Inuyasha Fanfic

Chapter 3


"Sakura-sama! See what Rin found!" shouted the excited little girl. Sakura turned to her with a smile on her face, "What is it, Rin?" Rin revealed a bunch of flowers that she was hiding behind her back. It was a bunch of beautiful red roses. "For you." said Rin. Sakura thanked her and took the flowers. She inhaled their sweet scent. Roses were her favorite flowers. She was unaware of a pair of bright golden eyes staring at her.

Sesshomaru shook his head. What was happening to him? Why did he find himself staring at Sakura? What was so fascinating about this woman that attracted his, Sesshomaru's attention?

Sakura looked up and their eyes met. Sakura smiled at him. Sesshomaru did not return her smile but he made no move to look away. They were interrupted by Rin who started pulling Sakura's kimono. Sakura quickly broke their eye contact, blushing a little.

"Hai Rin. What's the matter?" she asked. "Rin's hungry! Rin want food!" screamed the little girl. "Stop screaming Rin. Come on, let's find something to eat." With that Sakura led Rin towards a nearby village. She turned around and shouted over her shoulder, "We're leaving to buy some food. We'll be back soon."

Sesshomaru didn't bother replying as he merely nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"So Rin what do feel like eating?" asked Sakura. Rin blinked innocently, "Rin don't know. Rin just very hungry!" Sakura laughed. Just as she turned her head around she heard a muffled scream. "Help! Help please! Someone! Anyone!" The voice seemed like it belonged to a young woman. Sakura quickly turned to Rin. "Stay here Rin." She said as she pointed to a nice looking ramen stand. "I'll be right back!" With that Sakura ran in the direction of the voice.

As she neared the voice which was getting more desperate by the second, Sakura found herself in a deserted alleyway*. She turned a corner to see a young brown-haired woman, her petite figure shadowed by a burly man. The man's huge hands were around the woman's wrists as he tried to force himself on her. "Come honey. It's useless to resist!" he drawled in his scratchy voice. Sakura's emerald eyes lit up with fury. If there was one thing she hated more than demons attacking children, it was a man trying to take advantage of a helpless woman.

"Hey! Get your dirty hands of her, you scum bag!" yelled Sakura as she delivered a powerful kick to the side of his head effectively making him release the terrified woman. As the man staggered back to regain his balance, Sakura helped the young woman who had fallen to the ground. "Calm down now. Everything's alright." Sakura tried to soothe the trembling girl as she rubbed her back to comfort her. "Thank you." murmured the woman. Sakura smiled softly. "Don't mention it."

Behind her the man stood up again. He wiped his bleeding mouth with the back of his hand and spat some blood on the ground. He pulled out a knife from his pocket and rushed towards Sakura hell bent on making her pay the price of ruining his fun.

Sakura saw his movement out of the corner of her eyes and caught his wrist before the knife could strike her. "Didn't your mother teach you? Never to pick on an angry woman." Sakura's eyes glinted dangerously, "The consequences aren't very pretty!" she yelled as she twisted his wrist. The man groaned in agony. He tried delivering a kick to her torso, but the read head blocked it instead kicking him right in the stomach. As she advanced upon him to deliver a finishing blow, he swiped his knife at her cheek getting a lucky strike as it left a small cut on her otherwise flawless skin. Sakura stopped her advance and lifted her hand to her cheek and looked up at him in wonder. The man grinned but his grin disappeared as she smirked. "Bad move." Those were the last words he heard as Sakura disappeared only to appear behind him and knock him out cold with a powerful blow to the head.

She brushed her hands as she straightened up and looked at the surprised woman. "Come on! What are you waiting for? I have a very hungry girl waiting for me you know!" grinned Sakura as she gestured to the young woman to follow her. The woman smiled as she followed her back to the village.

"Thank you, again, miss…" finished the woman uncertainly. Sakura smiled. "The names Sakura and I told you before, don't mention it! What's your name?" "Michiko! My father owns a ramen stand in this village." Sakura's eyes lit up at the mention of food and her stomach grumbled at the same moment. Michiko laughed. "You seem very hungry! Do you think a bowl or two of ramen would satisfy you and that girl who mentioned?" "Yes! Of course!" answered Sakura. "Well the bill's on me then." As she saw Sakura try to disagree she said, "It wasn't a question! It's the least I can do and I won't relent!"

"Say, wasn't that some real good ramen Rin?" asked Sakura. "Yes! Rin liked the ramen and the nice lady too!" answered Rin. "Yeah! I liked Michiko too! She even bandaged my little wound!" laughed Sakura.

Sesshomaru looked up when he saw the two girls return. He silently got up and turned to them. "Where were you all this time? Were you trying to test this Sesshomaru's patience? Eating doesn't take that much time." Sakura scowled and answered, "How does it matter? We are here now, aren't we?" Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed. "Who injured you?" he asked as his gaze landed on Sakura's cheek. "Some guy I rescued a girl from. He was trying to take advantage of her." Sakura shrugged. Sesshomaru's face remained as impassive as ever but his mind was a different story. His mind and surprisingly his heart were in turmoil. 'Why am I feeling this way? Why do I feel like tearing that man's limbs off? How do I care if he injured her? She's just some silly little girl. Isn't she?'

"Sakura-sama was very brave! That nice lady told me that Sakura-sama rescued her and that man was big, very big and Sakura-sama defeated him in two minutes!" shouted Rin bringing Sesshomaru's attention back to them. Sesshomaru turned around. "We are leaving."

Sakura retrieved her sword from Jaken, got on Ah-un's back, pulled Rin up with her and followed Sesshomaru.

Hey guys this was a filler. I'm soo sorry but Inuyasha and the gang will next them next chapter for sure! But it'll take a while for me to update! Sorry! School and tuitions!

Oh and sorry for the late update! *by the way I wonder if villages have alleyways

Happy new year!:-)