CHAPTER HAS BEEN EDITED (it sucked before, in my opinion. Better now)

PART 1 of the Kiss a Ninja series

Hey, everyone!

This is a fan fiction I wrote a couple of years ago. I'm finally putting it out there, even though writing anything twice is a pain in the butt. I've actually read it several times, and hope you enjoy it as much as I do. But you know, I wrote it, so my opinion is irrelevant.

Announcement: The 100th reviewer gets a one-shot of his/her choice, or a very early update. Another form of reward can be suggested by that lovely person, and I will do it if I can.

I haven't watched any Naruto episodes in FOREVER (meaning since Shippuden episode 40 or something). I've been reading about everything, and it seems I've forgotten a lot of stuff. I will be doing some rewriting in a while.

Note: Sasuke never left, and this is in Shippuuden time, so Sasuke and Naruto, for example, are 17 years old. Just about everybody is a chuunin. Everyone does occasionally go on simple missions, despie that, and Team Kakashi is still intact. Of course.

This will be the first of a series of interrelated fan fics. I do hope you enjoy them all as they come.

Please let me know if I make any embarrassing mistakes of any sort. Thanks!

WARNING: Yaoi, meaning boy-love, lies below and beyond. DO NOT READ if you are not of the appropriate age or do not like yaoi. You have been warned. This is rated M, for now. Heh.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters. I only wish I did. -sigh-

Chapter 1:

He hadn't meant to kiss him.

Naruto walked dejectedly down the market street, looking around unseeingly at the fruits, vegetables and other food items and knickknacks on display. His thoughts were full of Sasuke and the night before. But in between memories of that, he was reviewing the events that had led up to the shocking moment of indiscretion.

He wasn't so sure why he reacted the way he did, and he didn't know what it meant that he was so deeply affected by the whole thing. Was he maybe...

It couldn't be! He liked Sakura…didn't he? And even if he was like that, with Sasuke of all people? Come on! Sasuke was special to him, but like a special friend, for God's sake.

"Naruto, you total moron," Sasuke said monotonously from his place in the hospital bed. "I didn't save your ass so you could get yourself killed immediately after," he said calmly with a hint of frustration and contempt. "Sometimes I wonder how you're still alive."

Naruto blushed and fumed all at once.

"Hey, hey! I was just returning the favor, all right? I'm fine anyway," Naruto declared and looked away, harrumphing. "I'm not going to get killed that easily." The blonde fidgeted on the chair next to the bed, trying not to look as guilty as he felt.

Sasuke stared at him silently and Naruto felt it, blushing harder.

It hadn't been the first time that Sasuke had saved his butt, and consequentially, it wasn't the first time he felt stupid. He –Sasuke- always got hurt doing it too, and it made Naruto feel touched –in an angry sort of way- and try harder to pay him back. Which is what almost got him killed a few days ago. Yet Sasuke was the one that would have died without the 5th Hokage's medical help, and the medicinal flower that Naruto had traveled into hostile territory to get.

Now, nearly four days later, Sasuke was well enough to put a flea in the blonde's ear, as the custom dictated. After nearly five years together, this has become a tradition for them: Sasuke acts like a jerk, Sasuke suddenly acts like he cares and saves Naruto, as soon as possible after rescue Sasuke berates Naruto for being careless.

How annoying. The guy wasn't hard to predict, but he was hard to understand. Naruto's feeling towards the darker man were growing unbearably confusing themselves, and he was nowhere near figuring them out

So when, in the act of getting his hands around Sasuke's throat when the latter punched him on his sore arm (to get his attention), Naruto leaned down and kissed him…

Naruto knew he was in trouble then.

It got worse when Sasuke got past the shock and responded hungrily. By the time the cry of a horrified nurse alerted them to their surroundings, they were already grinding against each other, Naruto on top, holding Sasuke's wrists against his sides, and moving impatiently against the boy grunting and moaning below him.

Naruto was so embarrassed and shocked at his own behavior, he ran out of the room, ran out of the hospital, and out of the village, trying to get his bearings back. WHAT THE HELL? And his unsatisfied erection was making things worse!

He returned to Konoha a couple of days later, but his thoughts were still jumbled, and his erection still unsatisfied –not that he hadn't tried to deal with it.

