Weee, another chapter 8D

Now that I'm in school again, I'll have less time to write T^T I hate school 8c

Anway, onward, to the story, we go! 8D

Ichigo stared at the albino like he just sprouted extra heads and arms. He though vampires were part of the dead, lost all feelings when they were Changed. If so, then why could Shiro feel this... 'love'. Said albino was staring at the teen intensely, slightly worried he shocked the boy too much. Ichigo opened him moth to say something when he suddenly felt Shiro's weight tumble off. A blur of gold was all Ichigo saw before he was tugged back harshly, falling, falling, falling into the dark sea...

The next time Ichigo opened his eyes, he was on the outskirts of town, in the small park. He sat up, staring wide-eyed around him. It was dark and the moon was out. But there was one thing you couldn't miss. They were everywhere. Angels, with bright, beautiful golden and white wings. Demons, some with extra limbs, gurgling and spatting, some with horns, others with worn, torn black wings. the Exorcists, fully equipped and tense. And none of them looked happy.

In the middle of the mess, Shiro was standing next to Ichigo, hands clenched, not making a move. The albino was staring at the ground, refusing to meet the teen's eyes as he gazed at him.

"Shirosaki Ogichi," One of the angels growled. A female with the most amazing shade of gold Ichigo had ever seen stepped forward, her long white hair swaying at her hips, her piercing blue eyes looking as if they would burn a hole in Shiro, her pale peachy skin glittering in the moonlight. "Are you trying to upset the balance, to cause this war ?"

Ichigo felt confused as the turned his head to watch Shiro. The vampire said nothing. "What about the mortal?" Snarled one of the creatures from behind him. "It's not Ichigo's fault, and it's not the vampire's, either!" This time an exorcist- Ichigo realized it was Yoruichi with Kisuke- stepped forward. They glared past the two in the center in favor of staring down the demon who spoke.

"It's against the rules!"

"It's upsetting the balance!"

"All could be lost!"

"It's you, not them!"

"You can't stop love!"

"It's the mortals fault!"

"Eliminate the mortal, and everything will back to normal!"

Next to Ichigo, Shiro tensed. For the first time that night, he looked up, sharply turning and slapping the demon (who attempted to grab Ichigo) away. "Don't touch him!" The albino snarled, slightly startling Ichigo, as well as the other demons. Ichigo quickly stood (He had been sitting on the ground the whole time), stumbling away slightly. A clawed hand reached out for Ichigo, who didn't notice, and curled around his neck. The mortal gave a surprised shout when he was pulled back. The demon's action caused an uproar.

"Release him, you filth!" Shiro tore Ichigo out of the others grip, pulling the mortal close to his side. "Back off!" He let out a nasty snarl, slashing out at anyone (or thing) that was too close. Ichigo struggled in the vampire's grip, but he ignored it.

"Yof squthin meh," came the muffled complain, causing Shiro to glance down at Ichigo. That's when he realized he was holding the boy to close, virtually suffocating him. He loosened his grip and Ichigo shot his head up, followed by a deep gasp and a half hearted glare. "Sorry," Shiro whispered.

"See?" Cried one of the angels. "That thing is going to kill the boy!" Ichigo flinched. "Shiro's not a thing!" He all but shrieked, gripping the front of said albino's shirt. After all, he did care for the other on some level.

"You don't know what you're talking about, Ichigo," The angel said softly and sadly, as if Ichigo were a lost puppy who knew nothing. "You're confused, and you don't understand."

It wasn't completely wrong. He was confused, but he did know what he was talking about. "I do to, and I am not! Shiro's not a thing! He's...he's...he's..." Ichigo searched for the right word. "He's a demon, he lies, he's messing with our mind," Another ,male, angel growled. "He can't be trusted." Ichigo's blood boiled. How dare he?

"I trust him more then I'll ever trust you!"

