
Comments are always immensely appreciated. If you like the story, and would enjoy seeing more like it in the future, I don't know that unless you tell me. Thanks for reading.


"What is it we speak of, my friends?" Thor asked loudly as he swept into the kitchen and dropped into the chair beside Steve's.

Steve pushed his chair over to give his team mate ample space at the counter before answering. "The law that just passed."

"There is a new decree in thine land?"

Steve nodded while Tony reminded himself not to laugh at the God of Thunder.

"One of importance?" Thor began to play with a lone apple, "Is it just?"

"Yes." Steve looked pleased. "It is. Equality is always just."

"It's the gay marriage law, in case Steve here's boy scout routine was too vague." Tony threw out between sips of the coffee he was hiding his face in. Steve frowned at the remark and Thor just stared blankly, blue eyes searching.

"I do not know of this, what doth is state?"

"Homosexuals can be wed in New York now." Steve explained.

"What is a homosexual?"

Tony took his face out of his mug and smirked. "A man who likes to fuck other me—"

"Tony!" Steve scolded, blushing, then turned pointedly back to Thor. "A homosexual, or a gay person (which has been the slang term since my day, 'though I'd never actually heard that), is a person who is only romantically interested in people that are of the same gender."

Thor's creased brow furrowed further. "Explain." He urged.

Steve paused, trying to re-order an explanation in his mind.

"Thor, buddy," Tony began as he pushed his cup towards the sink. "Back in Asgard, didja' ever know anybody who just wasn't into to the opposite sex? Somebody who would prefer to fall into bed with their own. You do realize that happens, right?" Tony looked like he was trying not to be too amused. Thor just nodded, still frowning.

"I do know this happens."

"So, what didn't you get, big guy?"

"You had said 'romantic', spoke of marriage, what does the type of union of which you speak have to do with such things?"

"Maybe you should just tell us how that sort of thing worked back home, so we can better explain." Steve offered. Tony nodded noncommittally beside him.

"Well," Thor began, looking more ill-at-ease than one usually saw him. "A warrior may on occasion take a man for his pleasure, or to display his dominance (though most Asgardians would heartily disapprove of the second occurrence)." He fidgeted his large body awkwardly. "Only one who is argr would willingly submit himself to another man's pleasure in such a way,"

"argr?" Steve asked.

"Weak, womanly, cowardly. The kind who is dishonorable, who would practice Seid."

"Se-" Steve began to ask.

"Magic," Tony filled in, "right?"

"Aye." Thor nodded gravely. "The tricks of women."

"Like.." Steve hesitated, but ventured on carefully. "Like what your brother does?"

"Aye, Loki uses women's magic." Thor agreed stiffly.

"So," Steve began again, unsure, "Most asgardians would assume he was, um, argr?"

"He's not!" The Aesir slammed a large fist into Tony's expensive marble counter-top.

"Woah, now!" Tony reached around to place a calming hand on his angry team-mates shoulder. "I'm sure Steve wasn't saying that Loki was like that. He's just curious about different perspectives, right?"

"I didn't mean any offense! I'm sure he isn't like that, although there's nothing wrong with the gay lifestyle; it doesn't really make a man weak or cowardly. I knew a guy, back during the war, wh-"

"Hush, Steve." Tony interrupted. "Not the time for war stories."

"No offense is taken, friend Steven." Thor gave a gruff smile. "People have said such things of him before, and it gives me no end of grief."

"People don't see it so negatively now a days, you know." Steve attempted again. "It's not one man degrading another, or one woman-"

"Maidens do not do such things!" Thor interrupted with indignation.

Tony chuckled through his smirk. "Your reality is not as fun as mine."

"Tony, stop it." Steve chided. "It's not shameful anymore, just love like any other." He paused, switching strategies. " You know Wiccan and Hulkling; they're in a romantic relationship." Thor only looked horrified in response, but Steve forged on, "Love is love, as long as it's between two consenting adults who are comfortable and care deeply for each other. Then it's a beautiful thing." He searched his friend's face for comprehension. "Two equals, in a committed relationship. Same as a man with a woman, except…without one."

