Jack teaches Jayne how to drive. Jack's POV. Rated K.

Disclaimer: I do not own Eureka

Driving Lessons
Age: 15

"And I have to do this why?" I questioned, my face probably already contorting into panic I'm sure!

Zane rolled his eyes, "Jo won't let me do it, something about my driving record."

Jo elbowed him in the stomach as she gave me a pleading look, "You're the best defensive driver in Eureka, you drive in all the disasters! Please!"

"Ah…" I whimpered, scratching the back of my head nervously, "Can't we draw straws or something?"


"Easy now, easy!" I shouted as my truck took another fast turn, I clung to my seat for dear life. Glaring in the direction of the maniac that was smiling ear to ear in the driver's seat.

"Come on Uncle Jack, where's you sense of adventure?" Jayne chuckled at what I'm sure was my very unamusedexpression before hitting the gas.

"Slow down!" I yelled, stopping my foot on the floor of my jeep and wishing for a brake peddle like I never have before. I could see why Jo had been against Zane teaching him now, the town wouldn't survive the two maniacs together!

Oh no… What would happen when they started working together? I paled.

The car screeched to a stop outside Café Diem, "Something wrong Uncle Jack?" I looked over at the excited teenager, flabbergasted.

"Who in the hell gave you a drivers' permit?" I said after a moment, his blues eyes lit up like Christmas lights.

"Dr. Ryan," Jayne said matter-a-factly, "I might have implied I'd sign up for his drivers' ed class every semester until I got it."

Putting my face in one hand I used the other to point to an open space, "Park." I didn't look up, especially not when I heard the familiar crunch of metal hitting metal.

Will my truck ever last more than a few months?

Please don't let it be genetic! I don't want to go through this with Mal too!
