Phineas sat on his bed. He found himself checking his phone multiple times a second. Not that anyone could blame him. He wasn't actually expecting to get anything, not after what he'd done, but if he did he wasn't going to miss it. He knew he'd screwed up, but he also knew there was nothing he could do to fix it. His life had lost all meaning. He hadn't talked to anyone in a week and had basically locked himself in his room. A self imprisonment, because he knew he deserved to be punished for what he had done; anyone who heard what he had done would have agreed, anyone who saw him would have said he suffered enough. It all went down the crapper for Phineas starting about 5 months ago.

Phineas and Isabella had been dating for almost a year now. Phineas was still working on his relationship abilities, he had never thought anything was really good enough for Isabella despite her praise and admiration towards everything he did. Nothing was ever perfect for him because he never thought it was perfect for Isabella. They loved each other. Phineas was just still working out how to show Isabella, perhaps if he had outgrown his obliviousness yet he'd have realized that the only thing that Isabella ever wanted was him, and that being with him made everything perfect for her.

Isabella had been out of town for a week visiting relatives so Phineas was feeling about as down as ever, which still wasn't much for him. He went to a diner to get some pancakes for dinner to cheer himself up when he noticed someone was crying in the booth behind him

"Excuse me, but is everything alright?" he said with genuine concern for this person he didn't even know

"Oh yea.. well no but.. its okay my boyfriend just dumped me." Phineas was a little surprised, why would someone dump her?

"I'm sorry to hear that... hmmm what's the absolute most amazing thing you've ever eaten?" The girl looked at him confused but thought on it for a second

"This one strawberry ice cream I had once. It had chocolate fudge chucks in it with skittles and gummie bears. Why do you ask?" Phineas was already on his phone

"Did you get all that?... Good. When will... 6 seconds not bad." He hung up. He was still looking at the girl over his seat when a delivery man arrived.

"Food delivery for Phineas Flynn?" Phineas signed for it and put it down in front of the girl. She opened it skeptically and saw the ice cream

"How did you do that?"

"I have my ways."

"Wait did he say Phineas Flynn? As in Danville's famous Phineas Flynn?" Phineas smiled and nodded yes "Well please take a seat have some of this, they delivered WAY to much anyway." Phineas and the girl, whose name he found out to be Amanda, talked and ate for about an hour. He saw her for the next week while Isabella was gone. When Isabella came back she asked him what he did while she was gone. Immediately his mind went to Amanda but at the same time his hand went to his ear, and his mouth said "Nothing much."

Phineas continued to hang out with Amanda and lie to Isabella about it. People would think Isabella would be able to tell when Phineas lied after having known him so long. But Phineas had very rarely lied to her about anything so she didn't have much past experience to go off of.

About a month to two months after meeting her Phineas realized what was happening between him and Amanda but he did nothing to stop it. He felt as though he didn't have to try as hard to please her, despite getting much fewer compliments than from Isabella. Truth be told, he didn't like Amanda in any comparable way to the way he loved Isabella. But having someone who liked him that he felt virtually no obligation to impress felt amazing to Phineas.

After they had been seeing each other for 3 months Amanda kissed Phineas while they were at a movie. Phineas didn't hate it, or try to stop it for that matter. Kissing naturally felt good but Phineas was so relaxed kissing Amanda. Whenever he kissed Isabella his body would tense up, he would start sweating, and his heart would race, but with Amanda it was so relaxing; it required no effort.

4 and a half months into it Phineas realized he had to stop what he was doing. He had known it was wrong a majority of the time, and at first it was nice to get out of the narrow realm of good. He knew he had to break it off with Amanda before something went terribly wrong. He decided to meet Amanda and break it off. He was sitting at the table across from Amanda

"Amanda there's something I have to say."

"You can't say anything until I get another kiss" They shared a quick kiss unaware of the girl in pink who had just dropped everything she was holding in front of the restaurant and was heading for the door.

"Okay Amanda its been great to spend this time with you but I can't do this anymore. I have a girlfriend and I love her and I like you but I just don't feel the same way and someone is going to get hurt if I keep up this lying. I've never lied to someone in my whole life and I've been doing it daily for months. I'm sorry but I love her too much to lose her because I'm being stupid." Amanda looked at her ex-boyfriend with full understanding. She knew he was a naturally nice person and she knew he would never purposefully get in this situation.

"The only question is why are you telling me you love her, instead of just telling her." Phineas mouthed a thank you dropped money for the food on the table and began jogging out of the restaurant. He saw Isabella about halfway there

"Isabella! I have to tell you I lo.." Isabella hit Phineas square in the side of the face with tears in her eyes. Amanda was walking out of the restaurant when she saw Phineas on the ground.

"Oh my god what happe.." Isabella hit Amanda square in the side of the face too. She spat on them as they worked to get up

"Hope your happy together." she hissed before fleeing out of the building

"Isabella wait!" Phineas said running to where he had seen her, still a little dazed from the hit and was stumbling all the way to the door. He got outside and was blinded by the sun. He looked around everywhere. She was lost in the crowd "ISABELLA!" he shouted at the top of his lungs falling to his knees "come back" he finished softly

And here he was two weeks later, blocked from her on every social network Isabella was on and not getting any messages back. Phineas knew he could look all over the world and never find a single person he loved as much as he loved Isabella. Sometimes people get second chances, at a competition, at life, at love. But Phineas knew he wasn't going to get a second chance unless that second chance was given to him by Isabella. There was no-one out there who could make him feel like everything he did was perfect when it wasn't. Even when Phineas's optimism had faulted in the past Isabella had been there. She never needed to even tell him everything would be okay, because he had her, and that made everything okay. But he didn't have her now, he didn't deserve her now. He knew the way he felt now was just as strong as she had felt when she saw him two weeks ago. Phineas was giving up on Isabella forgiving him, if he were in her place, actually he would take her back in a heartbeat, but this was different. The only thing he could hope for was that she would be happy. He had called her many times already but he decided once more wouldn't hurt. He was going to leave a message saying he would stop leaving messages, that he understood he made a mistake and didn't expect to be forgiven, and to tell Isabella to find happiness. He waited for Isabella's happy answering machine to mock him one last time with her usual cheerful voice. But instead a different voice came through. It was the same voice but it was filled with sadness, hurt and strangely some joy. It said
