Mercenaries, Ninja, Martial Artists, and Wizards?
What do they have to do with this story? Everything but let's let the story tell everything from the beginning...
Running across a small clearing was a pair of teens, a boy and a girl. Both were carrying large backpacks that looked as though they could weigh half as much as they do yet
there seemed to be little strain on their faces. The boy had blonde hair and blue eyes though the pupils were slit like a cats, at his waist was a short blade and attached to his
pack is a long wrapped bundle as long as he was tall, not that he could be considered tall standing a little under six feet. His female companion was quite different, barely five
feet tall, black sholder length hair, and rather chubby. At her lower back she wore a pair of short blades.
"I can't believe that old guy told us we had to go all the way to Tokyo and you insist on going by foot! Couldn't we have gone by train or something?" The girl complains.
"Come on, a little extra training wouldn't hurt and besides its supposed to be an easy job with big pay, why not try to get there a little faster?" The boy replies with a grin.
"If it's training you want I could just fly us there!"
"What and miss ya pass out when we get there? HAHAHA! No way!" the boy jokes and laughs but never slows his run.
"But I'm hungry!"
"You're always hungy, then again so am I"
"So we can stop for lunch?" There was hope in her voice.
"In an hour, we should reach Tokyo by then."
Ah man!" she whines.
In Tokyo...
A huge man walked down a street in a section of Tokyo called Nerima looing for a certain dojo. It wasn't the fact that the man wasn't Japanese or because of his thick
build but it was that he was twice as tall as anyone around him topped by a head with long thick hair and wrapped around into a beard. Wearing a heavy brown jacket
that was covered in resewn cuts and tears and there were plenty of spots that looked like blood and burns.
After wandering around the giant finally found what he was looking for, and it's a good thing too since he barely had breakfast and it was past lunch. While he was no
expert he could read and speak the language well enough to get around, he read the sign again with a smile on his hairy face 'Tendo Dojo - To defeat master in savage
combat use back door'. "Good to see some people have a sense of humor these days, though I wonder if they are serious about that... Never mind that, I found the
place an' now its time to do what I'm supposed to do."
The normally large office felt rather cramped at the moment as the eldest in the room looked upon the small crowd of young faces from behind her desk. The twelve children
in front of her, while they were young they were also well experienced but nothing compared to her own. She figured she might as well get started.
"All right I see you are all here you will be going on a mission together." She saw the blond boy open his mouth. "Yes all of you will be going together and you will be gone
for quite some time, at least one full year in another contry off of this continent. You will be attending a school for those with special abilities and taking the classes like the rest
of the students. You will be given the rest of what will be exptected on this mission by the headmaster when you get there. Pack up your gear and meet back here in one hour!
"Yes madam!" The children yell before dissapearing out the door.
On the other side of the world...
"Trust that you are capable of helping them learn what they need before scholl begins?" An old man with a long white beard asks.
"It will be a little crowded but otherwise we'll be fine and you gave us the voucher for when we take them to get their school supplies and you managed to convince the Prime
Minister to give us a nice sum of money to pay for the food we'll need." The redheaded woman expalains, dispite having a meeting with an old friend, literally and figuratively,
she kept most of her attention on the stove while she cooked breakfast for her large family. "Are you sure you don't want to stay for breakfast? With as much I need to make
an extra serving wouldn't matter."
"I'm sorry but I have business to attend to, with both our current business and others." he says.
"Very well, nothing will stop you anyway."
"I don't intend to stop until I die, goodbye Molly, I've taken care of setting the needed protections."
"Just don't die too soon you old codger!" Molly says with a smile earning one in return before the old man disappeared out the door.