I'm going to be doing a Next Avengers remake, a darker, more realistic take on this 3/5 stars movie. Right now I wanna hit you with a REALISTIC version of Torrun, who is 15 ½ in my version.

Torrun Odinson, daughter of the Prince of Lighting, stands before her father's pillar quietly speaking, as though she was talking to Thor in person.

"Love. That's the first word I ever truly learned from you FATHER. It means….meant, caring, compassion and a willingness to always be there. But then of course, Ultron came and wiped out most if not all hope for us. But while we were here, fighting, trying to survive, where were you?"

She unsheathed her Asgardian sword, a gift from her grandfather, Odin, to commemorate her birth. She clutched it so hard that her hand was shaking.

"Abandonment. I learned that word the hard way. I learned that when you stayed in Asgard drinking wine and partying with your 'bros and hos', even when your friends, the people you cared about, my mom[1] were being slaughtered by Ultron. When it was all over, I waited. I waited for you to come get me, when I heard Tony's stories about your exploits and about Asgard; like when you slew all those frost giants or stopped your brother from taking over [2] I waited, when I first got to wield my sword I though you'd be there to help me, but I was wrong."

Torrun now held up her blade, pointing at the pillar

"Hate. A word that truly sums up my feelings." She now put her blade into a slashing position, as though she was prepared to strike an enemy. "At first I was scared of it, but now I embrace it. I Hate You, More than this prison, More than Tony for locking us here, even more than Ultron."

Finally, Torrun brought down her mighty gift and slashed the symbol of a hammer that resided on the face of the monolith.

"Go to Hell." Was all she uttered as she dropped her sword and tears began to well up in her eyes. What felt like an eternity of staring at stone was truly only two minutes.

"Hey Torrun, Wanna play-" Pym, the youngest of the five, stopped midsentence as he noticed the slash mark on the mural "what happened to your dads grave?"

"Dad? Sorry Pym I don't know what your talking about…I have no Father."

Merely a Precursor of my story to come, As you can see I COMPLETELY changed Torrun's attitude towards Thor, simply because, If you heard your dad left to go to paradise and left you on another planet AND you're a sociopathic teenage girl going through hormones with nay a boy that you fuck in sight. You'd hate him too.

[1] = I wanted her to be half mortal, life instead of Sif as her mom, imagine…..Jane Foster.

[2] = I don't know much about Thor's exploits so I just used those hope they're good enough.