[Characters and concept used are adapted from the E4 TV program of the same name]

Chapter One

Oh great… this is just shitting perfect! What else can go wrong today? Nathan Young thought as he rounded a corner and spotted a gang of Chavs.

He turned the music on his iPod louder as he walked under the tall lamps that lined the streets, his dark, bouffant mass of curls lightening, creating a halo effect under the light produced from them.

His day had been utterly shitty.

The community centre had found out that he had been living there and now he was lacking shelter without the use of the centre, since they had changed the security. In addition, because he had lied to his mother about owning a flat rather than telling her the truth that one time, he could not turn around and ask her.

Besides the man his mom lived with pissed him off, even if it was clear he was not quite like the others.

So now, he was wandering the outskirts, looking for a place to spend the night. All of his so-called friends had given him bullshit excuses as to why they could not take him in.

Sure, I can be a little blunt… but I'm not such a bad guy…

"Oi! You there! Lanky…!" One of the gang members yelled in a rough, cockney accent and a chorus of grunts and laughter followed. This was clearly the pack leader.

Nathan paid no attention, acting as though he could not hear the lad over his music.

"Oi! Cunt! Turn down the sound!" The gang leader shouted, louder than before. He turned red and stepped forward quickly, his eyes narrowed. "Don't be rude, stupid prick!"

Nathan glanced over at the male and blinked large, rounded very beautiful green eyes at him. "Hmm…? Oh, sorry…" He said in his adorable Irish accent and took the plugs out of his ears slowly. "I was in my own little world…" He said and raised his eyebrows slightly. "Can I help you with something…?" He said, addressing the Chav directly, a slight smile on his lips, unconsciously cocky.

The Chav gritted his teeth. "Got a light?" He asked casually.

Nathan shook his head. "Nah…" He lied. Of course, he would not lend his lighter to someone who had called him a cunt. He turned his back on the lad. He was not in the mood to crack wise today. Too much had happened, things that had broken his spirit for the moment.

The Chav watched him for a second, not believing the boy with the cocky grin. His gang members moved over to him as he watched Nathan walk away.

"Oi… you… who said you could go?" The boy said, walking forward after him, slowly keeping up with Nathan's movements.

Nathan closed his eyes for the moment. Great… typical… even when I try to avoid getting into trouble; it seems to happen anyway…

Nathan turned and held up his hands. "Listen… I don't want any trouble, boys…" He said and gulped as they ran forward toward him, all of them looking mentally unstable.

It was terrifying.

Nathan immediately fell back, scrambling and falling over himself as he began to run away.

"Aaagggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…!" He let out a high-pitched girlish scream as he ran away, his expressive face showing his terror.

It was not that he was afraid of dying, since he would come back. It just hurt. Moreover, it hurt a hell of a lot at that, which totally sucked! What was with that? Who would want to be immortal if it always hurt so much when they died? He wished he could feel no pain also, since then he would not have to fear the little cocks that chased him. He would be able to do anything then, if he did not feel pain, that is.

As Nathan ran, he tripped up, landing hard on his hands. He hissed and tried to get up, but the gang of Chavs were upon Nathan before he could get up and kicking out at his slender body while he was down.

Some distance away, a boy was watching, unseen, unheard, unknown to all that was there in the street as he walked up to the scene. He was always watching Nathan in his spare time.

His clothes rustled slightly as he came closer only just hearable, and he came close to the pack of fighting 'animals'; an invisible force to tear them away from Nathan's body easily, since he was unseen.

The Chavs blinked before they cried out as each one of them felt punches flying around like balls in a tennis court, catching places that Nathan could not have reached whilst laying down in the foetal position.

"Was that him?" one of them asked and looked down at Nathan.

"Must have been… no one else is here," another said, looking at Nathan also. Soon, they were all looking at Nathan, laying there, noise bleeding and eyes closed, passed out on the ground from a well placed head wound.

The Chavs moved forward and poked at Nathans unconscious body. "He's out for the count now, anyway…" One of them said, stating the obvious as Chavs tended to do before he bent down and tried to take Nathan's wallet.

He received another kick, right in the back, before he found himself lifted and thrown away from Nathan's body with a small cry.

The other males noticed the lack of movement and skittered away. "Oww… what the hell is happening there?" One of them said in alarm. "He didn't even move! I saw it all with my own eyes!" He exclaimed afterwards before they all ran, scattering about in discord.

The invisible boy sighed and picked up the unconscious Nathan with gentle hands before he walked with him toward his home…