Well… I'm really surprised that I'm posting anything at all, however I finally realized that inspiration doesn't come fast and if I've got something ready I should post it. Anyways despite the fact that I already have three different Naruto based stories sitting on my hard drive right about now, each with probably at least a chapter done I decided that this one will come out first I don't think that things will update fast and I doubt that I will be able to finish this within a year but I don't give up on stories… so unless I die before I have written the last chapter this will be a complete story.

So, Things-You-Should-Know. The idea for this story came from ShivaVixen's A Dog's Life, I do in fact have her permission to post this. Also while the idea is similar my ideas for how the story is shaped will be much different. Another thing I'll try to keep pairings to minimum. However there will be hints of SasuSaku and NaruHina But this is not a love story… it is however a Family like story. I love Team Seven and think things could (should) have turned out really well for them. And finally THIS IS AN AU! It will be mostly canon with only slight adjustments to the things we don't really know. However, like I said, I will keep most of the history cannon.

Oh and while I'm here I could use a beta. I drabble in a lot of different fandoms but Naruto currently has a large chunk of my attention.

(Edit as of 10-10-14
So I got a wonderful reviewer who sent a list of all the things wrong with this chapter and I loved it so much that I went through and implemented all those changes along with a few of my own. Anyways I'll be updating the other chapters over the next couple of day's to match to the best of my abilities. That being said:


So yah… Let's get started.

All stories are about wolves. All worth repeating, that is. Anything else is sentimental drivel. …Think about it. There's escaping from the wolves, fighting the wolves, capturing the wolves, taming the wolves. Being thrown to the wolves, or throwing others to the wolves so the wolves will eat them instead of you. Running with the wolf pack. Turning into a wolf. Best of all, turning into the head wolf. No other decent stories exist.

-Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assassin (2000).

Sakura woke to a world of pain… and a cage.

The pain being the first and most demanding of the two, searing pain that was more then she had ever felt before in her life. A sort of fire that seemed to pull on all the heat from inside of her body to keep itself fueled, leaving her very bones to feel like they were made of ice. But even through the pain she couldn't cry out, she couldn't scream. There was something wrong, she couldn't move, her body wasn't responding. Panic coursed through her, making her thoughts disjointed and broken.

It took a while, but in that time Sakura was finally able to pull her thoughts together. While the pain was still bad, she found that she could think around it. She was good at thinking around things, a skill honed by years of ignoring inner Sakura's outbursts. While Sakura was unable to move she was able to see, and that's when Sakura noticed the cage. It didn't take very long for the fact to register that she was in a cage, not a prison… this thought left her with an angry feeling that for some reason felt much too strong. Anger filled her being and she could only focus on the fact that she was being treated like an animal.

This feeling was followed closely by the need to find out who the idiot was that had put her in a cage; and to beat them within an inch of life. When nothing happened for several minutes, her anger faded and left her feeling confused. Why did it matter if she was in a cage or a prison? Her goal as of now should be to get out, and then to find Team Seven.

The moment her team crossed her mind, she felt an overwhelming sense of panic. Where was Sasuke-kun? Kakashi-sensei? Or even the idiot Naruto? The last thing she remembered was coming home from the Wave mission. Kakashi had wanted to stop in some town that was only slightly out of the way. Sakura had thoroughly agreed with the suggestion. A shower had been pretty high on her priority list at the time, after all Sasuke wouldn't like it if she was dirty. They had gotten two hotel rooms, and went to bed for the night, when… when… When what? Her mind after that was blank. What had happened…?

The panic she felt was starting to get overwhelming, but the part of her that had been the top Kunoichi in her class pushed it down, helping her stay calm. Okay, her first priority was obviously finding out where she was, followed closely by finding out where Sasuke-kun was. Or maybe Kakashi-sensei, if she could find out where her sensei was he would then be able to find Sasuke-kun and Naruto. Once she found them, Team Seven would be able to get out of here. But first, she had to get out of the offending cage.

However, this was harder than it looked. Her body wasn't responding, she felt heavy, tired, and weak, but she couldn't give up. She had to find Sasuke-kun.

Getting frustrated with her failing attempts to move she let out a small whine, and then froze abruptly.

That sound, had that come from her? But that didn't make sense. The whine had sounded like a noise a dog would make. Sakura knew she couldn't have made that sound and yet it had come out of her mouth. The panic that had been pushed back earlier now started to surface. She felt wrong. She felt scared. She didn't know what to do. Thrashing around, trying to move, Sakura cried out in despair. Her head felt too heavy, her legs too light, and altogether she felt much too small.

