Isabella got back from her troop meeting and flopped down onto her bed face-first. Normally she was happy after a meeting but this time not so much. The problem was that virtually the whole meeting had been on Phineas, or namely, what Isabella should do about their, predicament.

The whole gang was about 15 or 16 and in high school. Frankly the only problem between Phineas and Isabella was still his obliviousness. Usually her troop supported her with whatever she did (technically she wasn't in the troop since she turned 16 but she went to the meetings with her friends) especially when it came to Phineas. Maybe it was because they no longer felt Isabella would kill them if they spoke ill of her crush but recently they had been rejecting her reasoning with her "approach" to getting Phineas. Basically all she did was spend as much time as possible with him as friends.

Some of the girls told her to move on, it was a childhood crush, they had all had them, and they felt it was counter productive for Isabella to waste any time on Phineas. The other half of the girls told Isabella to tell Phineas how she felt, they knew once he put his big noggin to it he would feel the same way and it would work out.

While Isabella did take the time to not ignore her friends she knew she wasn't going to take their advice. Giving up wasn't in her and while she was sure they had felt the same way as her at one point, she still did, and she was convinced she always would. And she wasn't going to tell Phineas, and everyone else knew not to. Isabella felt Phineas had to find his own feelings, not have them pointed out to him, even if he did feel the same way, it was his job to realize it. Also Isabella knew if Phineas wasn't sure about liking Isabella he would say he did just to keep her from being upset. She knew he wouldn't break her heart on purpose, but she also knew that's exactly what would happen if Phineas tried doing something he didn't want to. That would kill her

So Isabella would wait, whether it was just one more week, or one more year, Isabella would wait. She wasn't particularly patient but if the boy would could figure out how to time travel in a day be stupid enough to completely miss the fact that "romance was a forgone conclusion" with her right there, she was sure she could pull off waiting.

Maybe everyone was right, it was probably the time to tell Phineas or give up, but that wasn't who Isabella was, she knew one thing for certain, this was defiantly more important than just another crush.