Hello there! Welcome to a Killer x Oc Story! I decided to write my love and affection about Killer because he doesn't get enough affection like his Captain does, which kinda suck. I also ASSURE you that this is a Killer x Female Oc story, okay?

Disclaimer: One Piece belongs to the Almighty Eiichiro Oda, I'm just his lowly humbled fan.

Warning: This story is not beta-ed other than me, and I'm a shit beta-er, so you've been warned. English is also not my native tongue so don't be a grammar and spelling nazis and attack me with your dictionaries.

Chapter One

It was a nice day on the Lighting Annie, where crewmen's rushing footsteps could be heard even below deck. The constant rhythm seems like a lullaby to Captain Stede's ears as he was just about to drift off, until…


"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" A shipmate roared, and before Captain Stede could even get up, his men has charged to fight off the sudden ambush. He quickly went up the deck thinking to himself what kind of mindless fool would want to pick a fight with the great Captain Stede, until his eyes landed on a distinctive red hair, shape resemble a hot bonfire in a cold night on shore.

Eustass Kid.

This was not good; no doubt that man is still merely a rookie, compare to Stede himself who has sailed as a pirate Captain for 20 years before Eustass were even born. But even so, there's something in the pit of Stede's stomach – maybe instinct that tells Stede to get out of here quickly, before it's too late.

"Men! Set sail! We are escaping!" Stede's voice roared. A young man hurriedly ran to Stedes's side with a flintlock pistol in his hand with a worried expression on his face.

"Cap'n, they boarded Lightning Annie!" The boy gasped and shot an enemy nearby – a clean headshot.

"Damn it!" Stede scowled, unsheathe his cutlass and turned to face the young boy.

"Stay with me, Calico, stay near me, lad!" The young boy nodded quickly and followed his Captain's side. Calico tightened his grip on the fair weight pistol. The best he could do is to kill as many intruders as he can, and maybe pray to Oda that his crew will get out of this alive.

Cries from the wounded filled his ears. Smoke from the canons triggered tears to his eyes as it took away his vision and blurred his surroundings. He tried to wipe them away with his bicep, but he was too scared to be off guard and decided to blink them away.

As he was fighting off enemies, he caught a glimpse of pieces of metal flying above him. What was that? Calico thought, must be some kind of strange devil fruit- Oh no! The enemy has devil's power!

He have seen just how terrifying devil fruit powers are, not on Lighting Annie, no, but on others ships. Devil fruits are rare, and to Stede Pirate's lack of luck, they have never come across one. Calico thought they were pretty stupid anyway, those fruits users. Surrounded by salty water and their weakness is the sea itself! The sound of clanking metal broke Calico's thought, he felt a blow on the back of his head and the abyss was filling his vision. The last thing he heard was Stede's raspy voice shouted for his name before a muffled scream and a threatening laugh blended in the air.


When Calico woke up, he was on a ship's deck, but not Lightning Annie. He also noticed he was tied up as well, wrists and ankles bounded tightly together. He looked around to see a massive throne, and in it was the Captain of the pirate ship that attacked Lighting Annie. His hair was fiery red, angry, un-ruling and wild. It frightened but also drawn Calico in and he found himself staring at the man's hair.

"You want to die, boy?" The sudden threat made Calico jumped in both surprise and fear, the red haired Captain was staring at him with malicious amber eyes and his mouth curled into a sneer. Calico shook his head violently. Not by you.

"Then stop fucking staring at me!" Calico gulped, he merely nodded. Boy, that man is scary.

"Killer, why the fuck did you insist keeping this fuck head alive? He can't even speak!" The captain slumped back in his throne and groaned painfully. Killer, the man in an odd mask of white and blue with plenty of holes in them, wore a black with white polka dots shirt revealing his toned body, a pair of blue slacks and have golden mane just as wild as his captain's hair shook his head as a sign of defeat.

"I saw his skills, he's a valuable pawn for our crew. We should recruit him." Killer's voice was calm and soothing to Calico's ears, and his praise made his ears and cheeks go slightly red. "And don't exaggerate, the boy is probably scared of you."

