The World is Run by Meetings

The beginning of the school year was always chaotic. For one thing there were at least 40 new names to learn before you could properly yell at a first year. For another, the power vacuum from the exit of the seventh years often resulted in a reorganization of social lines.

Severus dodged another scurrying child as he made his way to the teacher's first meeting of the year. Most of the year, the teacher's meetings happened after hours, but the first one always started immediately following dinner. This allowed the most adults free for the evening of child-wrangling.

Still, Severus had to admit, for first days, this hadn't been too terribly chaotic. The first year with the Weasley twins had been memorable enough.

The students had received their schedules at breakfast and Severus watched closely to see if the transfers would require any guidance. He'd only had one first year upset last night, but the first night was usually too filled with excitement for homesickness to come up yet. If he made it to the weekend, he could call the house good for the month. Then the longer term homesickness would kick in and Severus would have to make sure to reinforce his monitoring wards.

The transfers had added their own brand of unforeseen issues to the new year. For one thing, Severus's normal method of lightly checking each student for malnutrition, curses or on-going, systemic abuses may not work on them and could alert them to the magic should they be sensitive. Additionally, many of them were no longer eleven and their senses were more finely honed, making stealth magics even more difficult.

He also got to meet one of their ring leaders in class today.


Severus held in a wince as the Slugwort spun off the desk of one of his Ravenclaw seventh years. His sixth and seventh year classes were his favorite, mostly because they were those who actually had a chance of understanding a fraction of what he taught. Mr. Fredrickson was a particularly good potions student, if he could only keep a hold of his ingredients.

The potion to start the semester for his top class was an excellent test of how much their skills had atrophied over the summer. The complex interplay of simmering and stirring required focus and counting. The ingredients needed utilized precisely measured amounts and adequate temperature control. The outcome changed based on each variation and gave Severus a good marker for the student's weak areas. He would pair up the student half the time to cover each other's weak areas.

Mostly, his 22 students were doing well. He kept a close eye on his transfer students, a greater variable than the others. He fully expected them to require some extra attention depending on the habits they had formed wherever they'd learned their craft. Still, all three seventh year transfers were in his room right now and while both Mr. Rubeyes and Ms. Alin's skills seemed adequate, Ms. Volodya's were exceptional. The young vampire was sure in her movements and calm in her hurry. He watched out of the corner of his eye as she stopped Mr. Harken's from boiling over. She kept a slight eye on the cauldrons around her and even glanced over more when one of her classmates added too much powdered hoof's rind. There was little danger, Severus trusted his own students to avoid hazards, even if he did move closer to watch how the student attempted to correct the oversight.

As the class was packing up, he called her over. Ms. Alin, a seventh year Slytherin that seemed close to Ms. Volodya, hesitated but a glare from him sent her on her way.

Severus considered Anya Volodya as she approached his desk. She was clearly the leader, at least in part, of the students from Knockturn Alley. A rather tall, willowy vampire, the teen had inky black curls that were struggling free of her long braid. Severus approved of the hair style for potions work. She moved with a sort of grace and control that made Severus wonder at the legends of speed as they applied to vampires.

"Ms. Volodya, I must say I am impressed by your potions work."

"Thank you Professor. I have always enjoyed it."

"Indeed. I wanted to return your summer assignment." Severus held out the parchment. He'd finished the older years' overnight. "In the future, please state species assumptions at the beginning of the writing and only call out when deviating from that assumption. This is a school assignment, not a political soapbox."

"Yessir." The teen took the parchment, but didn't open it. Instead she met his eyes again. "Professor, may I have a further moment of your time?"

Severus frowned, but a glance at the clock showed lunch had barely started so he nodded.

"You may have guessed, but myself and my friend, Verity Aldritch in Gryffindor are the leaders of the Knockturn Alley groups." At his nod, she continued, "We are requesting of the heads of house, a drop of blood to taste each."

Severus frowned further as he sat back. "I see. For what reason?"

"Verity is the head of the werewolves here. I am head of the vampires here. It means something different to each of us. For my part, it would allow other vampires to recognize you as an ally to my clan. For Verity, the drop would allow her to identify you in both her forms."

"I see."

Anya shuffled slightly and Severus relaxed at seeing the common show of nerves on the otherwise controlled child. "It must be freely given for my request. We are requesting it of all the heads of house."

"Only the heads of house?"

Anya shrugged slightly, "Professor Dumbledore agreed prior to the semester. It was part of our agreement with the school board. Madam Pomfrey and Professor Hagrid both agreed for more practical reasons." Then Anya gave him an amused smirk, "I rather think Professor Hagrid also did it out of curiosity."

"On that, I'm sure." Severus let his fingers touch his lips gently. "Hmmm, I will discuss it with the other Heads."

When the teen didn't move, he waved, "Off to lunch Ms. Volodya. I will see you in the common room tonight."


