Hello, my lovely readers :)

I've been quite.. Well, I'll be honest with you, I haven't been bothered lately to write another chapter.. But before you start throwing things! This is another chapter.

Thank you to:



fred weasley watcher,




annnd 93 Diagon Alley, I'm very glad to be back on your good list, ha-ha :)

For all of your fabulous reviews.

Disclaimer: If you STILL think I own this, by the 16th chapter, I really urge you to speak to a Healer. Thank you.

Now, without further ado, I present:

Chapter 16. The Girl Is Alright.

Hermione's P.O.V.

"There's another baby!" exclaimed George wearing his signature Weasley grin.

"And everyone," the Healer started, "If Mr Weasley hasn't already got all of your attention, I'd like to take this moment to tell you all that Angelina is going to be just fine."

The room filled with sighs of relief and whoops of joy from Fred and George.

I watched Fred as he danced around with his twin and rested my head on Harry's shoulder. I closed my eyes.
"Uh.. Hermione?" came a voice.

"Ron, if you've come to upset her, I really don't think she needs anything else on her plate-"

But Harry was cut off.
"No, I came to apologise." he said. I looked up from Harry's shoulder.

"This'll be good." I said coldly.

"Ron, go away." came another voice. Fred.
"Hermione doesn't need your apologies."

"I need to do this!" said Ron, looking determined. "I've hurt you so many times, and I know you think this is another excuse; but I really am sorry. I get that I missed my shot. I'm sorry for everything, and if you don't accept me, I get it. I really do. So, um, I'm sorry."

I scoffed. "You can only break something so many times before it's broken for good." I said.

"Everything alright guys?" asked George, a bright grin on his face.

"Fine. Absolutely brilliant." I said.

"Let's go, 'Mione." Fred said, reaching for my hand.

"Floo if you need anything, George." I said, hugging him.

"Anything at all." Fred added. I took his hand and we Apparated.

Ron's P.O.V

I couldn't believe Hermione wouldn't forgive me! A heartfelt apology, and still, nothing. Maybe I should have given up. But I had to try. I had to get her away from my brother.

And if no-one in my family would help me, including Harry, I'd get help from someone else.

That was how I ended up at someone who I hadn't seen since the Battle of Hogwarts' apartment.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked and waited.

Very short chapter, I know, but, I wanted to keep you guys in suspense. Just so I know at least one person's reading this.

School just started again, so now I'll hardly update even more, if that makes sense...
I don't care if you're reading this now, or even in 2 years time, please drop me a review if you've got a minute, it's the only reason I continue this story.. Ha-ha.

One last thing, I wanted your opinions on something.

What was your reaction to George and Angelina getting together in the end of Harry Potter?

Was it 'That's so weird, I thought she was supposed to be with Fred!' ?
Mine was. Then again, there probably wouldn't be so many Fremione shippers if J.K didn't kill Fred off-

But anyway. Enough from me, please review, favourite, anything :)
Stay totally awesome! :)