Hi guys – I've got some bad news:
I've lost interest in writing this RP with RemusLupin – I've been waiting for inspiration to come back but it just isn't happening. And it's been several months since we worked on it, so there's a big likelihood that she might not be interested in it either.
I apologize for this sad turn : (. Our biggest problem was that we saw the characters evolving in different ways. I usually write Matt as an asshole – but she wanted a Matt who was nicer to Tai. I also thought her Tai was a little too complacent – she disagreed. Eventually we did come to some understanding, but by then we had a few too many arguments about the RP and it wasn't fun to write together anymore.
I still love this RP – I'd like to see where it can go but it was her original idea and I will let her continue it. If anybody would like to write it with her, please shoot her an email at: Watashiwasarubata hotmail. Com (remove the spaces).
If we work on this RP in the future, it will be posted up. Atleast Matt and Tai sort of got together before we stopped working on it – although there are a lot of loose ends to tie up obviously.