Chapter 5

Rating: solid M
Spoiler: season 2, set prior to Season Finale
Disclaimer: If I did own the rights to these lovely ladies they would have a lot more fun – trust me.
Summary: The beginning of Myka's relationship with HG Wells. Starting with Myka's feelings after learning that HG Wells is in fact a woman we see the two interact and become more involved as their secret relationship progresses.
Chapter 5 update: We pick up at the end of Vendetta when Myka, Pete and Artie are in Moscow. HG Wells is in custody and under Myka's supervision until the team's departure for the United States. Upon arrival in the United States, HG Wells is whisked away by the Regents, leaving one distraught Secret Service Agent behind, wondering if she will ever see her charismatic Time Traveler again.

. . . . .

Thank you for the encouraging reviews! Always love to hear from you after you've read my stories.



Moscow, Russia

Pete glared at Artie. Artie was on his back, snoring. Pete grabbed his pillow and contemplated his fate should he attempt to smother his superior. Would the act send him to the bronzer, or perhaps get him a medal? Turning over on his side, facing the wall, Pete put the pillow over his head, trying to drown out the sound of Artie's snoring.

In another room further down the hall, Myka paced nervously back and forth while talking and gesturing. HG Wells sat on one of the two beds, smiling serenely, her left arm handcuffed to the headboard. She ran her hand through her hair and chuckled at Myka's frantic ranting.

"Darling, we are alone. You can stop this charade and let me out of this silly bracelet. I would much rather have you here beside me than tearing up the carpet."

Myka shot her a sharp look. "Not gonna happen, Helena."

"And why not?" Helena said with a huff. "I have done nothing wrong."

Myka made a frustrated sound and looked up at the ceiling. Her hands closed into tight little fists as she tried hard not to yell at HG Wells.

"Why are you doing this to me Helena?"

"I thought that was obvious," Helena said and bowed her head a little, her dark eyes twinkling and a teasing little smile played at the corner of her mouth.

"What? You're in love with me now?"

"Is that so hard to imagine, love? You are a gorgeous woman with an impressive mind."

Myka shot her a look, looking for signs of HG playing games with her. Helena just smiled.

"Well if you're not going to release me, I guess I'll have to do it myself," HG said and turned on the bed. A few seconds later the handcuffs dangled empty on the headboard.

The bed creaked a little as HG Wells got up and slowly approached Myka. She caressed Myka's hair and very gently pulled her to her. To HG's surprise, Myka clung to her and then started to cry.

"Hush darling, everything is all right. I'm here, and this time I'm not going anywhere."

"You almost died," Myka whimpered.

"But I didn't."


HG gently pressed her lips against Myka's in a soft kiss. She caressed the tears away from Myka's face. After a moment Myka seemed to relax and HG smiled at her.

"That's it, love."

Myka took a deep breath and flashed HG a shaky little smile.

"Artie wants you to be bronzed again," she whispered and closed her eyes.

"Well, what Artie wants and what Artie gets are two different things entirely," HG said with a teasing smile.

HG Wells knew that there was no way that she would ever willingly allow herself to be bronzed. Should it come to that, she would request permission to take her own life. Realizing that Myka would not approve of such an act, she kept that little piece of information to herself.

"I will tell them in my report how you helped solve this case, and how you saved Artie's life."

HG nodded. "I thought the senior agent was in charge of the report, or at least signed off on it."

Myka sighed in frustration. "If Artie refuses to include your outstanding performance, well then I'll write my own damn report. The Regents need to know how much you helped, and how good you are."

"I know I'm good," HG purred. "You said it many times last time we were alone together."

Myka blushed and made a face at HG. "You're trying to change the topic."

"I am," HG confirmed with a teasing smile. "We are wasting time on things we cannot do anything about when we could be naked in bed and I could show you just how much I've missed you, my darling."

"Oh," Myka mumbled and stepped closer. She ran her finger down HG's chest until she reached the first button. Tickling the little freckle there she looked HG in the eyes when she heard her gasp. "Perhaps I do need a distraction," she whispered and kissed HG.