He couldn't be…gay…could he? He had been experimenting with his shadow clones, but liking that kind of feeling didn't necessarily make him a homo. He had never even been attracted to a guy before!

Until now, he thought darkly.

Naruto froze in mid step and stared at the person who'd intercepted him.

Sasuke looked calmly into his eyes. "Usuratonkatchi." He looked completely healed and totally unconcerned.

"Ah!" Naruto ignored the sweat sliding down the back of his neck and grinned, trying not to stare at the gaping, white long-sleeved shirt. That bare chest was suddenly very interesting. "What are you doing here? Out so soon?" he said with his usual cheerfulness. The Uchiha stared at him silently until Naruto's smile faltered. "What is it?" he asked in calculated concern. "Hey, maybe you need a little more rest. You're a bit pale."

"I'm fine," he said, sliding his hands out of his sleeves and hooking his long fingers at his rope belt casually.

A sudden flash of those hands clenching near Sasuke's head invaded Naruto's mind without warning. Sasuke gasping erotically, his hospital gown bunched around his muscular legs and slipping down his pale shoulders. Sasuke's strong body undulating demandingly under him.

He felt himself respond to the memory, and his breath caught audibly. Sasuke moved slowly past him. "Later," he said as he walked away.

Naruto couldn't move just yet, but he was certainly glad Sasuke left before noticing anything…unusual.

At home, Naruto made many attempts to get rid of his painful arousal, but no amount of dirty magazines or fantasies worked. Maybe he should try fantasizing about Sasuke…

Hell no! He'd never thought of the Uchiha that way and he didn't want to start now.

His honorable intentions were thrown to the wind when he ended up dreaming about him, and it was so intense he wished he had let himself fantasize the day before and gotten the dark ninja out of his system.

But he couldn't bring himself to do it. If he did that, he would be admitting that guys turned him on! Or at least that Sasuke did. So not ready for that!

As a result, he spent his entire day suffering from a near-constant arousal. But it always got worse when he saw Sasuke, or a scene that reminded him of that crazy night. He tried his best not to have dirty thoughts about him. He was not gay. He like Sakura! He has liked her since forever, damn it! Why couldn't this happen with her? Not that she would let him get anywhere near her, but…Not even an attempted fantasy about her did any good.

That night, after a bout of vigorous training that failed to make things comfortable below for longer than an hour, Naruto went straight to bed. And dreamt of the handsome Uchiha all over again.

Sasuke woke up with a start when someone banged at his door. He put on his slippers and grabbed his weapons pouch. He flipped on the light switch and asked who it was. His eyes widened in surprise at the answering voice and he opened the door.

"Naruto, what is it?" he asked in confusion, wondering what could be important enough to get the blonde ninja at his door so late into the night. The fox looked very tired, as if he hadn't a proper night's sleep in weeks. Yet he'd seemed energetic enough this morning.

Naruto grinned uncomfortable and avoided meeting his eyes. "Heheh. Good evening, Sasuke. Sorry I woke you-"

"What's the problem? Iruka-sensei in trouble?"

Naruto fidgeted a bit and tried not to notice how good his team-mate looked in a black t-shirt and pants. "No, no. It's nothing serious, actually. It's just, I have this problem…and I thought you'd know how to fix it."

Sasuke arched a brow and straightened. "Of course it couldn't wait until morning," he mocked in his usual Sasuke way. "And what makes you think there's anything I could-?"

"I think I'm in heat," Naruto blurted, and winced before averting his gaze from the stunned look on the Uchiha's face.

He waited for Sasuke to say something, and it seemed the silence lasted for hours…Was he too shocked? Repulsed?

"What does that mean?" the raven asked suspiciously. "You're talking about animal heat?"

"Uh, yeah. That one. Man, this is embarrassing," he said, rubbing his head. Naruto was no longer sure why he came to the Uchiha of all people. He was the one who triggered it after all! This was precisely where he didn't want to be!

There was a long pause. "Come in," Sasuke said finally and moved into the apartment.

Naruto followed, taken aback that the boy didn't make a fuss about the strange confession, or the fact that Naruto came to him about it.

"I'll make you some tea."

"No, it's ok." Naruto sat down, tensing up when Sasuke came to sit in the sofa in front of him.

"So, what's the problem?" Sasuke asked evenly.

