This is a short chapter which will lead to a time skip into Harrys fourth year where will will have the triwizard tournament hosted at Hogwarts as I didn't want to ruin the story with inept descriptions of a school, I also want to mention that for Hayden, it will be cannon so philosophers stone and chamber of secrets blah blah blah. The main difference will be Hayden is more confident then connonHarry and Petigrew escapes from Azkiban but is caught and given the Kiss, non of the time travel stuff happens. Most of this will be explained as chapters go on along with how Hayden became boy-who-lived.

I also want to apologise for the lack of updates but im in 6thform and the work is horrendous and we just go out of mocks and have 12 weeks till exams

Chapter 7

An innocuous letter flew into the room as a small emerald eyed wizard ate his breakfast and straightened out his tailored muggle suit. The small boy laughed as his Godfather and Sirius made fools out of themselves…again. The aforementioned letter, which was sealed with a purple wax dropped in front of the small boy without use of a bird which garnered the interests of the others at the table.

Dear Mr Olivander (Potter),

It has come to our attention that you previously suffered at the hands of James Charlus Potter. Before the trail his lawyer recommended a visit to a mind healer who used passive legilimency in order to build a defensive case. The results where not good and Lord Potter was discovered to have Sadistic Mental Disorder; which gives the possessor and need to dominate through fear and pain. He sadly chose you, as his heir, to direct this pain so he had control over his whole household. As a mental disability is the cause he cannot be sent to Azkaban but his marriage has been dissolved and he lost his inheritance and titles to you in reparation. This means you are now a Lord of the Potter estates and the paterfamilias. This means you have gained, by default, legal emancipation.

Furthermore Hayden Potter, Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Black, is now your ward by pureblood law. Until such a time that Lily Evans (Once Potter) remarries. This can only be contested by Lord Sirius Black but he is unlikely to gain custody unless you allowed it because of how distant his blood claim is and if you did allow him custody you would still have reasonable control as the Head of his Family.

Also your new title is: Lord Harry James Olivander-Potter-Lupin, Lord and Paterfamilias of the Ancient and Noble house of Potter, Heir to the Origin House of Olivander and Heir of the House of Lupin.


Amelia Bones, Head of Magical Law Enforcement

And Snagrock Gringotts Head of Inheritance

P.S. We at Gringotts recommended that you visit us for a blood purification ritual.

Harry frowned and leant back in his chair before he handed the letter to Sirius who passed it around the table. Remus finished the letter last. "So Harry are you going to give me custody?" Sirius asked gently. "Well yeah, I'm going to be at school most of the time and you are his godfather. This is just a bit of a shock" Harry shook his head to clear it. "This is all so weird and what did it mean reasonable control?" Sirius blinked it shock. "Did they not teach you pureblood ways? Oh wait forget I asked that" Sirius said with a sheepish smile "Basically your now head of the potter family and all big decisions go through you, for example I would look after day to day, make sure he's fed and clothed, but for things like where he goes to school and who he marries is up to you. You could leave him to marry who he wants but before he asked someone to marry him he would have to go through you or it would be null and void. Also where he lives, what job he wants, what wards he has. Most of the time it's just courtesy but you can veto him because everything he does reflects on the family. For example you could pull him out of Hogwarts and send him elsewhere and a lot of other Lords will copy you because thanks to all of your titles probably the strongest house. The Olivanders have always been one of the most powerful along with the Blacks. Then families like the Malfoys and Potters then lower families like the Lupins. You are Heir to the Olivanders and the paterfamilias of the heir of the Blacks meaning you pretty much control the two strongest families, add to that you are the Lord of the Potter's which is one of the stronger families and the Lupins just augments the collection making you the strongest Lord in Britain. Although some Europeans are stronger but mainly because of the amount of people in their family" Sirius said with a grin. "I would recommend going for the blood purity ritual or they will look down on you no matter how powerful you are"

"What's the ritual?" Remus asked looking curious. "It's a ritual that will essentially make him a pureblood. He just lays down on a slab, the goblins chant a bit, he goes through some pain and the 'dirty' blood comes out through his pores. It should help make his blood magic stronger but it will be seen as him rejecting his mothers heritage by the other purebloods so it will garner him respect from blood purists." Remus looked confused. "why would it improve blood magic?" Padfoot laughed. "Because it's called pure blood for a reason! Basically it rejects non-magical blood and makes his blood completely magical. It won't make him stronger, that's just what the purebloods would say, but it help blood magic because you use your blood which has magic in it, the more generations of magical blood the more stable the power in it is and therefore the more powerful the blood magic. That's why I find blood purists amusing as blood magic and the animagus transformation are the only things helped by having 'pureblood' but only Blacks and Olivanders really do blood magic and even then it's just weak stuff and barely anyone does the animagus transformation so the pureblood thing is pointless." Sirius finished with a satisfied grin.

