***Author's Note***

This is an appended Glossary, containing only the words used in The Darkest Night.
For a full Glossary of all terms created by Calinstel, check out his page and peruse
his masterfully-crafted work!

The Darkest Night
Glossary of Khelish Terms

Bosh'tet: Animal, native to Rannoch. With no insect life, other species of life had to fill the niches that on earth fell to the insects. One such niche was the dung beetle. A bosh'tet falls into the category of roller on earth as it moves the dung found to a central location. Though differing in colors, from the green/yellow of the cooler climates to the blue/white in the more tropical areas, they are the same species. Known for their apparent inability to distinguish between dung and small rocks, it is considered extremely stupid. Many have been found dead, surrounded by small rocks, as it tried to feed on them.

Det kazuat: Term of curse, considered especially crude. Literal Translation: Living sack of excrement. The Otquer, a large predatory lizard, will pass its meal neatly wrapped in a membranous tissue. Inside the sack, the enzymes used to break down the meat of the prey while still in the lizard continue to act as a stimulant keeping the indigestible brain synapses of its last meal still working until the sun dries the sack out.

Felz'elt: Term used to describe the state of mind of a person who has just lost their lifemate. Literal translation: Sundered souls. A condition very close to the human emotion of grief when a loved one dies but at a depth that very few humans could experience. This state of being will be always present after their lifemate has joined the Ancestors but can vary in effect. The longer the lifemates were together, the lesser overall effect it has, as there are more memories to lessen the pain.

Hecs'tiyl: Term of courtship. Literal translation: Pathway to the heart. Second of three: Signifying the period where the needs of both begin to overrule the needs of self. Almost always leads to bonding though this phase is usually the longest of the three.

Kaeli'steiz: Name used in the ancient text of the Ancestors. Literal meaning: Warmth's Herald. The home star of the quarian race.

Nehya: Term of endearment, similar to sweetheart. Literal translation: Interesting one. Used primarily at the beginning of a relationship to signify a desire to know the person on a more personal level, to get to know them better.

Nis'telz: Dice, specifically 3, 6-sided, 6 colored dice. Literal translation: Chances of Life. Used in many games, the dice are all numbered 1-6 but the colors of each face are different on each die. In order of lowest to highest, the colors are red, brown, green, yellow, purple and blue. The origin of the colors used is believed to have been drawn from the caste system of early quarian history. The colors moved from rank to trade as their civilization grew to adulthood.

Raalz'Jel rium: Term used to describe the 137 year cycle of torrential rains. Literal translation: Tears of the Vanquished ones. Ancient quarians believed the rains were attacks from all their fallen enemies trying to wash away the victors. Later, it was known that due to the orbital path of Rannoch, that ever 137 years, the planet was just a bit closer to the sun. When that happened, the shallow seas absorbed more heat and released it into the skies as water vapor all summer long. As winter came, the supersaturated higher air released its burden in torrential rains across the planet. The rivers, swelled with the massive inflow of water, rising well above their banks. Waters as high as 6 meters had been recorded but this was dependent on the valley. Omxa, with its 5 meter high bases, indicated waters never exceeded the 4 meter mark. In a valley 3 kilometers wide, that was still a lot of water.

Realk: Cloth covering used by the quarians. It is used to describe not just the hood seen on most but any material adornment.