Almost immediately after her panicked movement had started, there was a sound of someone walking towards her. Bright light hit her, making her thrash harder. She had to get out, why did she feel so trapped in her own body, why couldn't she move right? Her panic was so strong that the words of two people talking only just managed to register in her mind.

"Amazing! How is she moving at all? The fact that she is able to move her limbs before we've completed the sealing process to connect her mind to her new body shows amazing intellect on her part."

"Are you sure it's not just because boss is experimenting with wolves instead of the usual dogs?"

"Of course I'm sure. Weren't you here for the last… Oh right, you were at home sick, weren't you? Well, in any case, Boss did a wolf transformation on the last person we caught. After the first month however, the wolf got so distressed about not having a pack, even when we introduced her to the other dogs, that she stopped eating and died. That's why Boss went to such lengths to get an actual ninja team for this experiment. The bonds they had while human should keep them together, and once the month is over, they should be completely loyal to the Boss."

"But won't the first month be risky? After all leaving them together could be bad, they might try to escape."

"Don't worry, no one's escaped yet, and no one will. Anyways, this one looks like she's about to go into shock, we need to put the connector seal on her. You brought the needle, right?"

"Of course I brought it, after all she's the last of the four to get it and I was holding four injectors."

At that moment Sakura felt a sharp pain in her side. She felt herself whine again, but everything was going dark.

Sasuke woke up groggy.

He felt like he had just gone through twenty rounds with Naruto, who never did seem to stay hurt for very long, yet he always managed to get at least one of his own hits to make a lasting impression.

He sat up, and shook his head, feeling tired. Looking up he tried to figure out where he was. His last memory had been going to sleep in the hotel, but now he was confused and something felt… off. Obviously Team Seven had been captured while they had been asleep, but where was he now?

That was the moment he noticed the cage. His eyes narrowed as he looked at it. How dare his captors put him in something so demeaning, he was the last Uchiha, he deserved respect. He let out a low growl; his lips pulling back to reveal his sharp teeth. Wait… Sharp teeth? Growling? It was then, that he realized that he was sitting on his haunches and had four legs.

He froze for a long moment. And then the anger hit him. How dare they! Who in their right mind would turn him into a dog? A snarl ripped through his teeth, and he felt the fur on his back rise. Yet… these reactions didn't feel that strange. They must have done something to him.

Forcing his anger down, he let his years of practice at redirecting his anger work their magic. He would get his revenge on whoever had done this to him.

This meant that he had to get his priorities in order. First he had to get out of this cage. He would then have to find Kakashi. Kakashi would be able to figure out how to change him back into a human. Once Sasuke was back to his original state, then Kakashi would also be able to help him find out who had done this to him. Sasuke would then kill the idiot that had to gall to do this to him.

After that of course, he would go back to hunting Itachi.

Standing up on his four legs, he walked over to the front of the cage and examined it. It wouldn't be that hard to unlock, he just needed to get his han- paw through, and pull out the latch. However this proved to be harder than expected. First his paw only just barely fit through the bars, and once it was out he couldn't get it to turn the way he wanted to.

Angry, he let out another soft growl. This was infuriating. Giving up he tried to pull his paw back into the cage, but it wouldn't come, it was stuck. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. How humiliating. He was going to make sure that the person who had done this died slowly and painfully.

Trying a different method, he managed to get his paw back inside. Shaking it out, he looked back up at the cage door. It didn't look that strong… maybe, with a chakra enhanced shove, it would open up. Reaching for his chakra, he cried out when he realized that there was barely anything there. If he had only this much chakra normally, he would be on the verge of passing out, but now that he was more awake he didn't feel tired, just sore.

Never mind about this being humiliating, this was mortifying.

He was completely defenseless, beyond useless, and unable to do anything. Pacing in the small, much too cramped, cage, he couldn't help but start fantasizing about the demise of whoever had done this.

They would pay.

Naruto woke up furious.

He didn't know what was going on, but he was limp in someone's arms. Naruto may not have been the most studious person in the academy but even he knew that there was something wrong with the situation. Not to mention someone holding him was a completely foreign feeling and there was an instinctual desire to not let anyone this close. Someone who he couldn't recognize at all by their scent. Someone who could be an enemy trying to kill him. Someone who currently had complete power over him.

If he wanted to get free, he would have to fight his way out.

Immediately on the defensive, he turned around and bit the person who was holding him. Whoever it was cried out, and dropped him.