"Anyway what's this about Father?" Harry interrupted. Sirius' grin slipped off. and Remus answered; "Sadistic mental disorder is something more common in werewolves than humans but it's basically the compulsion to dominate and hurt anything classed as a threat. to his power. I guess it makes sense really, he was the leader of the marauders and he targeted the strongest witch as his future wife and pursued her relentlessly. Snape was a threat to him getting her and he was ruthless in his pranks. Afterwards he ensured he was head boy, then top Auror graduate, then father of the boy-who-lived which added to his political power. I suspect he used you so he could control those within his house and because you are magically powerful and his heir which made you a threat so he beat you an humiliated you so he could ensure he remain as 'Alpha'" Harry sighed gustily. "So it was a mental disorder that made him do it?" Harry inquired softly. "Yes an no, he could have exerted some control or got help but most people with mental issues don't realise they have them so yes it was mainly the mental issue and I suspect he will get therapy with the mind healer and with some time he will get better but it's up to you if you forgive him."

"I don't know if I can, I will probably always fear him but I can see that he should get better so he will never be my dad but in a few years I might be able to be civil." everyone at the table smiled.

"So Harry I can teach you to meditate today so you can get your serpent form although it will still take you about a week if you meditate an hour a day" Sirius said perking up a bit. "What if I just meditate the whole day and only come out when I sell wands?" Sirius raised his eyebrow and grinned. "it will take less time DUH!" Sirius said while dragging Harry upstairs and into the front of the shop.

"Now sit on you counter it's probably the best place." Harry climbed onto the counter. "Now all you have to do is sit straight on the counter, close your eyes and focus on your snake. OH Damn! I forgot" Sirius rushed off and came back carrying Nyx. "Here you go, if you get her to his nonsensical things at you it should help" Sirius drape the snake over his shoulders.

Good morning Nyx. Harry said with a happy smile at his familiar. Hello speaker, the dog man seemed rushed is there anything you need. Harry chuckled at the snake. yes I need you to speak to me while I try to transform into a snake. the snake hissed happily good you will finally get a superior form! Harry chuckled as the snake started to hiss like it was humming a song in snake language. So Harry started to close his eyes and concentrate on the hissing and thinking of the snake with a mental image.

Bling. The shop door opened for the first time at lunch followed by a shriek and yell. Harry's eyes quickly opened from his meditative state which he drifted in and out of all morning. Harry saw a small girl whose was obviously a muggleborn clinging to an older man and women who were obviously her parents. Sirius burst into the room looked at the customers then and me and burst out laughing. "Whatsss wrongss?" Harry hissed.

"Harry you've partway transformed and your scaly nature is scaring the customers." Harry looked confused so Sirius conjured a compact mirror and passed it to him. Harry gasped at his reflection. He had small white scales with a light hint of purple, his eyes were slanted and had a aqua-blue ring around the natural emerald iris which was made slightly murky by the two layers of near transparent eyelids. His hair had gone and his nose was in slits. Harry smiled at the reflection and revealed a pair of pearly fangs. He closed his eyes and focused on himself in human form with the snake eyes so that he didn't have to put on his glasses. He felt himself shifting back and remembered that transfigurations left imprints so it was easier to change things back to a form that the body remembered. He opened his eyes and saw himself again but he had kept the serpentine eyes and he smiled sheepishly at the customers.

"WOW can I learn to do that?" the young girl asked with awe. "No but you can learn the animagus transformation in a few years. Now I guess you here for a wand?"

The rest of the month passed in the same tandem with Harry constantly attempting his transformation while he studied ahead in his first year textbooks. Hayden also visited a few times as they sorted out his schooling and Sirius' having custody of him. All of this was interspersed with people being fitted for wands, most of these being muggleborn as they were escorted through Diagon alley by a professor at Hogwarts. The evening of September the first Harry was swept away by portkey to Chairoscuro Academy.