Thank you so all so much for your support with this story and I'm so glad that you have loved it. To everyone who followed this story, I can't thank you enough. You have no idea how much you reviews, story alerts and making this a favourite means to me. To my darling Canadian-23 I'm so glad that you love this story! I wrote in hope you would love it and your reviews make me smile everyday!


Burt Hummel took his wife's hand as he looked up at the two story house. It was a beautiful home, with a beautiful front garden. On the front lawn a bicycle laid tipped on its side, as if it had been abandoned with haste. Little shoes littered the front veranda, a distance from the pair as they had been kicked off without a care.

Carol smiled at Burt and they made their way up the path and to the front door. Burt knocked loudly and they waited. From inside they heard squeals and footsteps. The front door was thrown open and Burt and Carol were met with the happy faces of two children.
"Grandpa! Grandma!" two angelic voice squealed and they launched themselves at Carol and Burt, hugging their thighs as it was the only part they could reach.

Burt looked down at his grandchildren. The oldest was five years old and was a beautiful little girl. Lily Anderson-Hummel had Kurt's chestnut brown hair that fell in ringlets down her back. Her eyes were a stunning blue and often green (changing much like Kurt's) and she had the same pale skin. Burt was stunned at how much she looked like his late wife Elizabeth. She was going to be a stunner when she grew older.

Desmond Hummel-Anderson was three and had Blaine thick black curls and adorable smile. He had Blaine's hazel eyes and tanned skin. They were both dressed stylishly for their age, Burt knowing that it was all Kurt's designs.
"Hey kids," Burt grinned, ruffling their hair.
"Hey cuties," Carol beamed.
Both of them looked at them with wide grins and took their hands.

"Come on. I want to show you my new doll," Lily cried and tugged Burt into the house with all her might. The feet slapped against the hardwood floor and Burt chuckled at their enthusiasm.
Burt looked around and looked at the pictures hanging on the wall.
One was of Kurt and Blaine at their wedding. Kurt was dressed in a black tux while Blaine was wearing a white tux. They were both smiling breathlessly at each other, arms wrapped around each other.

The next was of Blaine, dressed stylishly on stage, singing with a smile. Blaine had made it as a musician, becoming famous quickly. Sometimes, he managed to get Kurt up on stage too and had recorded many songs with his husband. The next was of Kurt, standing outside his own shop. Kurt had studied fashion in college and was now the designer of a very popular label that everyone was wearing.

There was a picture of Blaine, Kurt, Brittany and Santana. Both Santana and Brittany are pregnant in the picture, Brittany carrying Kurt and Blaine's first child Lily. As the pictures went on it was Blaine and Kurt playing with Lily, holding a new born Desmond.
"Daddy! Look who we found," Lily cried as they came into the spacious living room.

Blaine Anderson-Hummel grinned and went to Burt, hugging him. Blaine had grown older and more handsome. He had grown his hair out, his curls hanging loosely. He was wearing his reading glasses and was dressed in jeans and a polo shirt.
"Hello Burt," Blaine grinned. "Good trip?"
"Yeah, not bad," Burt said gruffly. Blaine hugged Carol who hugged him back tightly.

Blaine took their bags and placed them off to the side while Lily dragged Carol to see her new doll and Desmond was showing Burt the picture he had drawn him.
"and that's Daddy B and that's Daddy K and me and Lily," Desmond said in his adorable voice.
Blaine was grinning proudly and Burt did too.
"It's wonderful buddy," Burt said and Desmond grinned.

There was another knock on the door and Lily went running past, feet slapping on the ground.
"Auntie Tana! Auntie Brittany!" Lily screamed.
Burt watched as Brittany and Santana came in, managing to get a glimpse off their little girl Louise as Lily dragged her through the house and to the couch.

"Hi Burt," Santana greeted, kissing his cheek. Brittany and Santana had become very close to Burt as they stayed best friends with Kurt and Blaine. Louise had inherited Brittany blonde hair and Santana's olive skin.
"Where's Kurtie?" Brittany asked.

"I'm here," Kurt said, coming down the stairs and Burt turned smiling. Kurt had grown a little taller and hadn't changed much in his looks. In his arms he held a small one year old girl.
"Hi Elizabeth," Brittany cooed and Kurt beamed.
"Hi dad," Kurt said, kissing Burt's cheek.
"Hey son," Burt said.
"Hi Carol," Kurt said, kissing her cheek.

"Hello sweetie," Carol beamed and cooed at Elizabeth. Kurt handed her over and Carol held her tightly. Blaine went to Kurt and wrapped his arm around his waist.
"Can we get you guys anything?" Blaine asked.
"Tea would be good," Burt said. Blaine nodded and went into the wide, spacious and stunning kitchen to make some tea and get something to eat.

Giggling came from the living room as the kids played, including Desmond. Judging by their giggling it sounded like they were playing dress ups.
They sat around the table, Carol holding Elizabeth in her arms.
"No Finn?" Kurt asked.
Burt shook his head.
"No. He and Sarah got delayed in Hawaii. More honeymoon time for them," Burt said and Kurt grinned.

