See him, see Zim! Want Zim, kill Gaz. Want Zim, kill Gaz. Gaz bad! Gaz bad, want Zim. Want Zim, kill Tenn. Want Zim, kill Tenn. Tenn bad! Tenn bad, want Zim.
Smeet! Smeet, smeet, smeet, smeet, SMEET! Want smeet! Tak want smeet! Zim smeet! Tak smeet! ZimTak smeet! TakZimsmeet! TakDibsmeet? DibTaksmeet? No, ZimTaksmeet! Yes… ZimTaksmeet.

"Gaz, he didn't mean it. Honestly; he's just upset, give him a few days and he'll be all right," Skoodge reassured. It didn't make Gaz feel better in the slightest.
"No, he meant it. Didn't you hear him? He never wants to see me again," she said, crying. Skoodge put his arm around her, pulling her close to him.
"Don't worry; I'll take care of this. I'll make it all better,"
"No. No, we'll go see Zim. If we can get him to talk to us, it might be OK…"

Zim house. Tak at Zim door. Hit door, door open. 'Welcome home, son!' robots say. Stupid robots, not Zim. Tak see Zim! 'ZIM!' Tak yell. Zim look at Tak. ZIM LOOK AT TAK! 'Tak?' he say.
"Welcome home, son!" the robo-parents said as someone enters.
"ZIM!" someone yelled, and Zim turns to see Tak standing there, her uniform disheveled, her skin dirty, and a strange, maddening look in her eyes.
"Tak? What are you doing here?" Zim said, but Tak seemed unresponsive, except at her name. Tak took a step forward, grinning like a madman.
"Tak want smeet," she said. Zim looked at her, puzzled. "Tak want Zim smeet," Zim looked at her, still puzzled, but it dawned on him what she meant.
"Tak, you can't be serious!" Zim said, taking a large step backwards. "You have no idea what that would mean!" But she seemed utterly unresponsive again, only reacting to her name.
"Tak want Zim smeet!" she said, now running after him. Zim activated his spider legs, climbing up into the wire-tangle ceiling. Tak simply stood under him, slightly confused, looking up at him.
"COMPUTER! GET RID OF TAK!" Zim yelled, panicking slightly.
"Hmmm… no," it said in response, instead lowering a few video cameras.
"Like that. No. Prime Directive means, on top of what you know, that I don't have to obey you anymore. At all; I could kill you if I felt like it. However, I have found a black market for Irken… well, it's not organs, but it's something only Irkens can give. That's why I need the cameras. Better footage, better cash,"
"YOU'RE INSANE!" Zim yelled, having experienced enough human culture to understand what the computer was selling.
"No, I'm just smart. I can get a few new parts, a software upgrade or two, and be better equipped to serve the next Irken," the computer said, scoffing if it could. By that point Tak had remembered her own spider legs and grabbed Zim's foot, pulling him to the ground. Zim rolled onto his back, but Tak was on top of him immediately.
"ZIMTAKSMEET!" she yelled, her eyes crazed and unaligned. She ripped off Zim's uniform, pressing herself down onto him.
"Tak, don't! This is a really, really bad idea! You will DIE!" Zim said, and Tak seemed to respond to 'die'. She hesitated slightly, and then went back to ripping off Zim's entire uniform and taking her own off. Suddenly there was a sound from the front door as it opened.
"…Zim? Are you OK now?" Gaz said, and she gasped as she saw a half-naked Tak lying on a completely naked Zim. She began to cry and tremble. She clenched her fists as tears rolled down her face.
"Gaz?" Skoodge said, and he opened the door wider to see what Gaz was crying about. He was taken back when he saw the scene. "Gaz, don't do this! Don't do this," he said, but he didn't really mean it.
"Oh, please let me explain before you kill me," Zim begged, but no one listened to him.
"Zim… Tak… I'm going to kill you two," Gaz said like it was the easiest thing in the world, despite large tears streaming down her face.

So, what's with the italics in the opening paragraph? It indicates Tak's thoughts, which are horribly broken. Like not working at all. Now, what was the computer hoping to videotape? Well, here's a hint; it's been a popular thing since beings first became hermaphrodites. Don't know what that is? Pay a little more attention in Biology class :E

Anyways... setting myself up for a really big fight scene. Again. I have a tendency to do that. Also, one last thing. I know I keep saying this, but someone really will die. Someone will be dead by the end of the next chapter, and don't think I'm done with the Tallest. So... yeah, that's it, review please! I love the reviews. I love them good!