AN: These are the fics I wrote for Fakiru Week on deviantArt. Each day of the week was assigned a prompt, so each fic was written accordingly. For the prompt "Blue," I used a rather immature interpretation. XD;
Ahiru just had to stare. She'd never seen Fakir act quite like this.
She couldn't help being a bit distressed about it. He hadn't ever just shoved her away like that in the middle of kissing-though after their very first one, he'd spent a good long while blushing and not being able to say very much or look at anybody. But that bout of unsociability had come after they were already done. This time, he'd stopped in the middle of it-right when it was getting really, really good.
Her brow creasing with concern, she tugged at his sleeve. "Hey, come on! There's nobody else here!"
Fakir stayed just as he was, his knees drawn up to his chest, his arms clasped firmly around his calves, his face hidden.
Sighing, Ahiru flopped back onto the grass. "... Are you mad at me?" But that wouldn't really make sense. She was getting better and better at reading Fakir, and the more she thought about it, the more she was sure he wasn't angry. If he was he would have just left.
Besides, what would he even be mad about? Everything had been going just fine. More than fine.
A muffled sound coming from Fakir's direction reached her ears, so Ahiru propped herself up on her elbows and looked at him again. "Did you say something?"
Fakir didn't move, so his words were still muffled, but he added enough volume to make himself comprehensible this time, "You should go."
"Go? Fakir." A whine in her voice, Ahiru got up on her knees and grabbed two fistfuls of his hair and started yanking. "You can't-" pants punctuated her sentence as she tugged, "-just-leave it-like-th-"
A loud yelp sounded as Fakir was forced out of his constrictive ball of hiding, his limbs abruptly splaying out as he fell backwards from the momentum. "Idiot!"
"I'm not done!" Ahiru roared-if someone with such a quacklike voice could ever be said to roar-before diving down to grab his shoulders.
But Fakir got hold of hers first and immediately set about frantically trying to keep her body as far from his own as possible. "You don't-get it!"
"What's the matter with you? You can't just start and then stop and then say things like that!" Ahiru plopped herself down on Fakir's lap and tried again at shoving him down.
Fakir's arms flailed, like he was panicked, but that gave Ahiru a rare advantage. Scooting herself forward a bit, she set about getting herself settled and secure before she leaned in to finish what they'd started.
But... there was something funny. Wondering if she'd imagined it, Ahiru paused, an expression of puzzlement crossing her face. Fakir looked back at her with trepidation. "Just stop it already!"
"Fakir... " Slowly, Ahiru moved her hips over his.
Yes, there was definitely something there that wasn't there before.
"Fakir, what-?" Ahiru cut herself short when she saw his expression. It was strained, almost like he was in pain. His breaths were shallow.
"Fakir!" She reached for his shoulders again, but this time it was to shake them. "What happened to you? We have to get you to a doctor right away!"
Later, Ahiru was able to laugh about this incident, but Fakir could never quite share the sentiment.