Me: Hey guys I had this Story in my head since the power struggle between Triple H and John Laurintatus and my two OC's Stacy and Laura are the Co VP's of the Diva Division in my stories so I decided to give this a try :) Enjoy Everyone and please don't Flame this Story because I have Diva OC's holding Guys belts or for any other reason. If you do you will be blocked. So please be respectful and keep your mouth shut. Enjoy Everyone :D :D

Chapter 1

"I hate my job." Laura mumbled as her and John walked in the arena for Raw

"Which one being a wrestler or being the VP of the Divas Division?" John asked as he put an arm around Laura

"The VP of the Divas Division." Laura said as they walked to their locker room. Laura's position gave her power over all the Divas. The reason she got it was because her and John got married in Vegas three weeks ago and this was her dad's (Which is the COO BTW) way of punishing her.

"You know you could have avoided being the VP of the Divas Division if you didn't marry me." John smiled and Laura rolled her eyes

"I would go through fire just to be with you Cena." Laura said as they walked in their locker room and saw the World Tag Team Champions Brandon Hall and Carrie Wilson in there

"Sup guys?" Brandon smiled as Laura and John sat down

"Laura hates her job." John laughed and Laura smacked him upside the head

"That's nothing new."Brandon laughed as Raw started and Paul (HHH) was already in the ring

"Does Raw always have to start with my dad?" Laura asked

"I thought the McMahons' and the Levesques' had big egos." Brandon said

"We do not have big egos right Lacey?" Laura asked her ego "Lacey said nope."

"Laura people who name their egos have big ones." Brandon said

"Oh who asked you?" Laura said pretending to snap at him

"Well off topic I'm in a match with Jay (Christian) tonight." Carrie said sitting back

"How so?" John asked

"Jay wanted one more match before Hell in the Cell so Hunter decided to have him face me." Carrie said relaxing "But Vickie has to face Adrianna tonight and Dolph has to face Zack and Karla in a handicap match. You know what this means right?"

"Dolph will be gone from the WWE after this match?" John asked

"No Karla will be on Z True Long Island Story before me." Carrie said crossing her arms and pouting and everyone in the room just rolled her eyes

"Hey who's the new Girl?" Laura asked pointing at a blonde headed girl wearing a Black Long Sleeved Shirt, Black Skinny Jeans and Black Heels.

"Let's ask." Carrie said as her and Laura got up and went to the new girl "Excuse me are you new here?"

"Yeah I'm looking for a Laura Cena." The girl said

"That's me." Laura smiled as she shook the girl's hand "Laura Levesque Cena at your service."

"Nice to meet you I'm Stacy Laurinatus." The girl smiled shaking Laura's hand

"Hold up hold up Laryngitis has a Daughter?" Brandon asked in shock

"Hey don't you dare talk about my dad like that!" Stacy yelled "He is a very powerful man!"

"Ok ok sorry." Brandon said softly as he sat down

"Hey you didn't have to yell at him." Laura told Stacy "That was rude."

"I don't care." Stacy said "You see not only am I the Co VP of the Divas Division but soon I'll make sure you're out of this position Laura. You see you're too young and inexperienced to be an authority figure."

"Excuse me?" Laura asked "Look I don't even want this job but I don't want you to have it even more."

"Well then let the games begin." Stacy smirked as she walked away

"Well as much as I hate this." Laura said taking a deep breath "Time to get serious."

"We'll get her out in no time." Carrie growled softly

"Thanks." Laura said walking back in and sitting down

"Anytime." Carrie said as she got ready for her match against Jay tonight

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this chick?" Laura asked

"She's Laryngitis's daughter and she wants you out of the VP position." Brandon said

"And she'll sound like she'll do anything to get it." John said

"Well I'll show her why I'm the daughter of the game." Laura growled as Carrie left for her match

"That's a scary thought right there." Brandon said "And you haven't showed your scary side yet."

"I haven't had a chance to yet."Laura said sitting down "I only showed my funny side."

"And it is funny." Brandon smiled as Carrie's match started

"You guys really think so?" Laura asked

"You did show why you're Hunter's daughter." John smiled

"I live to make my dad proud…most of the time." Laura smiled as Carrie won her match "Awesome like always."

"It is the great Carrie Wilson after all." WWE Champion Brooke Warner said from the door way

"Damn right she is." Laura smiled as a unfamiliar theme played and Stacy came out

"Who's she?" Brooke asked

"Stacy Laurinatus." Laura said "The new Co VP of the Divas Division along with me."

"Who gave her that position?" Brooke asked

"I'll give you one guess. Her Dad is in charge of the talent around here."

"Why am I not surprised?" Brooke asked sounding annoyed "Hey why is Mark Henry out there?"

"Second Woman to hold the WWE Championship say what?" Laura asked running to the TV "Looks like Laryngitis Jr. Put her in this match."

"Why would she do that?" Brooke asked

"She's a bitch that's why." Laura said as Mark won the match and started beating on Carrie "Brooke, Brandon and John go save her now! I'll have a talk with Stacy."

"Got it." Brandon said as he, Brooke and John ran out to the ring and Laura went to look for Stacy

"Hey Stacy what's the deal with what you did to Carrie?" Laura asked angrily as she walked up to Stacy

"Simple I wanted to congratulate her." Stacy smiled

"By putting her against an opponent that Brooke could hardly beat?" Laura asked in shock

"Yeah basically." Stacy smiled

"Make one more bad decision and you will pay." Laura growled as she walked away from Stacy "Why do I have a feeling that she will?" She asked herself as she walked back in her locker room "You're alive." She smiled at Carrie

"Yeah I really owe these three." Carrie smiled

"Hey anything to help the great Carrie Wilson." Brooke smiled

"Well I'll make sure Stacy doesn't do something like this again." Laura said

"Why is Stacy putting Carissa in a 3 on one Diva handicap match facing The Divas of Doom and Tonya Ryan?" Brandon asked pointing at the TV

"That's it!" Laura yelled as she walked out to meet up with Stacy "Laurinatus I had it. Nobody puts my best friend in a 3 on 1 handicap match and gets away with it!"

"What are you going to do huh?" Stacy asked smirking

"You and me. Hell in a Cell match at Hell in a Cell for my Divas Championship." Laura growled

"Bring it." Stacy growled getting in her face

"Oh I will and I'll show you why I'm the daughter of the Game." Laura growled getting in her face

Me: Oh snap a Divas Hell In A Cell match? Stacy has gotten herself in too deep on her first night already. What will happen at Hell In a Cell? Read and Review Everyone :D :D