Me: As I sit in the airport and listen to them call repeatedly for a man named Tobias, which is slightly ironic, I type this last chapter…

Prentiss: That sounds really… Final.

Garcia: Kinda like you're going to die or something.

JJ: Wait, no one's going to die are they?

Me: I'm trying to be retrospective.

Reid: But you're talking about the present.

Me: Oh, forget it.

I don't own Criminal Minds.


Reid felt better. Not perfect, but better than he had in a long time. His Ketamine induced napped had done him wonders. So had clearing up the hard feelings with Elle.

She was starting up therapy again. Hopefully this time it would help.

"Kid," Morgan said, calling Reid's attention back to the present. "We're here."

Reid looked around, surprised at how little time it had taken to get from the airport to the cemetery.

"You sure you want to do this?" Morgan asked his friend, his eyes full of concern.

I have to, Reid thought to himself. He had to finish what he started. "You don't have to come with me."

"Please," Morgan scoffed. "I'm never letting out of my sight again. You disappear to easily."

A smile crept across the genius's face. "Sorry about that. I… I was scared and I didn't want to drag you guys into it."

"Reid. Look at me. We are a family. We are here for you whether you want us to be or not. So next time, don't run off."

Reid nodded. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out before exiting the car.

Morgan followed him a few feet behind as they passed the crumbling older gravestones to the last on the lot.

"Hey, Tobias," Reid whispered to himself as he knelt down and placed a flower on the grave.

The distant song of autumn birds were the only sounds. Reid pulled his coat tighter against the wind.

"You know that it wasn't your fault."

Reid shrugged, not committing either way.

Morgan forced the younger man to look face him. "Nothing is your fault. People make their own choices." He could tell he wasn't making much of an effect on Reid, so he changed tactics. "What about Owen Savage? You saved his life. If you hadn't talked him down, we probably would have had to take him down. And Samantha Malcolm and all the other girls her father abused. You saved them and more from being abused."

Shaking his head, Reid asked, "But what is the weight of one life saved compared to the others that were lost?"

Morgan shrugged. "I think that lives can't be tallied. Each is its own. You celebrate the wins, and mourn the loses, but you can't dwell and let yourself be pulled down by them. If you do, there will be even more loses, including yourself." He reached over and ruffled his hair. "And whether or not you believe me, the entire team would lose a lot more if you weren't there."

Reid smiled, sadness still lurking. He looked down once more at Tobias's grave. An image of Tobias right before he died flashed through his mind. You killed him… Do you think I'll get to see my mom again? Maybe it was his memory failing him, but Tobias had almost looked… happy.


"Move on. It's just a chapter in the past, but don't close the book - turn the page."


Alright! That's it! At least for a little while. I'm writing a Psych fanfic and one at a time is the way to go.

Hope you all enjoyed the ride, I sure did. And sorry about the late chapter. Sketchy internet access really puts a damper on updates…

As always and for the last time, Reid and Review!
