The following is a slightly embellished true story. I own nothing of it, only the misfortune to have had this happen to me, and all is copyright of Mojang.

This happened while I was using the BuildCraft mod, so there is an item from that. Anyway, just a fun thing I decided to write.

One fine day in the beautiful land of Me, my Quarry was hard at work - sitting still, instead of doing what quarries normally do. It was tied up to a one-clock repeater mechanism - you do know what that is, right? - and the stupid clock had burnt itself out. I knelt down to try and fix it.

The trick is to power the loop, then remove power and quickly pick up some of the fuse and place it back down again. That, for some reason in my wonderful world of Messed-Up Physics, caused a continuous loop of redstone charge - for about half a day. Then you'd need to reset it again.

But I digress. As I was saying, I was placing and picking up the stupid redstone fuse trying to get the clock working again, when there was a few footsteps behind me and a quiet "Sssssssssssssss…".

Still trying to start the clock, not turning around, I said "Morning, mate. I don't suppose you'd know a better way to get this to work would you?"

The entity behind me said nothing, only gave out another low hiss. I took that to be I don't care. And, judging by the attitude, it was a creeper.

Ah, good ol' creepers. About a metre and a half tall, green skin, and a perpetual unhappy face (about which I have found the explanation for), they have a racial trait of a short fuse - literally. But if you don't know more about creepers that what I've said, then you won't last two days on your own.

Aaaanyway, I asked the creeper again if it knew a better way, as I still couldn't get the blasted clock to work. In that way that creepers do when they're getting annoyed, however, it said nothing. Ah well.

About two more minutes, me and the creeper - which I had decided to name Stanley - waited, until I had started the clock. I offered him a bacon sandwich I found in the chest where my quarry was depositing to, but he said Hissssssssss, so I shrugged in the manner of I'll have it then. It tasted like gravel, gold and diamond. Not a good taste, but oh well.

After those two minutes, I finally managed to get the clock working again, and I turned around to gaze at Stanley. His blank black eyes were starting to flash white for some reason, and then I remembered what happened with every other creeper. The flashing sped up as he somehow grabbed my arms - I mean, again with the work of Mess-Up Physics, creepers don't have anything to grab me with - and I panicked. My friend Stanley would honestly do this to me?

I begged him to 'pleasedon'tpleasedon'tpleasedon't' and would have said it a fourth time, had he not blown up in my face and killed me. I was released as a ghost and made my way back to where Stanley had blown up, and as I gazed at the rubble I realised - he'd blown up the bloody clock.