Naruto landed on all fours, and burst into speed. He didn't think twice about the fact that running on all fours felt more natural than usual. He just knew that he had to get away.

He didn't get far however.

Making a sharp turn around a corner he barreled into someone. This someone quickly grabbed him, and forced something around his head and mouth.

He tried to scream and yell at them, but being unable to open his mouth he had to settle for a fierce growl. He started throwing his head around, trying to pull his head out of the collar they had forced over him. Years of running from the aftermath of his pranks had trained him to get away from whatever was trying to get him first, and then evaluate the situation latter.

However once the people who held him captive started talking he stopped struggling, knowing that if he wanted to get away he had to know what he was up against.

"What happened?" The man who had put the collar on asked in a stern voice.

"I'm not sure." Started the man who Naruto had bitten. "The drugs shouldn't have worn off for another hour."

The collar man nodded "This one must have some sort of Bloodline limit that allows him to get rid of poisons and toxins quickly. That could be useful… Anyways, next time you have to drug him, give him a double dose, that should fix the problem."

The second one nodded. "I'll do that."

The collar man handed the leash to the man he had bitten, before adding. "Oh, and you might want to get that bite looked at."

The second man grunted his agreement, and started pulling on Naruto's collar. "Come on boy, we need to get you to your cage."

Naruto started struggling again, but now his mind was racing. The men had spoken like he wasn't there, and when he had been addressed, it hadn't been in the hated tone he had been expecting. It was the way a person spoke to their pet. Naruto had been defined before as something like an animal, but no one had ever treated him like a pet.

Something was wrong. Coming to that conclusion also caused him to notice the fact that he was covered in fur, and no longer had hands. This realization shocked him so much, that he stopped struggling and froze. This caused the man to jerk on his collar, making Naruto choke for a moment before he got moving again.

He started struggling again, though not nearly as fiercely. As he struggled, Naruto let his mind race. So they had turned him into an animal of some kind. He wasn't concerned about exactly what kind, but he was curious on how they had done it. The last thing he remembered was saying goodnight to Sakura-chan…

That thought made him panic. What about Team Seven? Had they gotten turned into animals too? If so, where were they? Naruto had to save them.

With that his struggling became much stronger now being fuelled by the need to protect his precious people. The man grunted. "Stop that… What is it…? We're just going to put you in a room with your friends now that all of you have the proper seals, and then tomorrow we can start training doesn't that sound like fun."

Naruto stopped struggling. They were going to put him in a room with the rest of the team… Slowly he started walking forward. After all, his first priority was making sure his team was safe.

The man quickly led Naruto to a door, commenting the whole way that he was a good dog, and that struggling never helped, and that things were going to be okay. Naruto rolled his eyes, but kept following him. The first chance he got he was going to bite the man again.

The man opened up the door and led him over to a cage opening it up; he used his foot to push Naruto in. Naruto's cry was muffled due to the collar, and he quickly turned around to try and get back out, but the man was quicker. He swiftly pulled the muzzle off of Naruto, and closed the door locking the cage.

Naruto growled before trying to talk, however instead of words all that came out were barks.

"Hey what's the big idea? You said that my friends would be in here. Where are they? And you didn't say anything about a cage." Even though Naruto knew what he was saying, he could also hear the barking sound that he was making.

The man chuckled. "I'm sorry boy, but we have to keep you in a cage until the month is over. Don't worry. Tomorrow we'll let you and your friends out to start training, but right now you're stuck in here."

Naruto wanted to bite the man's face off. "You jerk! Let me out of here. You can't keep me in here. I'm Naruto Uzumaki and if you think keeping me in a cage is going to stop me, then you're an even bigger idiot than I thought you were."

Naruto kept yelling, but he man just walked away, closing the door behind him, leaving Naruto to the sound of his own barks.

Kakashi woke up to yelling.

It only took a moment to identify the source of yelling as Naruto. He sighed, and started to get up to tell Naruto off for screaming his head off when all Kakashi wanted to do was sleep.

However his shinobi senses kicked a split second later. Something was very wrong and it only took a moment to identify several different problems. First, being that he was a dog of some sort. The second being that Naruto was barking and Kakashi understood him, meaning that Naruto was probably a dog too. Third, he was stuck in a cage.

Well, this was just great. He quickly got up and shook himself trying to wake up fully. The fact that he was reacting normally to being a dog was sending red flags up in his head, but his first order of business was to get Naruto to stop yelling, and try and assess the situation.

