Well folks, this is it. The epilogue. The final chapter. :( Well, it kind of sucks putting this story to rest, but, it was sure fun. :D

So, first off, I want to thank anonymous reviewer Sarah, a Nameless TNBC Fan, and of course hyperlutz21 for being such loyal reviewers! :) And of course to everyone else who has reviewed, thank you so much!

This is it too! It's all over!

Will I write a sequel? I don't know. Probably not. If I get an idea for one, MAYBE. But all the loose ends are really tied, there isn't much else I can do.

Now, if any of you guys have a prequel, sequel or spinoff, whatever, you go right ahead because you have my permission. :)

I know this is short, but that's intentional.

Four years had passed since the fated events took place. Four years since the original arranged marriage between Jack and Marina, Jack and Sally's secret love affair, and then the most epic wedding to happen in a long time.

Spencer and Marina were married, and already had a newborn baby together, a little girl that they named Samantha. The two of them lived in a quaint, gothic home in town, not far off from the Black Cauldron, where Spencer continued to work as a bartender. Marina had a nice job of her own, she was Public Relations assistant for the Mayor, which was a job she really had gotten into. Of course, now that she had a baby, she was taking some time off for a while. Samantha was five months old now, and just a little angel! Her grandparents, and grandmother, all loved to spoil her so much.

Jack and Sally were of course still married, and still very much in love with each other. Not just that, but the year before, Frederick and Patricia decided it was high time to retire, and soon, Jack and Sally were crowned the new King and Queen. They were now King and Queen of the Kingdom of the Undead, the Pumpkin King and Queen. While it was quite a responsibility, they could not possibly have been happier.

On top of that, Emily and Bonejangles were soon getting married! They had dated for three years, and were now set to get married in a few months. Both couples still remained good friends with them, and were invited to be in the wedding party, which they all happily agreed to. Marina and Sally were to be bridesmaids, Jack was the best man, and Spencer was a groomsman. The wedding was to take place in about six months, and was going to be quite an extravaganza, since the infamous corpse bride was finally getting married for good, especially to someone who wasn't like the dreaded Barkis.

What happened to him? Well, shortly after his torment of poor Sally, and those other women, Jack took action against him. He rounded up the previous girls, and they gladly took him down like a pack of lions. No one ever saw him again after that.

Needless to say, everyone involved was happy now. Even Dr. Finkelstein and Jewel were happy. Yes, the Lord doctor was still a gruff and didn't admit to how he felt sometimes, but he did treat Sally a lot better and truly considered her as his daughter. Their relationship was far better than it had ever been. It wasn't perfect, but it was a lot better than before.

"Are you ready, Sally?" Jack peered into their bedroom, seeing his wife brushing her hair in front of the mirror.

"Yes, Jack. I'm just brushing my hair." Sally smiled, looking over at him.

"Splendid!" Jack went over and stood behind her, taking the brush from her and brushing out her hair. He grinned as he heard her giggling. He loved brushing her hair, and she certainly liked it too. "You look beautiful, darling..."

Sally giggled again, smiling widely as she looked at his reflection in the mirror. "Thank you, Jack...you look very dapper yourself."

"You're too sweet, Sally." Jack chuckled, shaking his head.

"Jack...there's something I wanted you to know, before we see everyone." Sally said softly, and turned around as he finished brushing her hair.

"What is it, my Sally? Tell me." Jack smiled, cocking his skull curiously.

"Well...I..." Sally took his hand, and placed it onto her stomach. She held it there, and then looked at him with a smile.

Jack blinked, a little confused at first. But then, realization struck him like a bolt of lightning, and his eye sockets went wide. Jaw-dropped, he looked from her stomach to her face, and said, "...Sally...you mean...you're...?"

Sally smiled more and nodded. "Yes. I am, Jack. ...I'm going to have a baby."

There was a dead silence in the room.

That is until Jack broke into the biggest grin ever, and pulled Sally to him, lifting her up off the floor and twirling her, making her squeal in surprise.

"Sally! Oh, Sally! This is splendid! Wonderful! Amazing! Oh Sally, we're going to have a baby! A child of our own! A manifestation of our very love!" Jack cried with happiness, and set her down, before dipping her and kissing her deeply. Pulling away, he straightened her, embracing her. "Oh Sally, I love you!"

Sally giggled and embraced him back, feeling utterly joyous herself. "I love you too, Jack! I'm so happy..."

"Me too, my darling Sally...! My tempting, dark, beautiful Queen!" In an instant Jack swept her up into his arms, grinning at her. "Now we have some wonderful news to tell them, don't we?"

"We certainly do, Jack...I can't wait to tell them." Sally clasped her hands around his neck, beaming at him.

"Off we go then, my love!" And with that, Jack dashed out of the room with his beloved in his arms, heading downstairs to see their friends and in-laws for dinner that night.