Disclaimer: Did you know that it's impossible to look at a picture of Erik Palladino and NOT smile?

AN: This is the "musical" section of the story. Hopefully the songs fit in with the plots.



The young resident looked up from his spot on the sofa in the Lounge to see Jing-Mei standing in the doorway. He quickly wiped the tears on his face away and stood up.

"Are you okay, Dave?" she asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, uh, I'm fine."

"What's wrong?" she persisted.

"Nothing, I'm just…I'm just reading Dr. Greene's letter," he replied, holding it up in proof.

Jing-Mei nodded slowly in understanding. "Oh…yeah, that last part is…"

"A rip to the soul," Dave finished.

Jing-Mei gave him an understanding smile. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm cool," he assured.

She walked up to him and squeezed his good shoulder. "You know, I'm always around if you want to talk."

Dave smiled at the attending. "Thanks," he said. "I appreciate that…really."

"Speaking of thanks…did I thank you for saving my life?" she asked.

"Yeah, actually, about a hundred times so far," Dave laughed.

"So that last apology would make a hundred and one, right?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah, I guess," he replied, becoming suspicious at her seductive tone.

"Well, let's make this a hundred and two," she said as she leaned in to kiss him.

Dave's eyebrows shot up as he felt her tongue in his mouth. After getting over the initial shock, he closed his eyes and responded to the kiss, pulling her body closer to his. As she wrapped her arms around him, all his worries flew out the window and he just concentrated on the kiss he had been dreaming of for the past two years.

He gave her a confused look as she suddenly pulled back. She put her hands up to her lips and looked up at him with a shocked expression.

"What? What is it?" he asked.

"I…I shouldn't have done that," she replied, shaking her head.

"Why not? I didn't mind…" Dave started.

"No…it…it was wrong," she stammered.

"How?" he demanded.

She stared at him with her brown eyes. "I don't know," she whispered.

He gave her a lopsided smile. "Neither do I."

"I care about you," she admitted, still whispering.

He blinked. "I care about you, too."

"I want to be with you, Dave. I don't know when I realized it, but…I do."

"Jing-Mei, I…I don't know what to say to that. I've been wanting to be with you for so long."

"Dave, I want you to be mine and I want to be yours," she continued. "Say you will."

"I will," he whispered to her immediately. "I will."


Down to the earth I fell with dripping wings

Heavy things won't fly and the sky might catch on fire

And burn the axis of the world that's why I prefer a sunless sky

To the glittering and stinging in my eyes


"Promise you won't hurt me," Jing-Mei told him.

Dave hesitated. He closed his eyes and pictured the beautiful woman he had been dreaming about and smiled. "I promise, Jing-Mei. Don't worry, I promise."

She looked up at him and touched his cheek.

He looked into her eyes and stroked her hair. He leaned in and they shared another kiss. This time Dave was the one who pulled away quickly.

"Are you sure you want to be doing this in here?" he asked, looking around.

"Just kiss me," was Jing-Mei response as she pulled his head to hers for another kiss.


1 I feel so light

This is all I want to feel tonight

I feel so light

Tonight and the rest of my life gleaming


Again, they pulled away, this time mutually. They looked deeply at each other's eyes as the sparks between them continue to flash.

"I've been dreaming about kissing you since the day I saw you," Dave told her breathlessly.

"That's because you wanted to get in my pants," Jing-Mei joked.

"Don't ruin the moment," Dave replied with a chuckle.

"Sorry," she whispered as she stroked his face.


In the dark sea I'm as light as air floating there

Breathlessly when the dream dissolves

I open up my eyes

I realize that everything is shoreless sea a weightlessness

Is passing over me everything is waves

And stars the universe is resting in my arms 


"Have I ever told you how beautiful I think you are?" he asked.

"Yeah, but I never really paid attention to you back then," she replied.

He laughed. "So you really didn't like me?"

"Not especially," she answered, smiling. "You were a pompous, egotistical, rude…"

"Okay, okay, I get the point," Dave interrupted, laughing. "What do you think of me now?"

"Well, you've only been back for a day," she pointed out. "For all I know this could be a one-time thing."

"But you said you care about me," Dave said.

"I do," she answered truthfully. "But how do I know that you do, too?"

Dave raised an eyebrow and tilted his head. "I guess you'll just have to trust me. Do you trust me, Jing-Mei?"

After a moment of contemplating his question, Jing-Mei finally nodded. "Yes. Yes, Dave, I trust you."

"I'm glad you do," Dave whispered as he pushed back a strand of hair that had fallen on Jing-Mei's face. "Because there's nowhere I'd rather be right now than here."


