I'm sorry it's late! I was really busy yesterday and didn't get home till almost eleven at night. But I got it up now! Enjoy and R&R!

I Need You: Chapter 8

Well, tonight is the night I'm gonna finally tell him. Only it's going to be in front of every single one of the other countries. That's right, tonight is the World Meeting. Japan won't be able to run from me now.

All I want to tell him is how I feel. I'm still really happy there's nothing going on between him and Heracles. I hate that guy. How many damn cats does he need!

Well anyways, back to my issue with Japan. I can't stop thinking about him! His soft fare skin, juicy full lips, silky smooth black hair. Everything little part of him drives me completely insane! I want him back and I won't leave that conference room without his hand in mine.

Yeah sure, he'll probably try to run and get me to shut up, but I won't let any of that happen. He's mine (NOT HERACLES'!) and no one else's.

As I got ready, I changed into my usual bomber jacket. But I had something else in my pocket for Japan that I want him to have.

Here's how it's all going to go down. I'm going to stand up and scream for everyone's attention like I normally do. Then I'm going to tell everybody about Japan (while looking at him of course) and how much I love him. He'll start to cry tears of joy and hop out of his sit and give me a huge kiss on the lips. Than I'll give him my gift, he'll still be crying while we leave and we'll leave. Happily ever after!

…well that's what I hope will happen. If Japan doesn't want to be with me anymore, than I'll have to kidnap him and keep him held captive in my house!

No. I can't do that because if I do that than he'll never love me back. If he doesn't want to be mine anymore, than I'll have to do something I don't think I've ever done.

I'll have to be an adult about it.

Pffftt! Yeah right! I'll just keep begging him to come back to me! Sooner or later I'll get on his nerves and he'll have to run back to me!

Yeah that's what I'll do. I'm the hero! Heroes always get the girl. Well in my case, the boy.

I'm going to be as romantic as I can. Not the creepy romantic like France. I wouldn't ever rape him or anything. That's not heroic!

I pulled Japan's gift out of my pocket, opened the box and gazed at the gem glistening. Yeah, this is going to work!

The meeting is supposed to be at three thirty or so. Since I love being there before everyone else, I'm leaving at three. Beat that, England!

It was still a long time before the digital clock turned three, so I sat down on the couch and stared at the beautiful item I got for Japan. I felt nervous. My hands began to get sweaty and my heart was pounding so hard I felt sick. I hope he doesn't say no.

I looked up and noticed it was finally time for me to go. I shot up off the couch and grabbed my keys off the hook next to the door and headed out for my car.

I put the key in the ignition and drove thirty down my street. I was happy there weren't any police officers around; otherwise I'd get a ticket. That isn't something I need right now.

I pulled into the parking lot at the conference building. I noticed there was already a couple people there. Even England. Damn it! He always makes it first!

I went in and sat down. I was so nervous I couldn't swallow for fear of me choking. What if he doesn't listen to what I need to tell him? Oh god, what if he throws my gift to him out the window and a semi truck comes and runs it over; flattening it out in the process?

No I need to get a grip. I don't know if that'll actually happen or not. Maybe I should wait until it's only me and him. Shit, I have no idea what to do anymore! I'm so nervous I forgot my entire plan to start with!

AHHH! I'm so screwed!

The clock turned to three thirty and, one by one, all of the countries piled into the room. They all took their seat around the giant table and began to talk amongst themselves. The hardest thing about this is most of them were a couple.

Germany and Italy sat next to each other, Italy laughing and kissing Germany on the cheek. Germany smiled and wrapped his arms around his lover. Then there's China and Russia. They're not exactly a couple (yet) but Russia kept flirting with China. You can tell China loves him as well because he blushes and stares at him when he's not looking. Prussia was trying to get Canada to make out with him but Canada kept telling him "not here in front of everybody", but that didn't get him to stop. I was thinking about going over there to punch Prussia in the face, but I wouldn't mess with that crazy mother fucker.

England and France were even there! Those two were just sitting there talking, but I could tell they were serious.

I heard the door open and shut. I looked over my shoulder and noticed Japan walking in. He glanced at me and I could've swore I saw tears in his eyes.

Damn, I must've really hurt him.

I closed my eyes and felt tears roll down my face. I don't think I can tell him now that I'm crying. Japan deserves a real man.

"Woah, America dude! Why are you crying? Are you okay?" My eyes shot open, still filled with tears. By this time all eyes were on me, but I didn't notice. I just noticed Spain above me with a worried look on his face.

"No! I'm not okay! The one I love is mad at me and I feel I have no purpose in life anymore!" I stood up out of my seat with angry tears. I kept my eyes shut and slammed my fist into the table.

"I didn't mean to hurt you Japan! I love you more than anything else in the world! Yes, it was wrong of me to lie to you! Yes, I'm a huge duchebag asshole and deserve to rot in hell for what I did! Yes, I was still with England, but I was going to break up with him eventually to be with you! But he never gave me the chance to talk! All I ever wanted was to be with the person who makes me happiest, and that's you, Kiku Honda!" I shook any my voice shuddered. Everyone stared at me with their hands over their mouths, and then turned to the person whom I was referring to.

Japan shut his eyes tight and tried to hold his cries. He looked down and shook his head like he normally does when he's irritated, embarrassed, and in this case, sad. China walked over to him and reached out to him, but Japan smacked his hand away before he could even touch him.

Japan looked up at me with red teary eyes, and bolted out the door. I didn't even hesitate and took off after him. I ran down the hallway after him, but he's so fast. I went to the parking lot and got into my car. I wasn't letting him go, no matter how much he hates me.

I got to his house and saw his car. I pulled in and made my way up to his porch. I rang the door bell like a mad man, screaming out his name from outside. The neighbors heard me and was standing outside watching me desperately trying to get Kiku out of his isolated home.

