Summary: There's something different about Frankenstein's new batch of ramen…

Thank Melon Go for this continuation. XD

The Wrong Approach

By Dark Ice Dragon

The ramen was green; not the soup, the actual noodles. That was new. Usually when something reached that colour, the only thing that could be done was throw the entire thing out, but if Boss had given it to them to taste-test, this was exactly how he wanted it to be.

Then again, Tao mused, studying the ramen further, what did he know about what was normal looking ramen?

The door to the lab hissed open and Tao looked up to see Takeo and M-21 walking in.

"You're late!" he said, lifting an accusatory finger, though he couldn't quite keep the smile off his face.

Takeo shot him a dry look. "We were finishing the dishes."

Tao opened his mouth to retort that that was no excuse but he paused at the sight of M-21 wrinkling his nose.

"Is that…green tea?" M-21 asked, taking in another breath.

…Oh? Oh! Tao glanced back at the ramen, everything snapping into place. That would explain the colour, and if the main ingredient was tea, there was no doubt this specific recipe was for him.

Frankenstein nodded, smiling. "You're correct."

"Heh, I should have known your nose was enhanced, M," Tao said, tapping a finger on his hip. Hmm, if he could find a way to use that…

M-21 grimaced. "My nose is not enhanced."

Uh-huh – that was why he was able to tell exactly what it was straight away by the smell. But Tao dropped the subject, lobbing chopsticks at Takeo and M-21 instead. They had ramen to taste!