2 I feel so light

This is all I want to feel tonight

I feel so light

Tonight and the rest of my life gleaming


"What are they doing now?" Abby whispered to Carter.

"I don't know, I can't see," Carter whispered back, trying to get a peek through the window.

"Stand up a little more," Malik suggested.

Carter rolled his eyes at him and turned back to the window.


3 I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare

I'm just a kid, I know that it's not fair

Nobody cares 'cause I'm alone and

The world is having more fun than me

I'm just a kid


Dave opened his eyes for a moment, still engrossed in the mutual kiss he was sharing with Jing-Mei. He caught sight of a mop of messy, brown hair and a pair of dark brown eyes and quickly pulled away from Jing-Mei.

"What the…" Dave wondered out loud.

"What happened?" the confused attending asked. She stared at the wide-eyed expression of the resident before her.


Responsibility, what's that?

Responsibility, not quite yet

Responsibility, what's that?

I don't wanna think about it

We'd be better off without it

I don't wanna think about it


"I think he saw me!" Carter explained as he kneeled back down to face his fellow co-workers.

"Oh, God," Jerry laughed.

"They're gonna come out here any minute demanding an explanation," Susan predicted, looking expectantly at the door.

They all followed suit and waited for the doors to the Lounge to fly open. But nothing happened.

"Maybe he didn't see you after all," Abby contemplated.

"He sure seemed like he did," Carter replied.

"We'd better get back to work," Luka said to the group.

"Yeah, Luka's right, if Kerry catches us, we'll be in a lot of trouble," Susan agreed.

They all nodded in agreement and stood up. What was waiting for them on the other side of the Lounge doors surprised them all. They all gasped and then smiled sheepishly when they saw Dave and Jing-Mei each standing in front of a window of a door, both with the same amused expression. They opened the doors to confront their curious co-workers.

"What do you guys think you're doing?" Jing-Mei asked.

"Uh, well, see, Deb, we were just…resting," Carter replied, wincing at his explanation.

"Really," Jing-Mei mused.

Carter looked at Abby who rolled her eyes. He gave her a small shrug and turned back to Jing-Mei and Dave.

"Yeah, see, we were, uh…all pretty wiped out," Carter continued.

"So you just decided to take a break and sit down right outside of the Lounge?" Jing-Mei asked, who was enjoying watching Carter sweat.

"Exactly, that's exactly right," Carter replied.

"Huh, isn't that strange, Dave?" she asked, turning to the doctor.

"Very," Dave confirmed, trying his best not to laugh.

"Well, we need to get back to work," Carter said, motioning to the board.

"I'm sure you do," Dave replied.

"Yeah," Carter said. He bit his lip. "See you later, Deb, Dave."

He quickly walked off.

"Yeah, see you guys," Abby told the two.

She ran off to follow Carter.

The rest of the group quickly excused themselves as well, leaving Dave and Jing-Mei.

They looked at each other and let out a laugh.

"Can you believe that?" Jing-Mei exclaimed.

"Not at all," Dave replied, wiping the tears of laughter from his face. "That was so un-Carter."

"Malucci, Chen, is there something I should be aware of?" Dr. Weaver asked, limping up to the laughing couple.

"Uh, no Chief, it's all good," Dave answered, still chuckling.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"Um, just a joke," Jing-Mei lied.

"What's this I heard about Carter?" Kerry asked suspiciously.

"Carter…oh, yeah, um, Carter, he…he told us the joke?" Jing-Mei replied, meekly.

"Mm-hmm," Kerry grunted. "Well, if you're both done with your little games, get back to work."

"Yes, Chief," Dave called as his boss hobbled away.

"Oh, my God," Jing-Mei whispered with a chuckle.

"I know," Dave replied, giving her a wink.

"So, when can we do that again?" she asked.

"What, make out and have our co-workers spy on us?"

"No," Jing-Mei laughed. "I was thinking we could have dinner together sometime."

"That would be great…how about tonight? You could come over to my place."

"Are you sure about that?" she asked uneasily.

"Why not?"

"I mean, your…"

"Oh, you're worried about my son," Dave finished for her, nodding in understanding.


"It's fine. Trust me."

She smiled. "Okay, then, I'll see you tonight."

"Awesome, awesome. Well, we'd better get back to work before the Chief comes back and beats us to death."

"Yeah, um, I'll see you later, okay?"

"I'll be looking forward to it," Dave replied. He gave her a dazzling smile before turning and walking away.

"Ditto," Jing-Mei whispered as she watched him leave.