Sonic sat in the park, watching the clouds in the light turquoise sky. He signed a few autographs for fans, but his mind was something else… Amy. He had always liked Amy, but could never tell her. That blasted Robotnick would come with some plan to capture her. He wanted so bad to be with Amy, maybe have kids someday. A slight blush appeared as he thought of himself as a father, with Amy as his lover.

Meanwhile, a dark blue machine was being assembled. "Your mission is to find and destroy Sonic the hedgehog at any costs." A male voice said as a mechanical arm placed a blue arm with grey hands on a blue jet engine. "You can become the best, better than the fastest thing alive." Another arm was placed on the engine, along with a leg with red robotic feet. "From this point on…" The final leg was attached. "You will be known as Metal Sonic." A blue robotic head that resembled Sonic's was placed on the top of the engine. A dark screen coved the area where Sonic's eyes are. Two red optic eyes appeared and saw a fat man wearing a red overcoat.

Metal Sonic was released from the straps that held him in place. "Destroy Sonic, your nemesis!" The fat man cackled as the engine that was Metal's body started turning and a loud whirring sound filled the dark lab. A large door opened as Metal shot out. He was frightened when the sun enveloped him. He stood still until he realized the bright object could not harm him. Metal was capable of Internet access, so he searched the bright object in the sky. "Object called sun." Metal said to himself, and heard a series of clicks and whistles. He had expected himself to sound like his creator.

After Metal searched other random things, he found a file and immediately hated it. It had the picture of a cobalt hedgehog. "Sonic…" Metal again heard clicks as he said this. He scanned through the files about his target. He found out that he hated water. Metal could use this to his advantage, he also found where he lived, Mobotropolis.

Metal shut down the search and opened up a map of the world, and he then selected a continent, and then found Mobotropolis. He selected the shortest route and flew off to find the blasted hedgehog named Sonic. As Metal entered the town, he was received with many odd looks and glances.

Sonic was now walking home from the park when he saw Amy running towards him. She clutched him as if he were a giant teddy bear she had won from an amusement park. "I've found you Sonic!" She said as he chuckled. "Sure did, know what did you want?" Sonic asked as Amy giggled. "I want you to go on a date with me!" Sonic chuckled, and then laughed. "I'd love to, so where we going?" Sonic said as Amy screamed with joy! "Anywhere you want, just look good! I'll call you later! Bye!" She said as she raced off.

Sonic smiled as he continued his walk back to his house, now with a little sway in his step. Metal had watched this display, he continued to watch as a light yellowish colored fox hugged him when he arrived home. "Sonic!" The young fox said. "Tails, how ya doing lil' bud?" Sonic said as Metal formed an idea in his metallic skull. If it were possible, Metal would have a smile on his face.

Sonic walked into the house, followed by Tails who shut and locked the door. Metal wouldn't kill Sonic without toying with him first. Using his high-tech ears, Metal listened into the house. "-ate with Amy." He heard Sonic finish a sentence. "Really? I thought you didn't like her." Sonic chuckled. "I've always liked her, I just couldn't tell her, or act like it… Robotnick would surely use it to his advantage."

Metal's eyes flickered. "Perfect…" Tails heard Metal's clicks and saw him staring at them through a window. "Sonic! It's a bad-nick that looks like you!" Tails pointed and shouted. Sonic saw Metal. "Dang, he heard us!" Sonic jumped out of the window and started to spin-dash. He smashed into Metal's head. Sonic landed, expecting to have destroyed the machine. "S-Sonic…" Tails stuttered. "What?" Sonic looked behind him and saw Metal standing in the same position. "What! I didn't even make a dent!" Sonic then spin-dashed Metal again. No dents.

"Whoa…" Sonic said as Metal started copying Sonic. He smashed into Sonic and broke through the hard brick wall of his home. Sonic lay unconscious as Tails trembled in fear. "Sonic…" Tails asked. Sonic didn't give an answer. Metal walked over to some paper and grabbed a pen. He knew Tails' handwriting from seeing his name on many of the files he had searched earlier, so forged Tails handwriting and said, "Dear Sonic,

That machine left and I went to get medical supplies from a special town I know, be back later, and have fun on your date. Sincerely, Tails."

Metal placed the note next to Sonic and turned his attention to Tails, who was terrified of what the machine was, did, and could do. Metal grasped Tails but the scruff of fur on the back of his neck and flew through the opening of the wall where he had sent Sonic through a few moments ago. Metal was going to enjoy torturing Sonic… He would have to choose between his best friend, and the person he loves so much.

Metal took Tails to a place that would surely terrify the poor fox kit… the crematory… Sonic would have to face his worst nightmare… choosing between his Tails and Amy…