The words were out of Ichigo's mouth before he could stop them, but he didn't care anymore. The angel gasped and, next to Ichigo, Shiro held back a grin. "What have you done to him, you foul demon ?" The angel demanded. Before Ichigo could blink, the angel lunged for Shiro. Shiro hissed, but before he was attacked, a bright blue blur slammed forward, causing the angel to let out a pain-filled moan and crumble to the ground. "Took ya long enough," Shiro grumbled as a blue-haired male tured around. He was smirking, showing off dangerous fangs, his cyan eyes glowing. "Th' hero always arrives at th' last minute," the male flashed back.

"Whatever, Grimmjow." Shiro glanced down at Ichigo. The teen's chocolate colored eyes were narrowed, watching everyone and everything, body tense. "This isn't over," hissed the male angel who was knocked over. He glared at everyone assembled. "The demon goes, no questions asked!" He lunged again, but another demon stop him in mid-air. It had the form of a wolf with tribal markings on the legs,a mane, which had feathers, as if he were a chief of a tribe, and a tail that blazed like the pits of hell itself (A/N; I'm referring to Red XIII from Final Fantasy XD).

"I'll have none of that," he hissed. The demon and angel broke up when an Exorcist suddenly came flying in. "Do not get yourself involved, mortal! This is my battle!" The angel yowled. "Back off, Castiel!" ( A/N; OMG, Supernatural 8D ) The angel, Castiel, did not listen. He lunged forward again, which sent everyone into a frenzy.

"Watch out!" Shiro hissed, pulling Ichigo out of the way from a demon's claws. "Let go of me!" Ichigo desperately tried to get away, using Shiro's moment of distraction to pull himself free. "Ichi!" With his heart pounding, Ichigo closed his eyes and held out his hand. He felt the familiar pull, and, when he opened his eyes, there in his hand was a fine black sword. He grinned. Lets go, Tensa Zangetsu!" Almost instantly his blade crossed with Castiel, who looked shocked. The angel lowered his blade and gripped Ichigo's arm. "Stay back, Ichigo. I wish not for you to get hurt."

Ichi POV

This was all crazy. One minute I was feeling excited and ready to battle, m heart pounding in my chest, and the next I felt weak and tired, like I was drained of all energy. It was harder and harder to hold Zangetsu until it finally slipped from my hand. I felt myself slump against Castiel's shoulder, my body giving in to the sudden creeping darkness. I tried fighting back, but it was no use.

Suddenly, I felt a familiar arm wrap around my waist before I was roughly pulled back, out of Castiel's grip. "Ichi? Ichi! Oi, talk ta me 'ere!" You couldn't miss the panic building in his voice. I tried to say something, but only incoherent nonsense spilled out, my eyes slowly closing without me being able to stop them. I slumped against Shiro, giving into the sweet nothingness.

Shiro POV

I knew this would be a ad idea. The moment I figured out I really loved Ichi, I knew something bad would happen.

But not this.

And look what it led to; the second Great Demon War.

I was trying to fend off the angels and demons while, at the same time, I tried holding Ichigo. Castiel must have been trying to protect him, but either way, he would have taken him away from me. What's mine is mine, and I don't fancy sharing. Another angel charged at me, sword ready to strike. I stuck my foot out and kicked his chest, knocking him off balance. He tumbled to the ground before disappearing in the crowed. A demon truck out from behind, but I managed to duck and twist, tripping him, but not before his clawed hand snagged my skin at the shoulder, tearing a good amount off. I hissed in pain and backed away.

"Enough!" The sudden angry howl had everyone stopped in their tracks. There was a blinding light just at the front of the crowd, and I couldn't make it out. "How dare you all?" The voice continued, and I had a feeling it was... Him.

A sudden hand clasped on my shoulder. Before I could do anything, I heard Grimmjow whisper. "Common, we gotta get outta 'ere. Portal's ready, everyone's waitin'."

Nodding, we slipped away unnoticed, Ichigo on my back.

This was going to be one hell of a war.

Weee. 8D I'm starting to enjoy writing this. Hopefully the next chapter will be up soon.