Don't ask me why did Hancock actually attend this meeting (we all know she wouldn't go to any meeting with the WG) so just bear with me, ok? :) For the "onepiece_300" prompt challenge, really cool comm in lj, if you awnt the link just ask! We totally need more writers/artists!

Title: Daydreaming

Rating: PG

Media: Fic

Character(s): Boa Hancock and Luffy. Mihawk, Doflamingo and some other shichibukai are around, too.

Word Count: 294

Prompt: Red velvet

Summary: Hancock drifts off during a meeting with the shichibukai.

"Luffy" she mumbled weakly. "Do... do you like it?"

"Like it?" he asked back immediately as if she had insulted him. He looked up from the red velvet cake he was devouring to look straight into her beautiful eyes. "I love it! It's the best cupcake I've tasted in my entire life!"

"Well, isn't that flattering?" Hancock smiled, flattered, as her cheeks turned red.

"Seriously, it makes me love you even more!" he said, suddenly leaving his plate to grab her hand.

"L-Luffy!" her blush intensified. "Does that mean... could this be... a marriage proposal?"

"Hancock..." Luffy whispered seductively and Hancock blushed even more at the mention of her name. "Would you marry me?"

"Oh..." she muttered

Hancock was unable to find any words to reply, and she felt as she would faint any minute as Luffy's face came closer and closer...

"Hancock." he whispered again, a bit louder.


"Hancock." he repeated.


"Boa Hancock." wait, that wasn't Luffy's voice!

Hancock's eyes suddenly flew open... wait, when had she arrived to the meeting from Luffy's- Oh great, she was just dreaming, wasn't she? For quite a while, it seemed, as all the other shichibukai had noticed her lack of attention to the meeting.

"Boa Hancock." Mihawk, who had spoken earlier, rose an eyebrow. "Is there something about Straw Hat Luffy that you would like to share with us?"

"N-no." she replied, then pulled herself together. "Don't you dare to talk to me like that, filthy man! My thoughts are of absolutely no concern to you."

Mihawk seemed to ignore her completely as she sat down properly and crossed her legs. Doflamingo, who was sitting next to her, was the first one to speak.

"You should probably also clean your drool." he casually commented.