Blaine came back with cups of tea and a plate of food.
"When is your next gig Blaine?" Carol asked.
"I've got a show in couple of weeks," Blaine said. "Kurt has agreed to sing with me and I've managed to get Santana to sing a song too. Brittany of course will be dancing with us as usual."

Brittany had become a professional dancer and always toured with Blaine.
"I've also got Nick, Jeff, Wes and David coming on stage too," Blaine grinned.
"That's great son," Burt said and Blaine grinned.
"That will be fun," Carol beamed.
"What about you Kurt?" Burt asked.

"I've got a new line coming out in a month so I've been preparing for that," Kurt said.
"It looks fabulous," Blaine grinned proudly at Kurt who leaned into him.
"Congratulations kid," Burt said.

"Daddy!" Lily squealed and they all turned to see Lily and Louise dressed up as princess while Desmond was dressed as a pirate.
They laughed and grinned.
"You guys look great," Kurt beamed and they squealed with delight.
"Can we play outside?" Desmond asked.
"Of course. Just be careful," Kurt said. They took off running, sliding the back door open and running out onto the grass.

"You heard about the reunion happening?" Burt asked. "Finn got one in the mail."
"Brittany and I got sent a letter," Santana said, taking a sip of her tea. "We haven't decided if we are going yet."
"Dalton sent one," Blaine said. "Kurt and I are planning to come down. Stay down for a bit too, see Finn and you guys."

"Sounds good," Carol said. "We miss you boys."
"We miss you too," Kurt said, squeezing Carol's hand.
"You girls are welcome to come visit if you do go," Burt said and Brittany grinned.
"Thanks Burt," Brittany beamed and they laughed.
Elizabeth started to fuss and Carol handed her over to Kurt who rocked her gently. He stood and headed to the kitchen to fetch her something.

Blaine watched with a fond smile. Kurt came back with a jar of baby food and a plastic spoon. He sat down and handed the jar to Blaine who opened it with ease and took the spoon from Kurt. They faced each other Blaine started feeding Elizabeth while Kurt held her.
"Any news from Puckermen?" Burt asked.

"Got a postcard from him the other day," Kurt said, smiling. "He's over in Australia, trying his luck with an Aussie girl."
Burt snorted into his tea and the other's giggled.
"We wish him luck," Blaine chuckled and made soft noise at Elizabeth who bounced in Kurt's lap.
"I read in the paper that Rachel Berry has just made it into Broadway," Carol said, sipping her tea.

"A small part but she made it," Kurt agreed.
Santana snorted but didn't make a remark.
"Are you guys going to see any shows while you're here?" Blaine asked, moving on to a safer topic.
"Carol wants to see one," Burt said.
"I'll make you a list of the ones you should defiantly go see," Kurt said, wiping Elizabeth's mouth with a cloth.

"Thank you, Kurt," Carol said softly.
Loud laughter and screams came from the back yard and they turned to see Desmond chasing after Louise and Lily with a fake plastic sword.
"They're getting big fast," Carol sighed and they all hummed in agreement.
"Speaking of growing," Santana said, a smile on her face. "We have some news."

Everyone turned to her. Santana took Brittany's hand and grinned around the table.
"Brittany and I are expecting another baby," Santana said.
"What!" Kurt squealed. "When?"
"February next year," Santana said, running a hand over her stomach.
"We just found out a few weeks ago and decided to tell you while everyone was here," Santana said.

"Congratulations," Carol squealed and jumped up to hug the girls.
Blaine stood and hugged them too, Burt hugging them next. Kurt kissed their cheeks and was grinning broadly.
"Have you told Louise?" Kurt asked.
"Not yet. We are going to wait until I start showing," Santana said.

"Santana's the best mum," Brittany said, looking lovingly at Santana who leaned in for a small kiss.
"We should definitely celebrate," Blaine said and hurried into the kitchen to grab some wine and a orange juice for Santana.
When everyone had a glass, Blaine did the toast.
"To Santana and Brittany, may you have a beautiful boy or girl."

Burt looked around at his family. It was clear that Kurt and Blaine were still as in love with each other as they were in high school. Their family had grown bigger and even though they both had hard jobs they were committed to their kids and they came first.

Santana and Brittany were still just as in love as when they first started dating and their family was just about to get bigger with one more on the way. Burt had never been prouder than anyone. They had bad upbringings, the world against them for being who they were but they made it and look where they were now. None of them could be happier.

Burt wished Elizabeth were alive to see her son and the amazing man he had become, but he knew she was watching over him.
Burt had never been prouder or happier because their sons had made it.

The End!
Thank you all so much for reading this story! If I find inspiration for a squeal (Blaine and Kurt's lives in New York along with Santana and Brittany) I will do it. But it most likely won't be for a while because I'm starting on a new story so keep an eye out! Happy reading guys and see you next time! Xxx