AN: I don't own Harvest Moon or any of these characters etc. Also would like to warn you that this gets very lemony later on, so if you're too young to be reading this, don't start reading now. I originally started this fic with the intention of making it Gretel/Ivan, but somehow Dirky ended up getting the girl and I reckon it fits much better this way. I'll probably write an Ivan/Gretel fic once I run out of steam with this one. Anyway... on with the story!
Chapter One
The Bet
Dirk grinned childishly as Gretel put a cage down in front of him and Kevin triumphantly. Her clothes were rumpled and a small twig peaked out from her slightly tangled hair.
"There. I think that's all of them," she announced as she placed her hands on her hips and looked down at Kevin and Dirk, both of whom were peering into the cage.
"Amazing," Kevin said in awe as the shining blue beetle scuttled around angrily in the cage. "Didn't think it was possible that this thing existed."
"Well, it does. Now Dirk, cough up. We made a deal," Gretel said, stretching out a hand and gesturing for him to hand over the money he owed her.
Pouting slightly, Dirk pulled out ten gold coins from the breast pocket of his jacket and dropped them down into Gretel's hand. Her hand closed greedily around the coins and she smiled broadly, "I told you I'd find it. Should never make a bet unless you're sure you're gonna win."
"Pfft. What's the fun in that?" Dirk said. "Bets are about gambling. There's no fun if you're sure you're going to win."
"Hmph. I don't make bets for fun, I make them for profit," Gretel replied, dropping her coins into her pocket and patting it for emphasis. "Money makes the world go round."
"I thought love was what made the world go round," Marian chirped cheerfully, coming out with a glass of orange juice and a cup of hot chocolate for Dirk and Kevin. "Love does what money can't."
"But the pursuit of love and romance costs money," Gretel said grimly, settling down into a chair next to Dirk as Marian went inside to get a glass of water for her. "All the gifts and offerings you need to give someone... it all costs money."
"That's not true," Dirk challenged, glancing at her sideways. "Love is free. You don't need to spend money to get someone to fall in love with you."
"Trust me, I'm not wrong about this," Gretel said confidently as she thought back on her experiences of courting guys.
A smile tugged at the corner of Dirk's mouth. "Wanna make a bet?"
"Of course. I'll make a guaranteed profit out of it," Gretel said with a bright smile, obviously thinking about the next payment Dirk would have to make to her.
"Okay. I bet I could get you hooked up with someone in the village. I'll do all the work. If love doesn't blossom, then I'll pay you twenty gold coins," Dirk said mischievously.
"And if you succeed?" Gretel asked wearily.
"Then you'll promise to get me hooked up with someone too," Dirk said smiling toothily at her.
Gretel made a face. "Are you serious?"
"Well I can't very well ask you for money since that'd totally ruin the whole point of the exercise. I have to prove that love is free, don't I? Meaning money can't be involved at all," Dirk explained with a shrug. "So, take your pick. Which lucky guy do you want to be hooked up with?"
Gretel thought about it for a short moment before announcing, "Felix."
Kevin spat out his orange juice in shock and the cups on Marian's carry tray wobbled.
"You're joking, right?" Dirk asked, his mouth hanging open slightly in horror.
"Well, duh," Gretel said, thinking about it for another moment. "Besides, it'd probably annoy Sherry if I got her dad involved. She's already miffed at me for teasing Lloyd about his funny turban."
"Okay, so pick someone else then!" Dirk demanded impatiently.
Gretel gave it some serious thought for moment. She didn't really have her eye on anyone in town. She had been too busy trying to get the abandoned farm back onto its feet to really get to know any of the guys properly. She couldn't very well think about courting guys when she didn't even have enough time to look at herself in the mirror in the morning – hence her sometimes bizarre outfit choices. She was just thinking about her dorky looking hat when she saw Dirk's brother, Ivan, cross the bridge and head in the direction of their house. Now there was a challenge. Gretel had always thought Ivan was very attractive, but she never had the chance to speak to him.
"Your brother," Gretel announced finally. She folded her arms and smirked at Dirk as he looked in the direction his older brother had disappeared to.
Dirk scowled darkly. "Please tell me that was a joke too."
"No. I'm totally serious," Gretel replied with satisfaction. She knew she had won the bet before it had even started.
Dirk groaned. "But he's my older brother..."
"Exactly. If you give up already, then you might as well hand over those twenty gold coins right now," Gretel said, outstretching her hand once more.
Dirk glowered at her for a moment, looked in the direction his house was in and then back at Gretel.
"No. I'm not going to give up yet. You pick my brother? Fine. I'll give it a go," Dirk told her, determination set in his green eyes. It made him seem almost adult in comparison to how he usually appeared.
Gretel frowned slightly, "Suit yourself. It's not my time you'll be wasting. I better be off anyway, I have a lot more work to do."
Setting down one gold coin as payment for her drink, Gretel rose from her chair and smiled at Dirk and Kevin before heading off towards her farm. "Look after the beetle!" she called to the boys over her shoulder.