Tag to 7.02 Drabble.

Short little drabble that may or may not transform into a story on it's own depending on what you guys think.

Dean hadn't been the same since he had collected the trench coat from the waters. Sam had saw that, hell, Bobby had seen the change in Dean's demeanor, heard the tremor in his voice. The words coming out half broken and holding back a sob. Bobby tried changing the subject so that Dean wouldn't dwell so much on just loosing one of the most important people in his life. They had been searching for a couple of days now and finding almost next to nothing with leads.

Sam was going off his rocker seeing Satan.

Bobby was checking every damn book he ever owned for something and waiting by the phone.

Dean... Instead of sleeping like a normal person should, he had taken residence in the panic room. Laying on the cot but instead of a blanket covering his body, it was the overly large tan trench coat that was bundled around his body. His body shook slightly as he tried his hardest to keep back the tears that kept threatening to spill as he spoke in his head harshly.

Dumb sonofabitch. Who said you could leave me behind anyways? Especially when I need you the most. Am I okay? Hell no, I'm not okay, I won't be... not anymore. I thought I could be... when you were there with me. When you were by my side back in the day, I sometimes would think. 'hey... maybe everything will be okay and we'll kick the devil's ass into the cage and call it a day.' I never... I never got to even say anything... never will now... No. I should.. be postitive.. right? There's always a small bit of hope... Maybe God will bring him back again.

It's possible... right?