"-I can't believe those guys, turning us into some sort of wolves. A wolf cannot become Hokage. And Sasuke stop giving me that look; you're angry too. I am going to kill whoever did this, I mean look what they did to Sakura-chan and Kakashi-sensei, they look like they're dead!"

"Naruto," Kakashi cut in, effectively catching the attention of a yellowish tan wolf with large blue eyes. "Calm down."

"Kakashi-sensei, you're alive." Naruto called out, not paying any attention to Kakashi's words at all. Kakashi shook his head at the cluelessness.

"Hn, dobe." Sasuke's words came out as a single low bark.

"Shut up teme." Kakashi wouldn't be surprised if that particular interaction was a habit for those two by this point.

"Both of you be quiet." Kakashi snapped. Satisfied that both the sandy and pure black wolves were paying attention to him he continued. "Now do either of you know what's going on? Sasuke you go first." He added when he saw both of them opening their mouths at the same time.

"Hn, I'm not sure. The last thing I remember was going to sleep in the hotel. The next thing I knew I waking up in a cage as a wolf. A few minutes ago a man came and picked up my cage, and brought me in here. You and Sakura were brought in as well."

At the mention of Sakura's name he looked around and found a cage next to Naruto's with a white wolf inside. She was obviously knocked out, and she was currently facing away from them. She looked incredibly small lying there like that. In fact, all off his genin team looked small. They looked like wolf pups, definitely not full grown wolves. It also looked like they all had a lot of room in their cages. Kakashi, however, felt cramped. Assuming that the cages were the same size that must mean he was in the body of a full grown wolf. It was nice to know, he might not have been able to handle the humiliation if he was as small as the rest of his team.

"Ha," Naruto's short bark brought his attention back to his team. "I know more then you, teme." Sasuke growled, and glared over at Naruto.

"Stop it." Kakashi barked his eyes narrowed. "Naruto it's your turn."

Naruto perked up, and nodded seriously. "I first woke up while I was being carried by someone. I tried to escape, but I was caught quickly." Kakashi was impressed that Naruto managed to ignore the snort from Sasuke. "The guys who caught me started talking about how I wasn't supposed to wake up from drugging, and how next time I had to take drugs they would have to double my dosage." Kakashi's eyes narrowed, but he nodded for Naruto to continue. "They were talking to me like I was a pet of some kind, and they mentioned training of some kind. Oh, and they said we'd have to stay in cages for a month." Kakashi let his anger flare for half a second, before pushing it down. One thing was for certain, he was not staying in a cage for a month. And he sure wasn't going to let his team suffer in cages for a month.

As he was about to open his mouth, a slow whine came from Sakura's cage. "Oh, my head." It was kind of interesting how he could understand what she said, even though it was only a soft whine.

"Sakura," He called out softly, trying to get her to turn around. Slowly she did, letting the males of Team Seven see her face. Her eyes were still bright green though they were also reflective now. Before Kakashi had thought that she had been white, he could now see that her fur had light accents of red, making her fur look almost pink, but not quite.

She let out another whine, but this one was more of a soft grown and she stretched out. "I can move." He bark was amazed and grateful. Of all the things Kakashi had expected her to say, that wasn't one of them.

"Sakura we need to know what our situation is. Do you have any information about what's going on?" Kakashi was about to continue when Naruto butted in.

"Are you okay Sakura-chan? If they hurt you I'll kill them. I'll kill them anyways for turning us into wolves but-"

"Naruto!" Kakashi cut in "She can't answer if you don't stop talking, so be quiet." Kakashi could honestly say he was feeling very frustrated at the moment. It seemed that each of his students had been privy to at least some information, and he needed every bit of knowledge he could get in a situation like this. "Now, Sakura what do you remember."

Sakura sat up and nodded slowly. "I was awake earlier, but at the time I couldn't move my body. I didn't know what was going on, and I panicked. My cries brought two men into the room they were keeping me in. When they came in, they commented on how I shouldn't have been able to move at that point, because some sort of seal hadn't been activated yet." Kakashi stiffened, if this involved seals things could get bad. "They also mentioned something about the first month being risky." Kakashi nodded. This was really bad. If their captors believed that they would stop being a problem after a month it meant that something was bound to happen. Still, at the moment, their biggest priority was getting back to Konoha.

This meant that they had to get out of the cages.

"So what do we do now Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked, getting impatient with the silence.

