wow im excited to have updated so early C: i have most of the nest chapters planned out till the end. i am not sure when the last chapter will be but there should be about 4 more (estimation) maybe one or two more to tie things together so i hope people are still reading :)New chapter~ yay lol please read and review!

disclaimer: i do not own south park~

"My sweet…Wake up." A voice said gently. The owner stroking the Brits cheek. The boy shivered at the gentle touch of the cold hand. Pip opened his eyes slowly, looking into Damien's tiredly. He blushed lightly seeing him.

"D-Damien…I…I thought." He gulped

"What…That I would kill you…" The raven whispered disappointedly. "Why…would you ever think that?"

"I….i'm sorry…it's not like that…just…" He bit his lip nervously not knowing what to say.

"Don't…don't be scared" He cooed quietly pulling Pip to his chest. The blond looked up at him confused.

"Why did you do this to me...I do not understand." Pip mumbled questioningly. He fidgeted nervously, trying not to look the raven in the eyes.

"…Because, I love you." He whispered into the boy's ear. Pip's face became red and he smiled, sniffling lightly.

"Thank you…." He smiled, the blonds fangs poking out. "I Love you too."

Craig lifted the shaking Tweek in his arms. Kenny….you will pay for this you thief. He looked down at Tweek with an angry expression. He would not respond to any words, staring at the raven like he did not know him. Craig growled with two things on his mind, revenge and Tweek. He could not let this happen. He gently laid the blond into the bed, pulling the blanket over him slowly. Tears would be in his eyes if he were not an immortal incapable of such human reactions. He stroked his cheek tenderly, letting his fingers linger across the boy's cheek. Craig turned away after a few moments had gone by; clinching his fists he stalked to the door. He stepped out not looking back at the frightened blond, knowing he would do something he would regret. The raven walked down the hall silently, sniffing out the awful smell that was once his best friend. The vampire snarled catching the bitter scent left just for him to follow. Kenny likes to play with his victims very much, that Craig knew all too well. He stopped at a rather familiar door. He made this to easy, Craig thought scowling to himself. He fumed angrily, so he thinks he can mock me. He opened the door slowly, only to adding to the tense atmosphere, just what Kenny wanted.

"Kenny….Show yourself you scum." He hissed out his name, venom lacing his voice as he spat out the name. The Noriette stepped carefully forward, eying the dark ebony room. The room consisted of dark corresponding colors and silky curtains with little to no furniture.

"What is it old friend?" Kenny's voice boomed from the corner of the room, his shadow leaving a long figure looming crookedly. Craig's face contorted in resentment as he turned to face the dirty blond.

"So that's where you were hiding you piece of shit." The raven fumed trying to keep his temper contained for the moment. He wanted to save every bit of energy for while he was beating Kenny to a bloody stump. Them being friends previously did not even cross Craig's mind when he thought about his scared Tweek. He would stop at nothing to help his sweet. "What have you done to my Tweek?."

"Your Tweek? I…..Um sorry but who claimed him first?" Kenny smirked slyly. "It was me wasn't it…you were there the day I performed the blood pack..Yet….you throw off my plan to finally win him.."

"That…That does not matter now…You cannot just claim people! Blood pact or not Tweek will be mine! He loves me not you Kenny so get over it!" Craig screamed at the blond, his fangs bearing and his eyes glowing red with fiery.

"Oh..Are you mad…I enjoy angering you Craig." Kenny smiled leaning off the wall walking toward the angered raven. The grin only becoming bigger as the other vampire shook in hate, clenching his teeth.

"Get away from me before I kill you…." Craig whispered as his fangs brushed against his bottom lip, his face white and eyes a blood red. What he would do for his Tweek is never ending, he was his toy.

"Stay here, I will be back soon." The dark figure whispered to the small vampires.

"Where are you going?" They looked up sadly at their creator. They were confused…Sure they did not act the best but they were still very young and unstable vampires. Their master had been very distant ever since the long haired blond had come into the picture. It angered them to no end how Damien treated the goody good boy so good. He was human and they did not understand what he ever saw in the boy. That aside, Craig and Kenny were never bad, but why did they have a dark suspicion tugging at their hearts now?

"I am going nowhere…You are the ones going somewhere." He gave a fake plastered smile. " We will meet again…That I can assure you." He said to the boys darkly looking away. "Now go…"

The two boys frowned and watched as he disappeared, they were….Alone

Thank you for reading. I hope this chapter made some sense lol if you have any questions feel free to ask me~~ Please review~ till next chapter~