Summary: 98-word drabble. Zak applies the transitive property of equality.

Disclaimer: I do not own Zak Saturday or Kur(as depicted by Jay Stephens.) I also don't own the Kur of Sumerian mythology.

"Some secrets, stay secret." The orange light dances across his two palms, not touching.

He could yell this truth.

The reason for this: if he is Kur, and if Kur has the power to control the world, than he has the power to control the world. If A = B and B = C, then A = C. Nothing changed, neither him nor the world.

He can warp fate if he chooses to. Yet hides. Never in the same place, sly in his endlessness.

His subjects could continue without him; as it was when he'd slumbered in stone.

Yep. I wanted to show Zak's reasoning if his power never left; he was just hiding them from everyone. He was always good at lying, anyway.

Reviews are good for the soul.
