50 years.

It has been 50 years since the third overlord took the infernal abyss as his throne. Everything that all evil aspired to do and ultimately failing due to pride or some wish washy hero mucking up their game, the overlord had done the impossible.

He was the Exploder of Melvin Underbelly, the Wielder of the Paladin Mop, the New god of the mumblers, the Purger of the Perverted Paladin, the Bully of Jesters, the Overlord of the Infernal Abyss, and Slayer of the Forgotten God.

And he was bored out of his mind.

Bored that the Overlord was tired of the constant wails of his enemies and betrayers. Killed in the worst manner possible and be reincarnated to start the whole process again, To him, watching his former compatriots writhe in anguish and despair in humiliating punishments had become quite monotonous. And hes just run out of new ideas in ways to torment his "inmates". As much as the overlord loved to see his "friends" suffer for their betrayal, Gnarl once pointed out before and vicariously, the overlord has tried explosions, disintegration,immolation and all other sorts of ironic situations on his victims and none of them seem as enjoyable now as they have before. Even the giant weasel was getting tiresome after a few thousand attempts on Melvin.

But even worse than boredom was the creeping loneliness that formed in the overlord's heart after years of isolation. The wraith being completely obedient and mindless servants proved to be poor communicators and ineffectual to the overlord's discontentment. Hell, even the minions had more character, with their never ending desire for appeasement. Out of the minions, the overlord often missed Gibblet as he was the least annoying and more useful than the rest of the minions put together.

But the overlord missed his beautiful mistress Rose most of all. He often spent time on his observing sphere when he was not watching Terror of Evernight, the mortal realm and his previous love passing by him and fade from memory. The last time he peered into the mortal realm, Mistress Rose, gone old as a crone, was raising their son while interweaving a master plan for the balancing of order in mortal realm. She was already on her last legs when the Fourth Overlord had destroyed the Glorious Empire and killed their emperor. Proud has he was, the Overlord was saddened by her complexion filled with stress and marks of old age. The Overlord never cared for good looks but for the beauty of personality (as he ditched Velvet when her egotistical arrogance and destructive extravagance was revealed to him despite her voluptuous assets). He could remember enjoying the company of Rose and hearing about her ingenious ideas for a better bigger and efficient dark tower while they lazed beside the warmth of the fire. And sometimes, he could see on her face a spot of genuine affection for loving as he was, and not for his status in wealth and power.

Now it was too late. Rose had passed on, and doing a service in her life time made her unfit to enter the Infernal Abyss, destroying any chance of reuniting. IF there was any comfort, Rose had never laid with another man beside him and his son, the new overlord, was doing well in his own right (even if decimating half of the population in the empire and enslaving the rest is what you'd call a proud moment). And besides, his son wouldn't like the prospect of him returning home,so he had accepted the inevitable and laid that past to rest, swearing he will never look at the mortal realm ever again.

In the end, the overlord decided that other hobbies must be taken up in order to stem the tide of madness. He may be a lord of all evil, but he had his principles as he swore never to be like the forgotten one and his predecessor.

At first he tried gardening, but after the hell slugs managed to destroy his hell pumpkins despite the efforts of the wraith and William, who was strapped in as a scarecrow, was eaten alive by the slugs, the overlord decided for something more inventive. He tried art also, but after setting up Goldie and parts of khans together he also realized that no one was intelligent enough to appreciate his masterwork so he gave up on that also.
After some searching, he finally came upon the Infernal Library of Forbidden Magics sealed under a pile of boulders. He had once dared hope that he would find a way back to the mortal realm, but after 50 years he had accepted that even if he did manged to return the purpose was completely moot. Instead he had decided that knowledge was the only thing that would be worthwhile to pass the time.

So he had started to read.