-End Flashback-

Severus had made sure that when he scheduled with her about her study habits, he gave them an extra hour. He tried to meet with all his new students in the first week and with each student at least once every few months. It kept him abreast any potential problems. It also let him head off budding emotional distress.

"Professor Snape! I was just heading to the teacher's conference. Is that your destination as well?" Umbridge's voice broke through his thoughts. Severus scowled. His upper years who had already sat in her classroom had stopped by his office already, stressing heavily about their NEWTs in a class where practical demonstration had already been forbidden. She had OWLs level tomorrow, when Severus had no doubt he would again hear some frantic concern from the more studious of his students. Still, Umbridge continued blithely as she almost trotted to keep up with his long strides, "I'm sure this meeting will result in some fascinating information. We can get this school up to shape for the year. Lots to do! You teach potions, correct? I'm sure you do all right. But always room for improvement. Don't you agree?"

Severus briefly wondered if her smile would be more or less transparent if he summoned a lemon into her mouth. Thankfully, they were already at the room and she bustled ahead of him the second he opened the door. She immediately placed herself next to Albus. Severus joined Minerva at the side table, creating a bracing cuppa for the meeting, as was their ritual. The various dishware came to life just as he filled his cup and went about preparing a cuppa that sailed over everyone's heads to the pink toad herself.

Severus growled as the milk dodged his questing fingers until Minerva cleared the enchantment. A glance at Umbridge showed a smug grin as she sipped her tea delicately. Minerva placed herself next to him in the remaining seats and proceeded to greet Filius, requesting his presence afterwards for a Head of House meeting. She utterly ignored Umbridge's attempt to get her attention as the remaining staff filed in. Severus gave Umbridge his own look when Minerva responded immediately to his question on their lunch tomorrow.

He heard Umbridge mention to Albus that, with most of the staff here, they should start the meeting. Albus simply smiled at her with a sunny face and asked if she enjoyed her classes. Severus had to be careful not to snort his tea. When Albus wanted to delay someone, he was most effective and highly entertaining. Minerva called everyone to attention as Sinistra slipped in with her apologies. She was perpetually last to staff meetings, sometimes with her breakfast in a bowl.

Everyone quieted immediately and looked to Albus. The meeting went much as it did each year. A brief discussion about class schedules, division and last minute requests for evening patrols, and some minor observations to the Heads of House about their students. Umbridge sulked next to Albus when her attempts to bring up new topics were delegated to the end of the meeting by Minerva, gently backed by Albus.

Severus made note of a few students already remarked as upset and mentally changed his order of meetings with his students. Poppy also requested time with each head of House to discuss the transfers, Minerva simply asked her to remain after the meeting. Otherwise, he spent much of the meeting observing their newest addition. He'd had an instant dislike to the dumpy woman, but that meant little, he disliked most adults he met these days. Once Minerva opened the table for other business, he settled back to watch.

"Hem hem."

Minerva ignored Umbridge as Filius brought up library study rooms. That was solved quickly enough.

"Hem. Hem!"

The greenhouse was over producing jumping beanstalks and Severus accepted receiving his stock two months early from Pomona.

"Hem HEM!"

Minerva sighed, "Dolores, if you have a topic, you need simply say so when a topic finishes. Elsewise, please see Poppy after the meeting for that throat."

"I just wanted to be sure everyone was listening" Umbridge said sweetly. "The minister requested I assist Hogwarts both as a teacher, but also as a distinguished member of our fair government. Bringing methodologies and updating antiquated practices. I was hoping to present my initial suggestions at this meeting."

Minerva nodded, gesturing for the witch to start. Severus braced himself as she unrolled a rather lengthy piece of parchment.

Harry winced as he dropped the book. The sound echoed down the corridor. Granted, no one was really around and it was still before curfew, but it still echoed. Hermione rolled her eyes an ushered him on to catch up to Susan and Luna. Neville had gone to collect Draco and they were making their way to an empty room. The seven were meeting briefly to discuss the semester. And Hermione wanted to discuss Umbridge. They had her in class tomorrow, but the speech had her nervous.

Ron opened the door and waved them in. Harry and Neville had sent him ahead to find a room partially to give their ears a break from Hermione sniping at him. They'd been snapping at each other since breakfast when Hermione all but demanded Ron talk to the twins about testing their products on other students. Then Ron complained that she was taking her prefect duties way too seriously. And it went around and around. Harry already had a headache.

Neville and Draco were already settled on the chairs in the corner. Hermione bounced over, "Okay, here are the various bits we've been working on. While Draco hands out copies, Harry and Neville have already asked what Professor Umbridge's speech meant."

The other nodded as Luna frowned. "Professor Umbridge certainly had Blibbering Humdingers around her head at the feast." At the others' stares, she elaborated, "They make people talk more and more about less and less."

Draco shook his head, "She may have used more words than needed, but she certainly said something."

