When In Doubt Live Without

Summary: Inuyasha is married to Kikyo he has two kids a 5-year-old named Shippo and a 6-month-old little girl named Kanna. Kikyo is a very abusive mean woman who doesn't care who she hurts; she suddenly leaves Inuyasha and the kids one day to live with Naraku. Now that she's gone Inuyasha needs a babysitter, who else could do it but Kagome! Who has a 4-year-old daughter Rin, is single and has no job. How will things turn out when she knows her best friend and his kids are being beat up and forgotten by their so-called mother and wife?

Chapter 1

Inuyasha sighed as he started cleaning out on of his wounds. No he did not get into a fight or hurt himself this was caused by one of his closest friends, his wife, his mate; Kikyo. Ever since they had their daughter Kikyo has turned bitter, she tries to beat up their kids and when Inuyasha defends them she goes after him instead. This is how his freshest wound came to be his wife hit him with a knife, he was only protecting his kids who were in their room crying right at this moment. Inuyasha is a half demon and Kikyo is a miko and even though Inuyasha could kill her with one swipe of his claw he couldn't, not to his wife, not to the mother of his children, not to a woman.

He sighed as he threw the washcloth he was using in the laundry basket and left the bathroom. He slowly made his way to the bedroom his kids shared and sighed as he grabbed the knob of the door. He slowly opened the door he heard whimpering from the closet and saw his daughter sitting up in her crib. He walked over to the closet and sighed, "Shippo! You in there buddy? Come on it's okay no one is gonna hurt you."

Slowly the door to the closet opened and Shippo came out and snuggled to his father's legs. "Why does Mama not like us Papa?"

"Don't say that Shippo your Mama loves us she's just confused and sick right now, don't worry everything will be okay."

Shippo nodded, "Papa can I stay in here until supper, I don't want to make Mama mad."

"Of course you can, I'll call you when supper's ready okay?" Shippo nods and Inuyasha puts him down and walks out of the room.

As he walked down stairs he noticed that Kikyo wasn't there he went up to their room to see that she was packing a suitcase.

"Kikyo what's going on?"

"I'm leaving Inuyasha and I'm not coming back"

"…But… Why?"

"Because I hate you and I found someone else…you can keep the kids they'll only slow me down"

And with that Kikyo was gone and Inuyasha was a single parent with no help and a broken heart…

Kagome just got back from a very long day at work; she got fired and now has to find a job to support her 4-year-old daughter. Her mother usually watches her daughter Rin until she's off in the evening. When she got home her mom met her at the door.

"Hi honey how was work?"

"I got fired"

"Oh but what are you gonna do for money?"

"I'll need to find a new job"

"Well that boy Inuyasha put up these flyers for a nanny if you want to check that out"

"Inuyasha? My friend from high school? I thought her was married?"

"He was honey but she left him"

"Oh then I might check that out then maybe I can spend the day with Rin too so you wouldn't have to watch her."

Once Kagome got into the house with her mother Rin tackled her to the ground smiling bigger then her heart might stand. She looked up at Kagome "Mommy, Mommy guess what I did today?"

"Oh Rin sweetie what did you do?"

"I went to the park and then I got a kitty shaped balloon from a clown!"

"Oh wow your one lucky girl then"

Back With Inuyasha…

It's been a few weeks since Kikyo left, Inuyasha had put up some flyers for nannies and so far had no luck, he gave them all a chance for a day or two but the kids didn't like them and Inuyasha didn't trust them. He wanted to give up but he knew he couldn't he needed someone watching the kids he didn't trust daycares and he couldn't do it himself. Then when he was just about to give up there was a knock at the door he went over and sighed before he opened the door.

When he opened the door he saw the most beautiful woman he ever saw "Yes and what can I do for you?"

"Inuyasha do you remember me? It's Kagome we used to hang out in high school."

"Oh Kagome! What are you doing here?"

"I was here for the nanny job is it already filled or do I still have a chance?"

"You may have a chance… come in"

Kagome walked into the house as Inuyasha led her to the living room ready for the questions to begin. Inuyasha went to the kitchen and came back with a glass of water for both of them.