HG whimpered and grabbed Myka. Myka laughed against HG's lips as the two tumbled down on the bed, frantically pulling at each other's clothes. Then they stopped and laughed at the silliness of their situation.

"I do not think that I've been this desperate to be naked with someone since I was very young," HG said with an amused chuckle.

Myka sat up and unbuttoned her shirt. She took it off and flung it over on the other bed. She then stood up and eased out of her pants and tossed them in the same direction. HG watched her as she undressed. Myka stopped and arched her eyebrows.

"Are you just going to lie there watching me strip?"

"Seems like a perfectly good idea to me," HG said smugly.

"Well, perhaps I'm too tired for this anyway," Myka said and gathered her clothes before tossing back the covers on the other bed.

HG was on her feet in a second and grabbed Myka. She turned her around and kissed her thoroughly. Her nimble fingers unclasped Myka's bra and she almost ripped it from Myka's body before dropping it on the floor. Myka giggled and stepped back. Her legs hit the bed and she sat down.

"Please, Helena," she whispered. "Get undressed. I want to see you. Feel you."

HG smiled and quickly got out of her clothes. She stood naked a few feet away from Myka, smiling at her.



Myka held out her hand to HG who took it. She walked over and straddled Myka's lap. This time when they fell down on the bed their pace was slower, as they took their time familiarizing themselves with each other again. Myka felt tears in her eyes as HG touched her and drove her body closer to release. She grabbed fistfuls of the sheet as her body arched and a loud whimper signaled her peak. Moments later when HG held her protectively in her arms Myka sighed contentedly and kissed HG's collarbone. She nuzzled her lover's neck and just basked in the wonderful warm feeling of again being this close to her.

"I need you," she whispered. "If they take you away again they can just as well kill me."

HG stilled. She cupped Myka's chin and looked her in the eyes.

"Darling, please don't say that. You know it is a possibility. Please promise me that no matter what, you will live and love. If not for you, for me."

Myka sniffled and closed her eyes. "I don't know if I can, Helena."

"Dearest, I know you can. You're the strongest person I've ever met."

HG kissed Myka very softly and Myka relaxed again. HG pulled her closer.

"Who knows, perhaps they will make me an agent again. Then I can chase after your shapely behind on every artifact hunt. Oh what a glorious thought," HG said cheerfully.

Myka laughed and grinned at HG. "Thank you. But just in case, let me show you just how much you mean to me."

HG smiled and nodded. Her eyes closed when Myka's lips found her nipples and soon she was letting out cries of passion as Myka brought her to climax not once, but three times before HG fell back against the pillows gasping for air.

Myka's last conscious thought as she fell asleep wrapped around HG was how well they fit together and how HG's presence made her feel complete.



When they landed in South Dakota, a large black SVU had been waiting on the tarmac to whisk HG Wells away. Myka frantically tried to think of something to say, anything to say in order to stop them from taking Helena away. As the words never came she watched a tall, huge man with dark sunglasses put HG Wells in the back seat. Myka wanted to cry. The van door closed with such finality to it, as if sealing HG Wells' faith forever. Myka watched silently as the car drove off, choking back her tears. When a comforting warm hand settled on her shoulder she did not shake it off.

"I'm sorry Mykes," Pete said.

"It's not over yet," she said and her jaw set as she made her mind up. "Coming?"

Pete shrugged and followed Myka to the car where Artie was waiting impatiently for them.

"What's keeping you?" he muttered.

"Where are they taking her?" Myka asked sternly.

"I have no idea. Forget about her. It's in the hands of the Regents and they know what to do with her."

Myka clenched her teeth, forcing herself not to say anything. Instead she got in the backseat and started to formulate her report about HG Wells' important contribution to their most recent case, as well as her previous important contributions.



Myka felt like she had not slept at all the first night back from Russia. She had been sitting up on her bed for hours, hugging her legs, her chin resting on her knees as she looked out at the moonlit night thinking about HG Wells, wondering what she was doing.