"We get out of here. If we want to change back, we're probably going to have to get back to Konoha, and hope that whatever seals they put on us don't take much to reverse." The three nodded, each feeling the seriousness of the situation. Kakashi was impressed; he had seen their budding teamwork on the mission that they had just completed. However, he had had his suspicions that they would revert back to normal the moment the mission ended, and they had.

Now that teamwork was coming back. Maybe with enough repetition it would stay, after all, who knew how long they would be stuck like this. The situation definitely exceeded a C rank. Heck, it was probably in the S range all things considering. This sort of thing was just his luck, wasn't it?

"Okay Sakura, your cage and Naruto's cage are closest to each other, you're going to have to reach out and unlock his cage."

Nodding, Sakura slipped her slender paw through the cage door, and started tugging on Naruto's latch. They waited, a layer of tension descending, and then there was a click. Kakashi let the air in his lungs come out slowly.

Naruto got out and quickly started working on Sakura's cage, and managed to get it open quickly enough. Sakura, of course, went straight to Sasuke's cage and opened it while Naruto worked on Kakashi's. Kakashi got out quickly, once again noticing how easy it was to work with the wolf body.

"What do we do now, Kakashi?" Sasuke asked his bark low and quiet.

"Now you three are going to do everything I say, this next part is going to be tricky. We're going to have to get outside if we want to even have a chance to leave. We have no idea how big this building is which is going to be a very large problem. We don't know where any exits are and we haven't got a clue which direction to go in. Still this will be our only chance. Once again, you are all going to have to trust me completely. No fighting; no talking. You will all follow behind me and will stay behind me. If we're lucky, we'll make it outside, and be able to get away. If anything happens, go down fighting. Surprise them and run. If we get separated, get outside. Once outside, if we are together, then you will continue to follow my directions, and will not stop moving until I deem it safe. If you manage to get outside by yourself, pick a direction and run. Get as far away from here as you can. Right now there are too many variables in this situation to be sure of anything. Our only chance becoming human again is going to be Konoha. Get there at any cost."

Kakashi knew that he was showing his students a side to him that they hadn't seen yet. The side that had been an ANBU captain for years. But this was dangerous. If his suspicions were correct, if they stayed there for more than a month they would remain there… as wolves. Most likely due to some sort of seal that would force them to obey.

All in all, the situation wasn't one he wanted to deal with at any time. Let alone while he had Team Seven to worry about.

Still, this was the only chance that they would truly have. Team Seven had to understand how serious this was. This was much more dangerous than anything that had happened in wave. This wasn't just about them; they had to report this situation. The thought that there was a seal master out there that had the knowledge and the skill to create a seal that could change the very dimensions of an actual person was frightening. The last person, who might have been able to do something like this was Minato-sensei, and he had been considered the greatest seal master of his time. If someone had managed to do this Konoha might have a rather large problem on their hands.

Snapping out of his revere, Kakashi examined the three genin.

The black wolf that Sasuke had become was sitting very still. His tail twitching just slightly in a way Kakashi immediately recognized as excitement. Kakashi mentally frowned, but he knew that the boy would follow his orders. To Sasuke the situation must seem like a challenge, and his pride would not allow him to picture what would happen should he fail, because he was an Uchiha, and they didn't fail. Kakashi wasn't sure how he was going to get rid of this attitude, but at the moment that mindset was probably a good thing. The only problem was that Sasuke might just take his order to get to Konoha at any cost as permission to abandon his comrades. Still Kakashi would make sure that all four of them got out. The 'if separated orders' were just a precaution, and no such thing would (most likely) happen.

Naruto was grinning, but there was a serious look behind his eyes, Kakashi noted with surprise. He was obviously twitchy and ready to get moving, but he had always been the one who reacted best to strange situations. Kakashi wouldn't have to worry about Naruto keeping up.

Sakura, on the other hand, looked scared out of her mind. She was stiff, the fur on her back was standing straight up and her face was blank. But there was something behind her fear. She was angry. That took him by surprise, however she seemed to be pushing her own anger away, and doing her best to calm down; which was only making her even more tense. She quickly glanced over at Sasuke. She relaxed a little but not much. She would be the one he would have to watch over the most. Being the weakest on the team, she had potential, but she didn't work for it. Until she did, she would be the most vulnerable. Sakura would have to be watched carefully to make sure she didn't fall behind.

They would do this, they could make it… If not Kakashi had a feeling that they were in more trouble than he liked.

Well, I hope you liked it. I appreciate reviews, but who doesn't? So yes I'm not sure how fast this fiction is going to progress, but like I said I don't plan on abandoning anything I actually post so...

Till next time - Savvywolf