This is an idea thought of about a year ago by Vader23A and myself. It took us a while to decide it, but we finally decided to go along with it. My part will be Ace Combat 4/Vandread crossover, Vader will be doing an Ace Combat 5 crossover and our friend 1st Lieutenant Fae will be doing an Ace Combat 0 cross over.

Hope you enjoy.

For years the world was at peace, but due to a single disaster that peace was shattered.

In the year 1999, a massive asteroid codenamed Ulysses 1994 XF-04, struck the country of Usea, killing half a million people and turning many into refugees. Seeing this as a great opportunity the country Erusea launched an attack to declare war on the rest of the nations.

They used their superior air force to neutralize any attempt their enemies made to defend themselves and with their super weapon Stonehenge, a massive mega structure battery of railguns, originally made for destroying asteroids before they entered the Earth's atmosphere. They were able to annihilate entire enemy squadrons in a single shot.

Thanks to this mega structure, any and all hope the victim countries had were crushed. But even in the face of these impossible odds an organization stood firm in defiance.

The Independent States Allied Forces' or ISAF had continued to fight against the Erusians winning small battles, but failing to force back their enemies.

Due to Stonehenge the ISAF forces eventually had been pushed back to a single airbase at the edge of a mountain range.

During one fateful day the tide of the war began to change.

It was all due to a single fighter pilot known only as Mobius 1, he was just another pilot at the time, recruited to help fight against the Erusians, but no one could've foreseen his real abilities as a pilot.

During several missions Mobius 1 had not only succeeded in the face of overwhelming odds, but he still managed to destroy all enemy targets in his path and save most of his allies.

Mobius 1 continuously climbed in popularity and fame, quickly becoming recognized across the world by both sides of the conflict. During one mission where the ISAF forces were to protect a space research facility from Erusian forces Mobius 1 gained his first recognition by being the only pilot to cause damage to a member of the top squadron in the Erusian Air Force.

Yellow Squadron was comprised of the best trained pilots in the world, none of them had ever been shot down, as a matter of fact during the course of the war none of them had even sustained the tiniest bit of damage, they were the best, completely feared by their enemies once they showed up.

During that one mission Mobius 1 had managed to get a single missile to connect on a member of Yellow Squadron, surprised by this the leader of Yellow squad, Yellow 13 ordered his squadron to retreat from the battle.

Once the elite squadron pulled out the victory was guaranteed for the ISAF forces and the tide officially changed for the first time.

From that moment Mobius 1 continued to raise through the ranks until the day he single handedly brought down the mega structure Stonehenge. Once the massive super weapon was destroyed Yellow Squadron appeared and although they were too late to affect the battle they still engaged Mobius 1 in combat which ended when Mobius 1 shot down Yellow 4, Yellow 13's closest friend and lover.

Once Yellow 4 was shot down, the other members of Yellow Squadron fled the battle, in complete disbelief that one of their members had fallen.

It was by the events of that day alone that the Erusian officials became desperate; realizing that the scales had tipped against them they unleashed everything they had to stop the ISAF forces once and for all, but nothing they did was good enough. Mobius 1 was always there, he was just too much for the enemy to stand against.

During the final battle of the war, the siege of the Erusian capital city of Farbanti, Yellow squadron was once again defeated by Mobius 1, this time Yellow 13 himself was shot down and killed.

Even though the ISAF forces had captured the Erusian capital city, Intel revealed that there was still one major threat to deal with before they could truly claim victory.

Erusea had built another mega structure, another super weapon on a lone island in the middle of the Erusian Ocean, its name. Megalith.

The time had finally come to end the war and bring back peace to the world. Given his own squadron to command Mobius 1 led 9 other pilots all of them the best remaining pilots ISAF could offer in a final assault on the Erusian war machine.

Upon arriving in the airspace around Megalith Mobius squadron began their final preparations.

"Skyeye here" the pilot of the AWACS said over the radios "All Mobius aircraft report in".

"Mobius 2 on standby" the 2nd in command of the squadron said.

"Mobius 3 through 7 on standby"

"Mobius 8 and 9 on standby"

Once all pilots confirmed that they were ready to begin Mobius 1 flew ahead of the squad and led them into battle at the order of Skyeye. "Preparations complete, ready for battle. All aircraft follow Mobius 1".

The 10 fighter squadron flew at top speed toward Megalith more than ready to put an end to this war at last, but they still had one more challenge to overcome before they could get that chance.

A squadron comprised entirely of the remaining members of Yellow squadron was there to meet them, over 20 fighters all of them with the skills of an elite pilot.

In a last ditch effort to put down the ISAF forces the remaining Yellow pilots intercepted Mobius squadron, but ultimately failed as they were shot down one by one.

Once the final Yellow was shot down Mobius 1 alone entered Megalith and destroyed each of its three generators one by one giving the ground forces that infiltrated the mega structure the opening they needed to gain control of the main control room.

Once the outside panels were open, Mobius 1 had a clear shot at each of the V1 rockets that were hidden within the superstructure as well as the lone V2 that was hidden deep within Megalith itself.

Once Mobius 1 destroyed the several V1 rockets he flew to the front end of the base and lowered his airspeed and altitude, flying into the narrow shaft that would lead him straight to the V2 rocket.

The shaft was just big enough for him to level his fighter giving him just enough space to fly straight ahead toward the rocket that could easily wipe out an entire city.

Once within range of the V2, Mobius 1 fired two missiles right at the rocket's warhead destroying it before flying out from the top of the shaft, just seconds before the facility began to explode.

Through the smoke cloud of the destroyed structure Mobius 1 flew high into the sky before leveling his F-22 Raptor fighter jet and flying at the front end of the remaining members of his squadron.

With the war finally over Mobius 1 split off from his squadron in a way that is performed in a Missing Man formation before flying beyond the horizon and fading from all radar coverage with only Skyeye's words echoing "Heroes really do exist".

Once he was behind the horizon and far away from his former allies Mobius 1 set the auto pilot for his fighter and leaned back in his pilot's seat, able to finally breathe easy now that the war was finally over. But for him another one was soon to start.

Not too long after he set the autopilot, an asteroid came flying down from the sky crashing into the ocean, but its shear size and the force of it coming down sent Mobius 1's F-22 into a tailspin.

Quickly sitting back up Mobius 1 tried to regain control of his fighter, but none of the systems were responding and he was heading right for the ocean.

Reaching under his pilot's seat Mobius 1 gripped the handle that would pop off the canopy of his fighter before sending off a distress beacon. Once he was ready to pull the eject lever a second asteroid crashed down not too far away from him in a massive light bluish green light that consumed the F-22 and its pilot before sending them somewhere that no one could've ever dreamed of.

A/N. And that's the prologue chapter, really I hope you liked it because I sure enjoyed writing it.

This as been an idea a year in the making now let's see if we can keep it going.