A/n: So this is the new story. Just kind of popped into my head last night. I'm struggling with my other story, Abby's Birthday. So for anyone reading that one, I'm sorry. I just really can't seem to think of how to end it, and I want it to be good.
Any way, I hope everybody likes this one! :D
Summary: Gibbs shows up, unexpectedly, on Jenny's doorstep; and in his wildest dreams, he never expected to find what he does. Secrets are revealed. Some good, and some, not so much. And it all starts with two little girls that look just like her.
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Still…
Gibbs parked his navy car across the street from Jenny's Georgetown brownstone, and stepped out of the car, locking it behind him. He was not entirely sure how much she would want to talk to him after their tiff earlier that day, but in order to close their case, he needed her to sign off on a file that she had missed. That, he told himself, was the reason he was sprinting through the pouring rain to her front door at 2000.
By the time he reached her doorstep, he was drenched in rain, his hair plastered to his forehead.-Oh yeah. He was definitely doing all of that just to get a file signed.
He held his hand up, ready to ring the doorbell, when he heard screams from inside. He pulled his firearm out of its holster at his side, and readied himself before the splintering of wood could be heard as he kicked the door open.
Jenny screamed, instinctively grabbing the little girl she had been chasing through the hall into her arms.
Gibbs took in the scene, confusion temporarily flickering across his features. Jenny stood in front of him, looking as if she had gotten ready for bed, wearing a pair of black, cotton shorts, and a bright green tank top, despite the expression on her face. It was a mixture of shock and bewilderment, but was slowly morphing into murderous. Her red hair was pulled into a low ponytail that had swung over her shoulder in her previous actions, and she was holding a red headed little girl who looked a lot like-
His thoughts were interrupted when Jenny hissed at him, "Jethro!" eyeing him incredulously. "Put that away," she demanded, and it was only then that he realized his weapon was still drawn. He re-holstered his weapon, and she seemed to exhale a breath of relief. Her expression was short lived, and her previous look of anger reclaimed its place on her face ."What the hell is wrong with you?" she spat, taking in the damage to her front door.
"I heard screaming. What the hell did you expect me to do?"
"You have a key!" she reminded him exasperatedly, "I think that qualifies under the term 'for emergencies.' Which is why you have the key!"
He remembered that small detail, and stayed silent.
"What are you doing here Jethro?"
It was then that he remembered his reason for coming. He pulled the file out from under his jacket, and held it out to her. "Need you to sign it."
"So…you came all the way here. In the rain. To have me sign a file that could easily have waited until tomorrow?" she inquired of him skeptically.
"Yeah. So can you sign it? Since I, like you said, came all he way out here in the rain?"
"Yeah right," she scoffed, snatching the file from him, unable to refrain from cracking a small smile. Once she had calmed down some she noticed just how drenched he was, as it was manifesting itself in puddles on her floor. "Jethro you're dripping all over my floor!" she sighed. "Stay here," she ordered, retreating up the stairs.
Gibbs did as he was told, and as such, was standing in the exact same spot when a little girl with tanned skin, dark red curls, and bright green eyes, ran into the hall. She stopped in front of Gibbs, eyeing him curiously, before grinning cheerfully. "Hi!" she greeted him, "I'm Adriana." She then clamped a hand over her mouth, her expression that of someone who had done something terribly wrong. "I'm not supposed to talk to strangers," she whispered, and Gibbs laughed.
At that moment, Jenny reappeared at the top of the stairs, the younger girl still latched onto her neck. The elder one, standing next to Gibbs, looked abashed, and she looked up to the older red head. "Is it okay to talk to him?" she asked, pointing to the silver haired man behind her.
"Adriana don't point," Jenny scolded, but laughed, "But yes. You can talk to him."
This made Adriana grin, and she spun back to face Gibbs, setting off in a whirl wind of words. She was talking a mile a minute, and he could hardly understand her. In fact, she very much reminded him of Abby; Abby after three Caf-Pows.
Jenny chuckled as she approached him, knowing the child, who had kindly been described as social, would not be stopping for quite some time. She handed him a black towel, which he took gratefully, and dried his hair and face somewhat.
