Castle and Beckett: Fifty Things

By: DemonClowSorceress

Fifty Things, number seven! Geez, I have no life if I'm this far along. Now, without further ado, Castle and Beckett!

Disclaimer: I don't own Castle, that right belongs to ABC and Andrew W. Marlowe.

#1 - Coffee

It's a familiar ritual that they've had forever. It's also an adorably obvious sign of affection.

#2 - Chair

Two of his favorite places in the world could be viewed from two very different thrones.

#3 - Muse

She never realized just how much the relationship meant to him.

#4 - Badge

It was truly her shield, protecting her from the world that had hurt her. But to him, it was just a bit of metal.

#5 - Fixture

He'd become the 12th's unofficial mascot or something.

#6 - Snicker

"Why the hell must she always be NAKED?" Beckett yelled, making more than one head whip around in surprise.

#7 - Greetings

He always had something witty to say when she called him.

#8 - Calender

The days had completely blurred together until she walked up to him three months after hell.

#9 - Wife

With all the advice, heartache, and laughs she gave him, she really was the closest he had to one.

#10 - Midnight

It was a dark and stormy night...when he heard a knock at his front door.

#11 - Initial

She knew the second he turned around that he was going to be trouble.

#12 - Fidget

Riding a desk made her an anal-retentive OCD mad woman.

#13 - Crash

It's rare that she is so physically dependent on him, but Castle doesn't complain or crow about it.

#14 - Honorable

He didn't tell her how he felt. He couldn't monopolize her happiness or bear her rejection.

#15 - Apples

That word got a lot of use with them.

#16 - Towel

His throat constricted as his eyes bugged out in shock. "Beckett? What the...?"

#17 - Natalie

Being completely copied from hair to habits was creepy. Being asked by said copy to sleep with Castle was beyond wrong.

#18 - Reconsider

Believing in magic was pointless...wasn't it?

#19 - Poker

With pride and gummy bears on the line, they squared off to settle the stalemate.

#20 - Plotlines

You had to admit, sometimes the writer really did come in handy. His mind could process more scenarios than most cops ever considered.

#21 - Mystery

He knew he'd never completely solve her. But that's what intrigued him.

#22 - Motivation

She knew exactly how to light a fire under his lazy butt.

#23 - Fight

The day after that, he stopped showing up.

#24 - Intervention

Lanie all but dragged her down to autopsy and shouted, "Girl, stop second-guessing yourself and go kiss that man senseless!"

#25 - Disappearance

The discovery made him vanish within himself, and Beckett was the only one who could talk him back.

#26 - Daughter

Alexis would worry about him, but she felt that she was leaving him in good hands.

#27 - Turnabout

Fair play is fair play.

#28 - Declaration

They were not expecting their super-serious Beckett to shout "Bam, said the lady!" and slap Castle a high five.

#29 - Snippets

They drop little hints about their pasts that only make them want to know more.

#30 - Johanna

She smiled when she heard her brunette daughter's laughter mingling with her husband's.

#31 - Searing

He couldn't get her out of his mind. She couldn't keep him out of her thoughts.

#32 - Pigtails

He couldn't help pulling at them. He had the irrational fear that if he didn't, he'd lose her.

#33 - Green

Jealousy did not suit either of them. And yet they continued to wear it out and about.

#34 - Impression

First thing every new person asks, without fail: "Are you two together?"

#35 - Wordsmith

Funny how when it came down to the wire, he couldn't say a damn thing to stop her.

#36 - 3XK

When the bodies started to drop, she made sure Castle was never out of her sight for a moment.

#37 - Ring

It hung from her neck like Marley's chains, its links forged not from mistakes, but regrets.

#38 - Child

She really found his immaturity kind of endearing. Annoying, but cute.

#39 - Intersection

Sometimes they almost met up, but some obstacle always had one veering away before arrival.

#40 - Crutch

She never admitted it, but his novels really kept her going through everything.

#41 - Magic

He didn't want ordinary, and he never got it with her.

#42 - Rise

Like a phoenix, he knew she'd emerge from the ashes in a vibrant display of fire.

#43 - Cuddle

Long days at the precinct sometimes demanded time on the couch.

#44 - Universe

He believed that it kept them together. She thought it had a twisted sense of humor.

#45 - Always

It's their own special, understated, completely unique way of saying everything that ever needs to be said.

#46 - Character

He didn't like playing favorites, but he'd always had a soft spot for Nikki that never completely faded.

#47 - Telepathy

It was a weird gift, and they used it far too much to be considered normal.

#48 - Serenity

She woke up content. Something that hadn't happened in many years.

#49 - Ghostwriter

For sh*ts and giggles, she opened the Word document on his laptop and started typing.

#50 - Partners

Castle and Beckett, Heat and Rook. It took a killer to bring them into being, and several more to forge an unbreakable bond.

So, what do you think? Hate it? Love it? Want one-shots?

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