A/N: just a little peter pan / wendy fluff. yay fluff. ah like fluff.


Wendy was walking along the jungle path to the Lost Boys' hut and every once in a while she would stoop down to pick up a fruit that had fallen from her basket.

"Wendy, come play with me!"

She jumped and the basket tumbled to the ground. Wendy looked around and spotted Peter in the air about twenty feet above her.

"Oh, Peter! You startled me!" she said. Wendy knelt down to gather the fruits into the basket again.

"Wendy, do come!" Peter swooped down to playfully grab her hair before flying upwards again.

"There's a delightful rainbow over the mountain and we can fly through it and get Tink to come and-" He chattered on as he landed next to Wendy's basket.

Wendy emerged red-faced from under a thorn bush with a bruised passion fruit in her hand.

"Peter, I can't, I'm sorry. I have to collect these fruits, sweep the hut, change the bedding, and mend Michael's teddy bear again. I can't, Peter, I just can't."

He picked a thorn from her hair and tilted her face towards his.


"Peter, no, I-"

He kissed her.


The fruits wilted and gathered flies. The day wore on and the sun soon chased away any rainbow there might have been. The basket remained half empty and awaited its owner to return.