He watched as the little girl in Jenny's arm whispered in her ear, and Jenny grinned, nodding.
The little girl, who Gibbs assumed to be about three, turned to him and asked, "Do you like Jen-Jen?"
Gibbs looked to Jenny who was grinning mischievously, and unabashedly. "Not really," he replied, and Jenny looked at him in shock, and punched him in the arm. "She's okay I suppose."
Jenny sent him a mock glare, and he smirked, keeping his attention trained on the little girl in her arms. "Why?"
"'Cause if you like her, then you do stuff for her. Wight?"
"Depends. What does Jenny want me to do?" he asked, knowing perfectly well that it was not Jenny who wanted something.
"She wants ice cweam. Stwabewwy."
"Strawberry ice cream? Isn't she allergic to strawberries?"
The little girl grinned. "Oh yeah. She said chocolate."
"Well that sounds like her. Maybe if she's nice I'll bring her some," he replied, humoring the child.
She turned to Jenny very seriously, and said, "Be nice," sending Jenny into a fit of laughter.
"I'll try," Jenny managed, and set the little girl on the ground, "Go play," she said nudging her gently. She called after the children, addressing Adriana, "Adriana watch her!"
"Kay," Adriana called back, running into the living room.
"Come on," Jenny said, heading up the stairs, intending for him to follow.
She headed into her bedroom, and moved for her dresser. She pulled out the second drawer, and rummaged through the clothes there until she found what she was looking for. She pulled out an NIS t-shirt, and a pair of sweatpants, and tossed them on the bed, looking up at him. "You can wear these. I think they should fit. Bring me your wet clothes, and I'll put them in the dryer."
He nodded, picking up the clothing. He smirked, realizing that they looked very familiar. "Hey Jen," he called, and she stopped in the doorway, turning to face him expectantly. "You know I used to have some just like these," he said, holding up the clothes, "Lost 'em though."
"Hmm, imagine that," she mused, grinning at him, and continued down the hall.
Gibbs exited Jenny's room ten minutes later, in the clothes that still fit despite his minute weight gain. He picked up on the music blasting throughout her house, unusual in the normally silent domain. He jogged down the stairs, stopping at the doorway in the living room, taking in the sight before him. Jenny danced around the living room with Adriana, and the other little girl, whose name he had yet to learn. She picked the little girl up, swinging her around, sending her into fit of giggles.
Gibbs had been so immersed in watching them; he never saw Jenny so carefree anymore. She never smiled anymore, not really; it never seemed to reach her eyes. He did not notice it when she noticed him until she set the little girl on the ground, and headed in his direction.
She smiled, reaching for his wet clothes, eyeing the dry ones satisfactorily. "They fit okay?" she asked, already walking across the living room, heading for, what he assumed, was the laundry room.
She nodded, searching around for her dryer sheets, only to groan at remembering they were in the top cabinet. Why she had put them there, she had no idea. She climbed up onto the washing machine, knowing perfectly well that Gibbs had a very nice view of her butt. She moved to get down, and shrieked as she lost her balance. She toppled over backwards, expecting to meet the floor, only to fall into the strong arms of Leroy Jethro Gibbs.
"You alright?" he inquired in concern, and she nodded shakily.
"I'm fine," she assured him as he set her on her feet, "That thing always has been a little wobbly. Add that with my immaculate sense of balance and you're just asking for disaster," she joked, and grabbed his clothes from the top of the dryer, and tossed the clothes inside.
He was silent for some time, while she grabbed her towels from the washer, tossing them in with his things, before he spoke from behind her. "They yours?" he asked, referring to the children in the other room.
She spun to face him in shock, but soon recovered, shaking her head. "No."
"They look just like you Jen," he contradicted her pointedly.
She opened her mouth to speak again, only to be cut off by keys in her door, and the small squeals from the other room.
"I'll explain later," she whispered, walking off into the next room.
He shook his head, following behind her.
A/n: I hope you liked it guys :) Review please!