Summary: Natsu Dragneel is an orphaned boy who is under the care of Mirajane. While Lucy Heartfilia is a homeless and pregnant girl. How can these two change everything for each other including their views of friendship, family and love?
Natsu Dragneel, Wendy Marvell and Erza Scarlet gazed upwards where the moon was lit with bright white rays that colored the sky a dark blue hue. The night was cold and lonely and the stargazers sat, they admired the bright stars and the moon.
"Aren't they beautiful guys?" Wendy asked Natsu and Erza with a huge smile on her face.
Erza sighed happily. "They sure are."
"You know, I wondered. How was it possible that they shared the same space, and yet the two are so different? The moon was big and bright whereas the stars each stood out, all alone." Wendy asked.
Natsu smiled as he turns his head to her. "I believe I know, Wendy. Both the moon and the stars shared a common solitude." He said to her. Wendy smiled at him.
"Makes sense to me." She said.
"Guys, it's getting late." A voice said.
The three turn their heads to a white-haired woman who is standing at the stairs.
"You all got a big day tomorrow. Don't be late for your first day at school." The woman smiled.
"Okay Mirajane!" Wendy said happily as she and Erza got up from their chairs, walk pass Mirajane and walk down the stairs, heading back to their rooms. Mirajane smiled as she watched them. But when she turns her head to Natsu, who is still sitting on his chair, her smile faded away.
"Natsu?" Mirajane asked in concern as she walks over to him. She notices a frown on his face. "It's getting late now."
"I know but…I don't think I can sleep tonight." Natsu explained, not looking at her.
Mirajane then took a metal chair and sits next to him. "Is it because of the new school you'll be entering?"
Natsu sighed and finally turns to her. "Mira, I'm going to enter a new school. It will be a totally different place for me than my last school. I won't know anybody. Remember what happened to me in the last school? What if I get bullied again? What if I get into fights and get scolded by the principal again?"
Mirajane places her hand on Natsu's hand. "Natsu, you have to be strong. Don't let your past overcome you again. Besides, I'm sure you won't. I know your new school will better than your previous one. You will make new friends there."
However Mira's genuine words were not enough to convince the disturbed boy. Natsu made a forced smile before getting up from his chair. "I'm sure you're right. Goodnight Mirajane." He said before walking over to the stairs.
Mirajane sighed as she watched him leave the rooftop of her house. "I wished you'll be happy, Natsu."
Chapter 1: First Day of School
"Breakfast is ready everyone!" Mirajane yelled from the kitchen. A few seconds later, Natsu, Wendy and Erza, all dressed in school uniforms, rush into the kitchen and sit around the dining table which has three plates of scrambled eggs and bacons on it.
"Thank you Mirajane!" Wendy smiled at her.
"No problem." Mirajane smiled as she strokes Wendy's hair. "Now all of you quickly eat before you're late for your first day of school!"
"I can't wait to go to high school!" Wendy said as she, Erza and Natsu pick up their forks and knives. "It will be so much fun."
Erza chuckled before saying. "And Natsu and I both can't wait to go to our new high school too." She turns to Natsu. "Right, Natsu?"
Natsu simply nodded as he starts eating his breakfast. Erza and Wendy also turn to their plates and eat their breakfast too.
Mirajane smiled as they eat their breakfast together. Before she meets them, Mirajane was actually married with a loving and caring man and they both live together happily. But sadly, they both couldn't have a child when they both found out from the hospital that Mirajane suffers from infertility. But their love for each other was still strong and they still remained together through many hardships. Unfortunately, after only four years of marriage, her husband suddenly fell ill and dies, leaving Mirajane heartbroken.
She felt depressed over her husband's death for the next four months until one rainy day; she walks out of the bar through the back door, completely drunk and drowsy, and collapses in the middle of an alley. When she woke up, she found herself lying on a bed in an abandoned building. At first, Mirajane was afraid, thinking she has been kidnapped, but suddenly, three orphans enter the room and gave her a loaf of bread. Mirajane was surprised to see them at first but she accepted their food and eats the bread. After eating, they introduce themselves to her as Natsu, Wendy and Erza. The orphans then show her around their 'home'. The building is very run down and is almost empty. They have a very small refrigerator which inside only store small amounts of food which they eat once a day. They also have a small table and an old sofa which has several springs popping out of it. They don't have a TV or a shower or any electronic gadgets with them.
Mirajane pitied these children and decided to ask them to live with her instead. Natsu, Erza and Wendy accept their offer and they lived with her ever since. They never go hungry again and Mirajane never felt lonely and depressed again. She thanked God for giving her a new purpose in life.
"Mirajane?" Natsu asked.
Mirajane snaps out of her thoughts and realized that the three have finished eating their breakfast and are now carrying their schoolbags.
"We're off to school now." Natsu said to her.
