Author's Note: Ah, man. Before you go any further, know that this is just a silly little drabble xD. I was talking to my good friend LunaCangiante (check out her stories, by the way!) and some way or another, we got onto the subject of Maric and Alistair. We were talking about whether or not it was possible Maric could be alive, since the whole "lost at sea" thing is pretty vague, and then she said it would be funny if he showed up because Alistair might kick the shit out of him. Then the light bulb went off, and here we are xD. You can thank her as much as me for this little gem.

That said…Maric, darling, I love you, but we've all wanted to kick you some time or another. On with the story! Well…drabble. Thing.

Well, He Kind of Had it Coming

Little Alistair charged through the streets of Redcliffe, weaving around and around the startled guardsmen. Before anyone could manage to snatch him up, he ran straight toward King Maric, unceremoniously kicked him in the shin, then glared up at him.


With that, he walked off, pushing forcefully through the decidedly shocked Royal Guard and disappearing before anyone had a chance to blink, despite the fact that he barely came up past their knees.

Maric rubbed his shin absently, staring after the boy with a vague sort of bewilderment.

"Huh. I guess I deserved that."