"So, it is the norm now, for two men to lay together without the disgrace of the one who is womanly?"

"Yes…but, the point is sort of that neither of them need to be seen as womanly." Steve was truly unsure about whether his point was getting across clearly to the divinity who sat beside him, arms braced against the counter.

Thor continued to frown.

"I think we broke him." Tony couldn't help but let his lips quirk up.

"Nay, you have simply made me pensive, friends." The God stroked his lightly bearded chin, deep in thought. "The young warriors: The Hulkling and the Wiccan, they truly lay together? Not just as brethren in the glory of combat?"

"Well, they're practically still kids," Steve said, "They love each other, but, uh, I doubt that they lay together ye-"

"Yes, Thor. They lay together." Tony once again cut in more frankly.

"They care about each other the same way you care about Jane." Steve attempted the gentler approach again.

Thor's brow did not unfurrow. "They are fine warriors, brave and noble."

"Plenty of gay people have been throughout history. The ancient Spartans encouraged it in their soldiers because it made them more dedicated to protecting each other." Steve was apparently determined to be a public service announcement.

Thor nodded slowly to himself, staring at his own hands. "I have much to consider, many thanks for your explanations." He stood, and his brow still folded by thought, gave them a friendly expression before walking away.

"Do you think we managed to be enlightening?" Steve asked altruistically.

"I think it's not my job to give sensitivity training."

Later that night, Steve stared absently at the t.v. screen, listening to Thor attempt to approach the couch quietly.

"Steve, my friend." He finally spoke instead of simply hovering.


"May I ask you a question concerning our previous discourse?"

"Of course, come take a seat." The Cpt. patted the seat cushions beside him invitingly. Thor sat, albeit stiffly.

"If…" He began, still frowning. Steve hoped his face hadn't been that way since morning.

"…If my brother were truly…If he had a love of men…You would say there was no shame in this?" Thor's facial expression was difficult to read.

"Right. No shame." Steve tried valiantly to pretend that Loki's sexual orientation wasn't one of the last things he ever wanted to discuss, ever, with anyone.

The Norseman gave his familiar, slow nod. "I think that mayhap, he may be…like that." Thor bit the inside of his cheek. "He has never shown proper interest in maidens, he is a magic user," He counted on his fingers as if categorizing his proof in list form, "he looked at warriors sometimes in a way I never understood (even though he thought them complete fools), and-"

"Thor," Steve interjected as politely as possible, "I understand how shocking it is to have to re-evaluate values the way you are; I've been there. But it helps to just let things go sometimes, I think. Try to look at it this way: what, in this corporeal world, would actually be different if your brother was gay?"

"Well, I would of course have to find him a proper husband." Thor replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Steve struggled not to spit out his milk. "Pardon?"

"A husband, I said."

"Wh-Why would you need to find him a husband? That is an awfully invasive thing, especially to do for someone to whom you're not speaking." And who is an insane super villain , he added internally.

"Steve Rogers, it is my responsibility."


"When a father is not in a position to acquire honorable suitors, it is the duty of the brother to make sure his sister has a good husband who will respect, protect, and provide for them. Loki is not my sister, I understand," Thor added as if it was an after thought, "But it applies."

Steve took a moment to just be silent, breathed in, and resumed trying to communicate.

"Do you think maybe Loki doesn't exactly need to be provided for, or taken care of?"

Thor scoffed. "Steve Rogers, he has such little prowess in battle that he must rely on magic and being clever to protect himself, and he no longer has his own inheritance immediately available, so he needs a true warrior who can provide for him. Do you not agree?"

Steve opened his mouth. Steve closed his mouth. He repeated that pattern awkwardly for a few seconds.

"I…think that we're just coming up against a cultural difference here."

"Ah, I see, understandable." Thor said amicably. "First thing on the morrow I shall begin to consider candidates. Would you honor me with assistance? I have learned that at times it is wise to accept council."

"I…Alright, yes…I'll help you." He figured it was far better to be able to monitor the situation than let it run wild.