Hermione got out the small notepad Harry had seen her write on at the feast. Ron and the other purebloods had been in awe of it. "She did. She very diplomatically accused the teachers of Hogwarts of slacking in their 'duty'. And phrases like 'preserve what needs to be preserved' and 'pruning wherever we find practices that ought to be prohibited' are a problem. Umbridge has a history of supporting magical human superiority."

"Additionally, she is a strong proponent of blood purity. Not in the pureblood sense, but in the nepotism, species sense. Half the werewolf restrictions in play right now were introduced under her banner." Draco commented as he shuffled the plans Hermione had copied.

Harry frowned. "You think she knows about the KA students?"

Draco frowned at that, but Susan shook her head, "Not sure. We'll know quickly, if she does. Sixth year class happened today, and she can't resist needling people. She'll make comments if she knows."

Neville grimaced, "So we need to keep our heads down?"

"Great!" Harry huffed. His headache had made him short tempered much of the day. "I'll get right on that." The others stared at him, mostly in concern. He heaved a sigh. "Sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me today."

"Well, whatever it is, we need a way to calm it before class tomorrow."

"Yeah, mate. You're blowing smoke already and she's not even in the room." Ron leaned over as he spoke. Harry winced. As his friend and roommate, Ron had borne the brunt of his bad mood and it wasn't fair to him. Neville had tried to help, but realistically, Ron made Harry calmer than Neville.

"Okay, okay. So let's shelve this until this weekend. What's the plan with the groups?"

They talked about meeting the different chapters individually. Connecting in Houses to study after hours if needed. Additionally, SOA needed to spread via the FOLD. They decided not to ask firsties to join at least until Christmas, but they did start looking into Second years.

Each group also formed some basics that they would learn and that they would want all the group to learn. Certain spells like a basic shield and disarming were important. Depending on how Professor Umbridge was organizing her class, they may need to teach those spells to the younger years ahead of time. Certain potions were discussed as necessary, and they talked about methods of carrying a single dose without clinking of glassware. Draco and Hermione were still discussing it as they left just before curfew.

Harry and Neville detoured on their route home past the portrait of Dilys Derwent about some plants to carry around. They had just made it to Derwent when Harry's name was shouted behind him.

"Potter!" Both spun to see their potion's professor striding toward them dramatically. Harry wondered if this was to get to them or to escape the DADA professor trotting behind Snape. "Curfew starts soon. I'm sure you were heading to bed."

"Yes Professor." Harry answered as Neville shivered minutely next to him.

"Ah yes. I've heard you flaunt the rules, Mr. Potter." Umbridge cooed gleefully.

Harry glared at her, but held his tongue. Neville pinching his forearm helped.

"Such impertinence! Perhaps a detention will teach you respect!" Umbridge's scolding had Harry's temper burning brighter, but his sharp retort was cut off by Snape himself.

"Firstly, I doubt much could teach Potter respect. He seems to lack the basic genetic understanding. Second, he is not actually late for curfew for another ten minutes." Snape's tone was mild, but Harry thought he saw warning in the dark eyes. Neville must have because he made very hasty apologies and yanked Harry down the hall by his arm.

Harry closed his eyes, trusting Neville to lead him, and breathed. When he got back to his room, he called Misty to talk him through a meditation. He'd visit Madam Pomfrey this weekend if this was still happening.

Severus watched as Harry scampered down the hallway with Longbottom. The Longbottom heir was doing much better now that the curse had been lifted and he'd grown into his magic this summer. His grandfather's wand matched him much better. Poppy had looked into the curse and Severus wasn't sure what to do about what she'd discovered. Temporarily, Poppy set a small protective spell on Severus' classroom. She wanted to run a similar check on Harry now that his inheritance magic had settled.

"Really, Professor Snape. We shouldn't let him get away with such disrespect to authority. It breeds worse behavior." Umbridge's scolding, as if Severus was one of the dunderheads they taught, had his hackles up, but Minerva's call interrupted them.

"Severus, Filius and Pomona are ready."

Severus turned away from the irritating woman in pink with as much flair and dignity as he could gather around himself. Minerva held the door for him and if he looked back, he thought he'd see her watching Umbridge sulk down the hallway with assessing gaze.

Umbridge had spent more than half an hour introducing so-called Educational Decrees by the Ministry. Albus had hemmed his way through them and thanked Umbridge for all the good "suggestions". The first ones were rather innocuous, banning spell-check quills. But by the tenth, restricting to food from "approved" suppliers, the punishments had reached expulsion. Severus had glanced at Minerva's parchment to see her taking notes on the and circle the words "contact board" multiple times.

Quite frankly, the rather draconian rules reminded Severus of the Dark Lord's initial control over his followers. Still, this next meeting was just the heads of house and Albus. They could discuss it there.


Sorry for the dull chapter guys. I've got some housekeeping in the story that needs to be handled before I can start moving the plot along again X)

Do you like my Umbridge? Or rather, do you want to strangle her because she is a really well written annoying charactersXD