"Oh right." Mirajane smiled and waved at them. "Have fun in your first day of school!"
"We will." Erza said as she, Natsu and Wendy wave back at her before leaving the house.
Wendy laughed happily as she skipped down the sidewalk while Erza and Natsu are behind her, walking down the sidewalk normally.
"Don't walk too far away from us Wendy." Erza said to Wendy.
"I won't!" Wendy said happily. Erza turns to Natsu and gave a nudge to his arm.
"What was that for?" Natsu asked annoyed.
"You have been frowning the whole morning. What is wrong with you?" Erza scolded. Natsu lets out a sigh and turns away from her. Erza frowned. "You're thinking about them again, aren't you?"
"No!" Natsu said, turning to Erza. "Of course not."
"Then don't start your first day of your senior year with that look on your face." Erza said.
"Got it sis." Natsu rolled his eyes.
Eventually, they arrived at their new school. They enter the school and tons of students are walking through the halls and putting their books into their lockers. When the bell rang, all the students including Natsu, Erza and Wendy went to the auditorium.
After the principal of the school gave his welcoming speech and orientation to the students, everybody leave the auditorium and went to their respective classrooms.
"Let's see." Wendy looks at her class schedule. "My classroom will be room 102." She said to Erza and Natsu as they walk together down the hallway.
"All the freshman classes are at the bottom floor." Erza said to Wendy.
"Where are your classes, guys?" Wendy asked Erza and Natsu.
Natsu looks at his class schedule and said, "My classroom will be room 407."
"And mine is room 401." Erza added.
"Okay then, goodbye guys and hope to see you guys again later during lunch!" Wendy waved goodbye to them before walking down the stairs.
"Bye Wendy." Erza said to her as she and Natsu waved back at her. "Let's go." She and Natsu walk up the stairs to the fourth floor where all the senior classes are. When they arrived at the hallway, Erza said goodbye to Natsu before entering her classroom. Natsu continues walking down the hallway until he arrives at his classroom.
Natsu frowns as he enters. He hates being separated from Erza and Wendy and he knew he is going to have a hard time fitting in his new school. Natsu sits at the back of the classroom and watch the other students in class talking and laughing to each other. They all immediately went silent and sit up straight when the teacher came in. After greeting their new teacher, the students sit back down on their seats while the teacher starts asking the students one by one for their names.
"Hey, you there." A voice said. Natsu turns his head and sees a black-haired boy sitting next to him.
"How are you? I'm Gray Fullbuster." Gray smiled, extending a hand. "What's your name?"
"Natsu Dragneel." Natsu mumbled, turning his head away.
"Nice to meet you Natsu." Gray puts away his hand, knowing that he doesn't want to shake it. "You look like a new student. How do you get into this school?"
"We moved to this state after our mother gets a transfer in her car factory job." Natsu replied.
"I see. Welcome to Kansas City, Missouri then." Gray smiled.
"Yeah, isn't it strange that the city is called Kansas City even though it is in Missouri and not Kansas?"
"I know. Many places in the US are confusing aren't they? How can you tell the person is from the State of Washington or the District of Columbia when a person says to you that he's from Washington?"
Natsu and Gray both laughed which attracted the teacher's attention.
"Ah-hum. May you two boys keep it down until I call you?" The teacher said to them sternly.
"Yes, teacher. Sorry." Gray apologized to the teacher while Natsu quickly went silent and sits straight.
"Gray, you may be a star basketball player in our school, but you still have to follow the school rules." The teacher said to him before continuing asking the students for their names.
"Wait, you're a basketball player?" Natsu whispered to Gray, widening his eyes.
"Yeah. I help the school win the state championship last year." Gray smiled at him.
"That's…really cool." Natsu smiled at him. This is probably the first time Natsu smiled ever since he came to this school. Guess Mirajane is right after all. Maybe this will be the better school for him.
Suddenly, his thoughts snap when the classroom doors open. Everybody present in the class turn their heads to see a blonde-haired girl standing at the doorway.
"Late on your first day of school, miss?" The teacher asked the girl sternly.
"Yeah…sorry…" The girl lowers her head.
"What is your name?" He asked.
"Lucy. Lucy Heartfilia." The girl introduced herself.
"Miss Heartfilia, quickly take your seat."
"Actually sir…" Lucy said to the teacher. "I just came to this school to introduce myself. I won't be joining your class."
Everybody in the class including Natsu gave strange looks at her.
"What…are you talking about?" The teacher asked Lucy, looking confused.
"In fact, I don't think I'll ever come back to this school. Thank you." Lucy bowed before leaving the class and closing the door.
Everybody in the class exchange puzzled looks to each other. Natsu blinked his eyes.
"What was that about?"
Sovereign: What do you guys think of the first chapter? :) If I make any mistakes, let me know. Read and review!