Month turning in years and years turning to decades, the overlord has gained a significant amount of knowledge. learning interesting spells from useful to incomprehensible, from casting hails of plasma fire to the apocalyptic spell that will turn every mortal in the world into black pudding. He didn't know what it would be used for or for the matter that he didn't like black pudding, but to the overlord it served as passing the time. And who knows? Fortune favors the prepared.

Time went on, as he poured over books until he became aware of the existence of other worlds. At first he didn't think much of it until he stopped looking at his own world, but afterwards the overlord concluded it would worthwhile ad he had finish reading the entire library twice over. So he began observing those worlds until he came upon a world filled with magic. It was rare enough to find magical worlds in the first place but it caught the overlord's interests by the fact the magic practiced there was unrefined and narrow in it's understanding. He studied further and eventually gained the world's name as Halkeginia, and learned that mages had gained prominence and authority in this world. He could not help but laugh and pity the mortals who fumbled in ignorance, the commoners languishing under the petty squabbles of nations while mages paraded themselves as nobility, enjoying the fruits of an inbred illiterate society.

As he had witnessed, the overlord began to see the amount of magic that flows through Halkeginia, interconnected through multiple worlds. He was surprised that Halkeginia was also connected to his world, sucking whatever precious magic it had to feed its gluttonous appetite. Such a system made Halkeginia enjoy an unlimited supply of magic, but in consequence it also made the world naturally unstable. The fools did not even realize that planet was rolling towards an imminent Apocalypse that could happen at any moment. The Overlord had realized that if Halkeginia was to end , then all the other worlds connected would collapse as well. Someone had to channel the flow of energy, someone who could wield the power. Someone who was an Overlord.

To his relief, the Overlord found that the Infernal Abyss was also connected to Halkeginia. The only problem was that it needed an anchor from that realm since the connection between Halkeginia and the Infernal realm was so thin. Someone was needed to to summon him from the infernal abyss. He had cursed his luck and searched for an answer in the library, until he observed the world again more carefully when couldn't find an answer. Finally, he came upon the summoning ritual of the mages, where every adolescent magic user performed a calling of familiars to signify his coming of age. What they didn't realize that many of the myriad creatures they summoned hailed from many of the connected worlds. And opportunity was shown to him at last.

The Overlord went in a frenzied preparation. He first devised a spell that will act as a beacon to the next summoning ritual, drawing the next summoner to transport him. Then he instructed his wraiths to fashion him a new set of armor and weapons, knowing well of the conflict and challenge that awaited him. When the wraiths came back, he was pleased at the design of the armor: it was reinforced well enough that could last eons while it provided simplicity that it wouldn't attract unwanted attention. As he realized that he wont be returning to the infernal abyss (or can't as much as he hated it), the overlord put Bob the farmer in charge of the realm, knowing that being surrounded by sentient hell pumpkins would keep him from doing anything rash or stupid. And maybe someday, his son would arrive in the infernal abyss through some other path and take the realm for his own.

Once he has taken care of all precautions, he was ready and waiting for the next summoning ritual.

At last he would break free from his eternal prison. He would rise from hell once more.

Evil has found another way.

Meanwhile in the heart of Tristain Academy...

"You may begin the ceremony, Miss Valliere."

So What do you think?It my first time writing a crossover, let alone a fanfic itself...

but yeah, thanks HobTheRobot for this wonderful idea.

To hobtherobot, I'll try to keep the idea as close to yours i can, but you'll forgive me if i can deviate a little bit, right?

To those who will read this story, i give my solemn pledge that i will finish to the end, given that anybody will read this.

Honestly i think too many zero fanfics are left fustratingly unfinished, ESPECIALLY THE GOOD ONES.

but who am i to judge Eh?

Anyways, Ill try try to update as much i can, and reviews will always be welcome! Any thoughts or criticism about my spelling, grammar or sentencing structure would be most appreciated to read.

Oh and opinions on how i should carry out the story would be most delightful.

And as a bonus, 'ill make the audience decide critical choices for the overlord, OOOH HOW DEVIOUS~