"Kiku! Kiku, please hear me out for one second please! I'm sorry! I really am! I don't want you to just leave me instead of talking it over! You need to hear what I have to say!"

"Go away! I don't want to talk!" I heard him from the other side of the door. I sighed and kept crying and screaming and begging him to come out. All of the women who were watching started to tear up. They even tried to get me to leave him alone. One screamed something at me in Japanese, but I was way bigger, there for, I can get away from them. Some got me off the porch.

"NO! I LOVE HIM! I NEED HIM TO LISTEN TO ME!" I screamed and cried, fighting them off. They obviously didn't understand English very well and kept trying to get me away. I ran back to his shoji and kept crying.


Japan came out and everyone backed off. Japan scolded at me and glared.

"Why would I take you back after what you did to me? YOU BROKE MY HEART, ALFRED!"

"Japan, please! Just listen-"


"JAPAN JUST FUCKING LISTEN TO ME!" I screamed at him. I didn't mean to cuss but damn. He never heard my side of the story yet.

"You haven't heard my side of the story yet. You only heard part of it."

"Why should I have to hear your side of the story?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest and kept his glare. I sighed.

"I know where you're coming from, but after we...made love…I was going to break up with England as soon as I got home. But once I got home, he was crying and telling me he's sorry! He even seduced me! Believe me, I didn't want it! I just didn't want to hurt him and lose the person that I grew up with. But the night I finally broke it off, I found out he's been sleeping around with France ever since we first started dating!" I took a breath. Japan put his hands down and his face loosened up. I kept talking.

"You'll always be the one I love most. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Japan. And if by the end of today, you still despise me and hate me, I won't stop begging and pleading for you to come back to me. I love you so so so much. I will always love to the end of the universe and back. I never wanted you to find out through my brother. I was going to tell you eventually, I swear! But you're the last person I wanted to hurt." I said, touching his cheek. When I touched him, the man who watches over him stepped forward, but Japan put up a hand and spoke at him in Japanese. He looked back up at me.

"America, do you really love me that much?" He asked, looking at me with big teary chocolate orbs. I smiled.

"If I didn't, would I chase you all the way to your home and fight everyone off until you come out? Would I cry and beg for you to come back?" Japan giggled and put his hand over mine.

"Yeah I get it. But…" Japan trailed off and looked to the side. I tilted my head to the side in wonder.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Japan looked back up at me again.

"What ring? You said you bought me a ring." He said. I blushed and looked at everyone who was watching. Even the countries came. Damn, how many people care about our relationship anyway?

I sighed and decided to do it right in front of everyone.

I slowly pulled out the box and caressed it in my hands. This is it I thought. Japan's eyes grew absolutely huge and stared at me, as I opened the box and held it out to me.

"I'm going to do this how my people in the west ask their lover this important question." I said as I blushed and sighed (for like the fourth time that day).

"Kiku, like I said. I want nothing more than to be with you for the rest of my life. I love you more than I love the person who invented the cheeseburger! You are everything to me and…" with that, I slowly got down on one knee.

"I want to marry you" I finally asked. Japan looked down at me in shock and a tear rolled down his face. He looked up at everyone else. Spain clutched the back of Germany's coat with a very anxious expression. France spoke up at that point.

"Oh mon'cheri! Just say yes already!" he said, and got everyone else on it too. He looked back at me, smiled at me and began to cry. Not out of sadness but joy.

"Hai" he said. It took me a second, but 'hai' means yes! He said yes! The hero wins! I got off my knees and wrapped my arms around him. Everyone clapped, but, once again, France butt in.

"That's not how you do it! Kiss!" he said, looking at us. I took that into consideration as I planted a kiss on Japan's lips.

I let go and told him to hold out his hand. I turned his hand over so I could place the engagement ring onto his finger. I slid the ring on and Japan held out his hand to look at it.

The hero always gets the boy.


Later that night, we were rolling around in his bed, kissing passionately trying to undress each other. I got his clothes off and quickly undressed myself.

I hovered over him and linked my fingers into his own. I continued to softly kiss his lips and began to kiss down his neck. He let out a moan and tightened his hold.

I kissed down to his collar bone and began to lightly suck. He let go of my hands and slid his hands into my hair. He gripped and tugged on my hair a little to make me moan too. I loved it!

I sat up and gave him a sexy smile. Oh yeah, I know what he wants.

Japan wrapped his legs around my waist and brought my head into the crook of his neck. I sucked on the delicate flesh and he licked and nibbled on my ear. I moaned again and let go of his neck to get into position.

I sat up and took the lotion that sat on my night stand next to my bed. I lubed up my throbbing cock and his hole. I put my fingers inside him, and he moaned loud. It's been a while since we had sex so he got pretty tight.

I pulled my fingers out after I found his sweet spot and loosened him up. I spread his legs more and pushed in. Japan moaned and grunted at the sudden intrusion and moved with me.

I kept thrusting and he kept grinding. Japan looked up at me with lust filled eyes, opening his arms out to me. I bent down to let him hold me.

After a while of pushing and pulling, I felt him climax all over our stomachs, and I came soon after. I collapsed on top of him and breathed heavily.

I rolled off of him and we were gasping for air. Japan rolled onto my chest and whispered "I love you", before he fell asleep. I smiled and petted his hair.

"I love you too, baby"

I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Love really is the closest to magic

That's all folks! Thank you guys so much for reading and reviewing. I love reviews! It keeps the author motivated. But that's all I'm going to do with this story, but I will definitely write more of these two!

On a side note, I really want to thank 'amy rose but not the really one' for giving me the idea for the last chapter. If I could give you a cookie I would!

Look out for more of my stories on APH! This isn't the last of me!

