her 'no food or drinks' policy in the techie's headquarters.
Speaking of Hetty...
The director's tiny figure was unmistakable, surveying them from a position atop the stairwell. Kensi was immediately glad that she had opted to abandon her steaming mug of coffee, and even more so when Hetty beckoned to her.
"Agent Blye," The little director cleared her throat. "My office, if you will."
"Of course." Kensi followed Hetty down the main stairs, through the bustle of a typical day at the OSP's headquarters. Agents rushed past laden with folders, racks of clothing, cardboard boxes. They spoke rapid-fire into headsets, cell phones, checked wristwatches, always alert.
Hetty's office was a stark contrast to this: dimly lit, every surface draped with rich cloth or crowded with artifacts (some of which Kensi was certain belonged in a museum somewhere). The only sound was the soft ticking of a grandfather clock in the corner. Hetty adjusted some folders on her desk, shifting a couple of teacups in the process.
"I have an assignment for you, Agent Blye."
At once, Kensi's ears perked up. "Undercover?"
"Yes." Hetty eyed her closely for a moment before pressing into Kensi's hands a thin folder. "Operation Yellowknife."
Kensi flipped through the folder, her eyes skimming over the information. It was scant, to say the least. "So, I'll be recovering a stolen..."
"Microchip." Hetty confirmed. "It contains information vital to national safety."
Sounds interesting. Kensi leafed through the few papers in the folder. "And an informant will be giving the chip to Anita Gray and Damian Brock." She paused, then added, "Which will be me, and a partner."
"That is correct." Hetty fussed with her large eyeglasses for a moment, watching Kensi carefully. "It could take as long as two months."
"Two months in—" Kensi flipped hastily to the front page. "Yukon territory? As in...Alaska?"
"The northernmost area of North America. Or close to it, at least."
"I'll be undercover as Anita Gray." Kensi felt confident that she could assume this role. "And who will be my partner?"
"Agent Hanna."
Sam! Kensi felt greatly relieved—she had worked with Sam for a while now, and trusted him like a brother. "Great! When do we leave?"
"In three days," Hetty shuffled a thick stack of papers on her desk's cluttered surface. "From Los Angeles Air Force Base. Since you'll be staying in a remote location, supplies will be provided."
Every word reverberated with the promise of adventure and excitement. Kensi, who had never been north of Oregon, was thrilled. "Will it snow?"
"It's only mid-September," Hetty reminded her. "Snow is unlikely."
"That's good, I guess," Kensi fought to keep a smile from her face. "We'll bring home that microchip. Thank you, Hetty."
"You are most welcome, Agent Blye." Hetty gave her a firm smile, a motherly look as Kensi left the office.
An assignment! She strolled back to Ops, eager to start planning with Sam.
A lot can go wrong in three days time. On Tuesday morning, Kensi found herself once again seated in Hetty's office. This time, however, she was staring at the Director with disbelief.
"He broke his arm?"
"Training, I'm afraid." Hetty gave her a sympathetic smile. "As I'm sure you can imagine, Agent Hanna was extremely disappointed. Going undercover is far too dangerous for him at the moment."
"I'm just glad that he's okay." Kensi said, and meant it. Then another thought crept into her head, not nearly as pleasant. "So, I'll be partnered with..."
"Another member of the team." Hetty replied.
Please make it Callen. Pleasepleaseplease let it be Callen. Callen, Eric, Nell, that weird guy who works in the mail room—hell, anyone but...
"Hey, partner!" The smiling visage of none other than Marty Deeks appeared in the doorway.
Kensi's stomach sank. It wasn't that she didn't trust Deeks as a cop—he was a good cop and a great partner, and they had learned to respect each other and work together well—but spending two months in the wilderness with him could only lead in one direction. The wrong one.
"Deeks." Kensi forced a smile. He grinned back, clearly oblivious to her trepidation.
"I hope you're all packed for tomorrow!" Deeks commented as they left the building together. "Callen's picking us up at seven."
"I know." Kensi replied somewhat shortly. Deeks seemed not to notice.
"I've never been to Alaska before."
"Me neither."
"It'll be awesome."
"We'll be on a dangerous mission."
"...still." Deeks clapped her shoulder and swaggered away. Kensi watched him go, tan and attractive, in a surfer-guy kind of way, and good lord so damn annoying. She rolled her eyes.
It was going to be a long two months.
So...what did you all think? Shout it out with our dear friend the review button! Any comment/criticism is totally welcome, as are suggestions! Thanks to everyone who took the time to read!