"Che. What kind of skills does this coward have anyway? Fleeing?" Kid rolled his eyes and Killer sighed.

"Sharpshooting," The blond man corrected. "He's a pretty good sniper and we are lacking one." Killer's head turned slightly to Kid. Even with his mask on, Kid knows that Killer have the expecting look on his face.

"Fine. But if I find him irritating, I'm killing him." Kid breathes in and made a disgusted face. "You're responsible for his hygiene as well, god, does the kid bath?"


Calico was release out of his bounds and is currently following Killer. Taken slightly offense that Kid showed disgust to his personal hygiene, Calico managed to fight back the urge to roll his eyes because he knows that Kid will not hesitate to pop them out. I mean pirates only bath a few times a year right? Who knew Red haired Captain is so clean.

As if Killer could hear his thoughts, he made a grunt.

"Kid never washes his coat, but we aren't allowed to tell him off." Startled, Calico kept his eyes fixed on the ground and didn't respond.

"You don't have to be afraid of me like you are with Kid, and besides, you'll get used to it." Killer said as he opened the door to the bathroom and pointed Calico in the ready warmed water filled bathtub.

"Now strip off that Stede's Jolly Roger shirt, you're one of the Kid Pirates now." Calico then clenched a fistful of his shirt and looked down. Where was Captain Stede? He felt pang in his heart and his eyes went hot. No, he would not cry like a baby. He is a man.

"Kid sliced his head off, we sent him to Davy Jones's locker." Killer said impatiently. Calico decided it was time to move on, as he did not want to die just yet, but there was another problem.

"Please leave then, I can handle this on my own." His own voice was shaky. Calico didn't know if it was because of Stede's cruel death or if he was really a coward, he sounded pathetic and weak.

"No. I must be here to make sure you don't try anything." Killer insisted harshly. Calico felt glares under that mask. "You better do as I say boy, before I manhandle you myself."

"I can't take off my clothes if you're here!"

"Now." Killer growled made Calico's leg wobble like noodles, but he stood there.

"I won't take off my clothes! Not after what Stede told me!" This caught Killer off guard, feeling the sense of curiosity, he decided to listen to what the boy had to say.

"What did Stede tell you?" Calico gulped and looked at Killer's mask.

"I can't 'cause every scoundrel aboard would want to stick his poker in me."

Killer couldn't believe his ears. "His what?"

Calico eyes widen then made a flail movement with his hands, gesturing at where Killer's manhood should be. "You know - your poker, your Jr. 's."

"For fuck's sake! I know what you mean you bastard! No one does that!" But Killer saw the fear in Calico's eyes and sighed. "Fine! Whatever, but you have 5 minutes to get be clean and meet Kid, I'll get the clothes." And Killer left. Calico breathed out a sigh of relief, undressed and sank in the water with great pleasure.

Not even 2 minutes after, a bang on the door and angry voices of men shouting Calico to get out. Startled, Calico leaped out of the bathtub, and search for the large strip of dirtied cloth.

"How long do you want to be in there newbie? Bath's time is over!" An angry voice shouted and more bangs on the door were made.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Calico cursed over and over again as he furiously threw his old shirt over his head and pulled his pants up – but they were too small to fit his bum over in one shot. Then Calico heard Killer's voice, shouting everyone to get out of the way. Not even time to put his hands through the sleeves, the door flung wide open, and there was Killer, standing before him. Calico wanted to say something, but he couldn't find his voice. Killer beat him to it anyway.

"What the-" The surprise in his voice caught the rest of the men's attention, but before they could peek in Killer told them to fuck off. He then turned back to the speechless Calico.

"You're a girl?"

Incase you're wondering, Calico is from Calico Jack - A real English Pirate in the 16th/17th century. I chose this because it's nice. Also, in this story, I will TRY to use many Pirate dialect and I will explain before chapter. (There's no point reading if you don't understand it!)

Poker - Penis.

Boarded (on Lighting Annie) - A plank that is used to get across to another ship.

"Sent him to Davy Jones's locker" - Killed him.

Pirates don't shower often, but in One Piece, they do.