
This story is a sequel to 'Little Stars', another fanfiction that I have written. It begins a year after the Second Wizarding War and skips around between the lives of four characters:

Aquila Lestrange-Flint—Age twenty. She is the daughter of Bellatrix and Rodolphus and also a former death eater. She is married to Marcus Flint and they have a baby girl named Mira.

Draco Malfoy—Hopefully you know Draco. He is two years younger than Aquila and the godfather to Mira.

Clarissa Malfoy—She is the younger sister of Draco Malfoy and the godmother of Mira. Claire is two years younger than Draco, but three years younger in school because she missed the cutoff by a week. She is currently in her fifth year at Hogwarts. Her best friend is Astoria Greengrass, a girl also in her year.

Nelly Tonks—As a much younger sister to Nymphadora Tonks, Nelly is eleven and a first year Hufflepuff. She lives with her widowed mother and baby nephew.

These people are other OCs, but not as major of characters:

Beatrice Burke: Aquila's best friend with whom she attended school. Her father was also a death eater, but he was sent back to Azkaban because he did not betray Lord Voldemort before his final downfall.

Brenda Burke: She is the younger sister of Beatrice. Being two years younger than her sister, she is the same age as Draco.

Kat Langford: Another school friend of Aquila's and the girlfriend of her longtime friend Victoria Venture. They recently moved together to Australia.

Victoria Venture: Victoria was Aquila's school friend as well and is the girlfriend of Kat Langford.

Charlyn Wilkes: One of Claire's school friends that is in her year. Also in their group of friends are Astoria Greengrass, Flora Carrow, and Hestia Carrow.

Any other OCs will be explained upon appearance. I hope you will all read and review this story. Please review this chapter with comments, questions, and/or story ideas if you want to!

