Chapter 3: Gringotts and Diagon Alley

A/N: Here I am with Chapter 3. This chapter just seemed to get away from when I was writing it and turned into a huge Ch. Hope you like it!

Chapter 3: Gringotts and Diagon Alley

Harry and Hermione followed their new teacher to white sedan that was parked on the street. The children clambered into the back seat as McGonagall got in on the driver's side.

Harry and Hermione exchanged a confused glance. They hadn't expected to get to a magical market by using such a normal mode of transportation.

The trip to London was filled with McGonagall telling the two what they could expect at Diagon Alley. She told them about the goblins, she told them about Olivanders, and of course she told them about Flourish and Blotts, the book store.

When they reached downtown London, the confused children stepped out in front of a rundown store that had a closed signed hanging from the door. However, McGonagall walked straight up to it and ushered the two inside saying, "Welcome to the Leaky Cauldron."

Surprise was evident on Harry's face as when he entered the thought to be empty store; he found it to be quite full and well managed. Harry instantly noticed that they were in an inn of sorts, because there were people that were carrying personal belongings with them down a set of stairs in the back.

Looking around he noticed everyone was dressed oddly. In one corner, a young couple sat. The girl had on bright pink robes and her companion had navy blue ones on. A man at the bar was wearing black robes that seemed to cover every piece of skin, including his face.

McGonagall led the two through the inn to a door situated at the back of the store. She opened and led them to a courtyard that was encased in a brick wall. McGonagall headed to the opposite side and touched certain bricks with her wand.

Harry watched amazed as an archway formed and grew bigger and bigger. It finally stopped when all three could easily walk through arch at the same time. Stepping through, Harry and Hermione got their first look at Diagon Alley.

At one shop, cauldrons sat in the window, brewing potions inside them. In another, pets of all different types, sizes, and color sat in cages or lay on the counter. A third shop seemed to have brooms in them, for what reason, Harry had no idea, but the shops name was Quality Quidditch Supplies.

Harry and Hermione quickly followed McGonagall's brisk pace as she set off down the alley towards a large white building at the end. As they approached, Harry saw the word Gringotts, Written near the top of the building. Taking it for the name of the building, Harry followed the Deputy Headmistress up the steps to the double doors.

Before they entered, McGonagall paused and turned back to the children. "Inside Gringotts here, you'll see a different types of people. They are goblins, and they should not be trifled with. Several things to know is to always be polite, and never show your teeth when you smile. The goblins are a warrior race, and see that action as a challenge."

Upon entering the bank, Harry and Hermione got their first look at a goblin. The goblins were rather small with ears of varying sizes. Their skin was of varying shades of green as well (A/N: For my goblins, I'm using the WoW goblins. If you don't know what WoW is, I'm sorry, I can't help you there).

As they approached a free teller, the teacher handed Harry a small silver key. "This is your vault key Mr. Potter. You'll get to keep it since you the head of your family. Miss Granger, you will be setting up a trust fund vault," McGonagall told the pair.

They reached the teller and he looked over the counter at Harry, then Hermione before resting his gaze on the teacher. "How may I help you today, Minerva?" the goblin said directing his question at McGonagall.

"Good afternoon, Griphook." McGonagall said, "I have with me Mr. Harry Potter and Miss Hermione Granger. Mr. Potter would like to access his vault to pay for his schooling, while Miss Granger would like to set a Hogwarts Trust Vault for the same reason."

"Very well, that shouldn't be too hard." Griphook said. He then looked at Harry, "Do you know how much money you currently have in your vault, Mr. Potter?"

"No I do not, sir. Would I be able to get a statement for my vault?" Harry replied. For an answer, the goblin rummaged through his desk, then pulled a folder marked Potter Vault. "Here you go, Mr. Potter. That should be an up to date record of all your vaults transactions."

Harry thanked the goblin before reading the current amount in the vault. The number astonished him. He had six million Galleons! Wait a minute, what's a Galleon? And how much is it worth in pounds? Harry thought. When he voiced his questions, the goblin told him, "A Galleon is the magical currency that is currently being used. One Galleon is worth five pounds as of right now's currency exchange."

Harry's jaw dropped at the revelation that he was rich. "A-and how much is it for one school year?" Harry asked McGonagall.

"Roughly 100 Galleons Harry," she answered.

