Title: Because This Will Totally Work
Generic, after the wall breaks.
Word Count: duuuude, it's 100, k?
A/N: ...nope, don't have anything else to contruibute.

"That won't help."

"You haven't tried it."

"I have, and that lost its appeal when high school was over."

"Hell is haunting you, right?"


"You still get nightmares, right?"

"Don't remind me."

"Look, it's called medical marijuana for a reason."


"C'mon, let's get baked."


"Holy fuck why did we not think of this sooner."

"Where is my fucking burger?"

"You ate it. Jesus- look at that."

"What? Stop starring at the wall. I need my burger."


"New idea: let's bake cookies."

" Brilliant! Do we have flour?"

"Doesn't matter."


"How do you make the stove work again?"