Myka had sent her report to Mrs. Frederic earlier with a request that it be forwarded to the Regents. She only felt slightly guilty for going behind Artie's back.

"It's Helena's life," she whispered softly.

Myka closed her eyes hoping that Artie would understand. She glanced at the alarm clock. Two hours until she would have to get up. Artie had been working on the report and sent it off before she had a chance to read it. She wanted to read it first thing in the morning. Artie would be in a meeting with the Regents. He had been avoiding her questions all evening, finally taking off for the Warehouse with the excuse that he needed to finish his report.

She reached for the book sitting on her nightstand. She opened it to where her bookmark was placed. She ran her fingers over HG Wells' beautiful handwriting. Myka smiled to herself as she remembered that first night she spent with HG Wells in the garden outside her hotel. She sighed and leaned back against the headboard.

"She can't be gone. She just can't," she mumbled.

The nights, those precious nights spent with HG Wells were some of the most wonderful moments in her life. HG had made her feel alive, wanted, cherished and very special. Myka again fought the tears that threatened to spill.

"It's not fair."

She finally curled up on the bed and fell into a restless sleep where she was chasing HG Wells through winding dark hallways filled with mirrors and dead ends. When she finally woke up she dragged herself to the bathroom for a shower before grabbing a coffee to go and heading over to the Warehouse. Her stomach was a knot at the thought of HG Wells' fate.



The feeling of utter relief and bliss at the sight of HG Wells standing in Artie's office overwhelmed Myka so that she could only grin goofily at the woman. HG was stunningly beautiful as she smiled at Myka. Myka beamed at the sight of her. HG Wells had been reinstated. Myka's world was again perfect. At least for a fraction of a second until Artie opened his mouth and ruined the moment. Shooting HG a quick glance she chased after him. It immediately became clear that any attempt to reason with him would be fruitless. Myka watched him stomp down the exit connector before she turned back to the office where she had left HG with Pete.

"There you are, darling," HG said and grinned at her.

Myka walked straight to her and stopped a foot away from HG. Their eyes met and Myka grinned at HG.

"Excuse me ladies," Pete said as the seconds ticked by. "Can we get the heck out of here?"

"Great idea Pete," Myka said and grabbed HG's hand. "Let's go home."

Pete sighed and made a face. He still had his doubts about this, but he was willing to give HG a chance. For Myka's sake.



Finally alone together they stood in the middle of Myka's room. Myka cupped HG's face and kissed her. She put all her feelings of joy and relief into that one kiss that lasted until they both broke apart with a loud gasp. HG wrapped her arms around Myka's slender waist and pulled her close.

"I prayed for this moment to come, but I dared not believe," she whispered and kissed Myka.

"Please stay," Myka mumbled against HG's lips. "I need to feel you beside me to know that this is real."

HG looked Myka in the eyes and it finally registered on her how exhausted Myka looked. She nodded and pulled Myka over to the bed. They sat down, hands still clasped.

"You need sleep darling."

Myka made a face. "I couldn't sleep last night. I was too worried about you."

HG pulled Myka to her and just held her. Myka rested her head on HG's shoulder basking in the feeling of holding her.

"Let's go to bed. It has been a frightful ordeal and I think we need to get a good night's sleep more than anything else."

Myka nodded. She showed HG to the bathroom and grabbed some sleeping clothes for the two of them. When they finally lay facing each other in Myka's bed Myka traced HG's eyebrow and down her cheek.

"You are so beautiful."

"Thank you love." HG kissed the teasing fingertip that touched her lips and then took Myka's hand. "Now close your eyes and try to get some sleep. I must admit that I am quite fatigued myself."



Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed my attempt to "go behind the scenes "and "fill in the gaps" in Season 2. I planned this to be a prequel to my story Missing You. After watching the Season 3 finale that story is now definitely an AU, unless I can tweak it somehow to make it work

I personally believe that HG Wells will return. Especially if they don't get a green light for the spin-off. No matter what, I think they will find a way of keeping her. HG Wells is too popular to be discarded permanently.

Well, I guess we will know in July, 2012!


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