Harry got the answer he wanted and looked back at Griphook. "Mr. Griphook, sir. I would like to include Hermione's schooling expenses under my name. It would help her get the money she needs and will be one less thing for us to do today."

Hermione smiled at Harry's thoughtfulness, but made sure that she didn't show her teeth. She did however, hug Harry and whisper a quick 'thanks' in his ear. Pulling back from the hug, the three humans followed a second goblin down the entryway to wooden door.

They went through the door to a metal cart that was waiting for them to use. After everyone clambered in, the goblin started the cart at set the destination for Harry's vault, 643.

Harry found the cart ride to be rather un-enjoyable, and from Hermione's face, she agreed with him. The surprising part was McGonagall's reaction. She seemed to get 30 years younger during the ride as her face lit up at the exhilarating ride.

The cart finally stopped in front of the vault and Harry staggered out of the cart on unsteady feet. Hermione stumbled out after him nearly vomited, but since she had nothing in her stomach to spew, she only dry-heaved.

Harry was at her side, holding her hair up and rubbing her back, despite his own trembling knees. Hermione wiped her mouth and stood up straight. Together, they turned to look at the vault door.

The door was decorated with the Potter crest of two broadswords crossing in a 'X' formation. At the cross of the swords a wand lay, with the tip pointed towards the roof. This all lay on the belly of a large bird, a phoenix, which had its wings spread out as far they could reach.

Griphook and McGonagall were waiting for them to recover at the door, and once they did Griphook asked for the vault from Harry. Handing it over, Harry watched as the goblin put the key into the keyhole, gave it a turn and then opened the door.

Inside they saw piles and piles of gold, silver, and bronze coins. These piles only covered half the room. The other half was filled with robes, books, weapons, books, potion supplies, and even more books.

It took Griphook and McGonagall several minutes to get the children to stop trying to take all the books in the vault. Griphook gave them each a backpack that was inside the vault, and told them, "These two packs have undetectable extension charms on them as well a feather-light charm. You can carry as many books as you want to and not have to worry."

After gathering nearly all the books, Harry filled his money bag with needed gold for both himself and Hermione before they went back to the cart. The ride was the same as before with the exception that Harry actually leaned over the edge and threw up the tiny bit of breakfast he had left.

When they left Gringotts, McGonagall decided to take back to the Leaky Cauldron so they could rest and get something in their bodies.

Harry and Hermione shared a plate of food for lunch, because they were so use to getting so little to eat. McGonagall took notice of the two evenly dividing the food between each other, and almost asked about why they did this.

However, as she opened her mouth to ask the question, the Weasley family walked by, and their youngest son was with them.

McGonagall knew the youngest Weasley son, Ronald, was eleven and should be the same general size as Harry and Hermione. So she was surprised when she noticed how much tinier the two were compared to him.

She decided to keep quiet, but decided that she would be checking in on their home life. If there was one thing that would get the Scottish in her flaring, it was child abuse.

Their lunch was quiet, and afterwards McGonagall led the two to Madame Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, where they got the required robes for school.

Seeing a muggle section, Harry headed over to it and realized he could buy some clothes for himself. Harry gave Hermione some money so she could get some clothes to buy herself, but she out right refused to put on the dress the Madame Malkin kept on trying to give her.

From there, they went to Potage's Cauldron Shop and Slug and Jiggers Apothecary to gather their potion supplies. They each bought two semesters of potion ingredients, with McGonagall and the shop owners help.

They decided, or rather the deputy Headmistress decided, to head over to Olivanders next. They were just about to reach the door, when it was rather forcefully opened by a slightly overweight boy who looked to be the same age as the two kids.

He had short black hair, but unlike Harry's, his hair was perfectly combed to each side and had a sleek shine to it. On his forehead, clear for everyone to see, was a lightning shaped scar. He wore clothes that signified that he had money and was proud of it.

As he walked out he was staring revently at a long, thin box he was holding in his hands as if it was the Holy Grail. Not watching were he was going, he walked straight into Harry and Hermione. Harry stumbled away, but was able to catch himself befpore he fell. Hermione was not so luckily and landed rather painfull on her rear.

Harry was instantly at her side trying to help her up. She accepted his offered hand gratefully, and resisted the urge to run her butt as she stood back up.

The boy was unaffected by the coclision, but stopped when he noticed he had run them over. "Watch where you're going, Tiny!" the boy said in a nasty voice.