Naruto noticed that the apartment was as small as his, but it was well furnished and well taken care of. Of course perfect Sasuke would be a clean freak. It was, however, a little gloomy-looking because of the dark decoration, but pretty comfortable. Even a bit cozy.

"Uh…yeah. Like I told you. I think I'm in heat…" He swallowed uncomfortably, wondering again why he was here. "The guy kind of heat!" he hurried to clarify. Naruto fidgeted slightly when Sasuke continued to stare at him.

"And how can I help you?" he said finally. "I don't know anything about that."

"Yeah. I guess so…" he cleared his throat. He didn't know what more to say. 'You caused it. Fix it!' didn't sound good.

Naruto jumped when he finally noticed that Sasuke had approached him, and was now unbuttoning his shirt. "Wh-what?" He could feel his blood begin to boil, as a precursor to it pooling down between his legs. "What are you doing?" he asked in as much calm as he could.

The Uchiha stared him in the eye with a calm Naruto wished he could match. "I'm checking your seal," he answered.

"Ah…I already…checked." He gulped when the other man got the fold apart completely. "It's showing. That's why I suspected it was causing me…to feel like this." He was trying his damnest to talk evenly. Not going so well.

"'Like this'?"

"Yeah. I was…hot all the time. Always turned-what the!" The blonde gasped and grabbed the arm that slipped into his pants.

"You're right. It feels very uncomfortable." Sasuke only touched him briefly before pulling away and dislodging Naruto's hand. "My fault, right?"

Naruto's jaw dropped open. How the hell did he figure-? Oh, right. The wild kiss.

And he said it with such unconcern Naruto wanted to punch him. That incident nearly had Naruto swallowing his tongue!

"I think you just happened to be there. Can't blame you for this. I'm sorry about that, by the way. I don't think I could help it," he said almost angrily, looking away.

Sasuke's gaze flickered and turned cold. "Don't worry about it. It was nothing unusual."

Naruto stilled at the statement, then turned red with humiliation. Apparently, Naruto wasn't his first kiss…wasn't his first guy. And he wasn't anything special, either. Shaking himself mentally, he pushed the ridiculous sting the words caused him out of his mind.

But then, why had the Uchiha reacted to him that way? Naruto knew him enough to realize Sasuke wasn't generous with physical affection. But maybe sex was different? Ugh! Naruto didn't want to think about that.

"Okay then…" The blonde grinned in his customary, cheerful manner and rubbed his head in a show of embarrassment.

"I guess I can't help you." Sasuke got up and went for the door. "Ask Kakashi. He has a better chance of knowing what to do."

Naruto managed to keep his cool and followed his teammate to the open door. "I guess so. I should have thought of that." He was standing at the entrance. "You…do that with guys all the time then?" he asked fairly evenly, giving the narrow-eyed Uchiha an innocent look. For some reason, he just had to know!

He saw the raven's eyes harden and his grip tighten on the doorknob. "I'm just curious, don't get mad. I mean, is that why you don't pay girls any attention?"

"I'm bi, Naruto," he said acidly, making Naruto blush. "And that's my business and none of yours, dobe."

Naruto pretended not to notice Sasuke's angry glare and shrugged nonchalantly before turning to leave. "Okay, okay. I was just curious." He himself felt like tearing someone apart. Maybe he'd start with the guy who'd been under…or on top of Sasuke. He'd ask Sasuke which part he usually partook in during sex with a guy, but he suspected Sasuke would kick his ass for it.

Another question occurred to him as soon as he was out the door. "You haven't been with any girls, have you?"

He jumped when the Uchiha slammed the door in his face.

So that's a no.

Hey, maybe Naruto was bi too. He was attracted to girls all the time! He never wanted to sleep with them, but that's because they freaked him out…Oh, hell. Maybe he was a gay guy in denial. Like Sasuke seemed to be. But he wasn't attracted to any until now, so what's the deal?

"Asshole Sasuke," he mumbled miserably and headed home. No way was he telling Kakashi anything about this until he absolutely had to!

Maybe it'll go away in a week, like a period?

Huh. Something told him that wouldn't be the case.

To Be Continued...

A little on the short side, but this is just a prologue anyway. By the way, I suck at beginnings.

Please read and review. Tell me what you think.