Harry immeadiately glared at the boy before responding heatedly, "WE were. You were the one that ran into us, because you couldn't look away from that box."

The boy huffed before he turned and stalked away from them. "What an arrogant brat!" Hermione nearly yelled. Harry nodded his head in agreement as McGonagall stood there shocked.

"You can't talk about the Boy-Who-Lived like that. He is the savior of our world. You two our going to school because of what he has done," McGonagall chided. "He was the one who defeated the Dark Lord, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named." (I swear J.K. Rowling had a thing for hyphens. No offense J.K. Please don't spite me. :D)

"You'd think a 'Hero' would know his manners," Hermione snarked, while Harry giggled.

Shaking her head, McGonagall opened the door to Olivanders and they all entered. Walking up to the counter, McGonagall waited patiently for Olivander's usual dramactic entry.

She didn't have to wait long as Mr. Olivander came sweeping up one of the rows behind the counter and glided up to the counter.

"Hello Professor, who might these two be?" Olivander said, startling Hermione. As he conversed with the professor, he moved around the counter, with a tape measurer in his hands.

"Hello to as well Mr. Olivander, This is Harry Potter and Hermione Granger; they are both first years," McGonagall replied.

"Ahh, . I had the liberty of givings wands to both your parents when they came to my store. They could've accomplished a lot if they had not lost their lifes at such a young age. And with you, having just entered their lifes as well. " Mr Olivander seemed to look off into the wall as he remembered Harry's parents.

Shaking his head slightly Olivander turned back to the two before him, "Well, lets see what wands we can get you, eh?"

Walking off down the aisles, Olivander began plucking boxes at random off the the shelves. After he had gathered a small handful he returned to the counter and pulled two wands out their boxes. He put them into Harry and Hermione's hands and waited for a reaction from the wands.

Before Harry could figure out what to do with the wand, Olivander had taken it from his hand and replaced it woith another. He did the same with Hermione when nothing happened with the wand she held.

Olivander continued to replace the wands in their hands until on the eigth different try, the wand Hermione had in her hand sent blue sparks into the air. Olivander clapped in joy before takin the wand ad placing it back in its box, and then handing it back to Hermione.

"There we are Miss Granger. Twelve and a quarter inches, willow, with a Hippogriff tail feather core," Olivander said as he packeged it. Turning his attention onto Harry, he continued to try different wands. His smile seemed to grow as the pile of tried wands did.

Heading down aisle, Olivander gave a Harry a quizical look before he grabbed a box off the shelf. "Let's try this one. Thirteen inches, maple, with a Hippogriff tail feather, not unlike your friends."

As Harry grabbed the wand, he felt a warm sensation that started from his hand and traveled to the rest of his body. He watched amazed as blue sparks flew from the wand. Olivander took the wand and started to wrap it, looking at them curiously as did so.

"Sir? Is something wrong?" Hary finally dared asked after several moments of being stared at. Olivanderblinked a couple times before he answered.

"No, nothings wrong. It's just that these two wands that I have for you two our what we call brothers. You see, the Hippogriff tail feather that resides in both wands, were given to me by the same Hippogriff. This means that your wands will function better when they are aired together, however, if they were to fight, their power would decrease and they would react to the others magic negatively.

"I can expect great things to come from the two of you if you maintain your friendship. Another thing that is surprising me, is that this is the second of a pair of wands that I sold today. The first was bought over fifty years ago, and it brother was sold just moments before you came in."

The children absorbed this information with awe evident on their faces. They were still in awe as they walked out of the store having paid for the wands. They continued down Diagon Alley stopping at the occaisonal store to gather the supplies they would need for school. They finally finished shopping around dinner time, after spending nearly an hour Flourish and Blotts. McGonagall had to literally pry the two away from the store aand limit how many books they bought.

After leaving the bookstore, they went back through the Leaky Cauldron, and back McGonagall's sedan. As they were driving home, Hermione fell asleep on Harry's shoulder, with Harry falling asleep on the car's door soon after.

A/N: Had to end it on this sweet little moment for our two heros. Next chapter will be their first at Hogwarts. For those wondering which house they are gonna be in, I will let you decide. I should (can never get fanfic's site to work for me) have a poll on my profile with the choices I have for them. Thanx for reading and plz R&R.